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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian

    This came out when I was locked up lol. The little morning video countdowns were lit 🔥 you'd have people arguing for shower time after watching the bitches dancing 🤣
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian deftones are way better than tool

    they love each other very much
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  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    I remember back in 2018 I was riding your daddy in the back of his old pickup truck under a sky blanketed with stars ⭐️
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I feel like a Curdeory ]Boy

    Please firmly grasp my testicles and squeeze them until I scream in a blood curdling fashion
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. I'm kinda deplored at how my mom and the vet treated the one who died. They took it, injected it with an antiinflammatory, and antibiotic and a "multivitamin" and left it in a box, despite it being 8°C below normal body temperature.

    The logical thing to do was soak it in warm water to raise its temperature and give it saline, glucose, and actually keep it alive.

    The vet charged €46, the lambs cost €25 each. We're getting ripped off by them. They only care about justifying their fee with their magical prescription only injections that don't actually do anything. Like what sort of a retard bothers to inject a hypothermic lamb with antibiotics, but doesn't bother to raise it's core body temperature? It's all about money, it's all a big con.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. I bought three baby lambs to eat the lawn. Two got sick from aspiration pneumonia and one died in my mom's care while I was at work. The remaining one is doing sort of OK, but only surviving because I give her lots of honey and butter and brandy. I think she deliberately keeps coming inside to the house to get the honey and butter and brandy and to lie in the dog's basket.
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  7. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nobody seems to have any decencies anymore these days.

    The pedophile has spoken folks.
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  8. just got Home from mynew bar. probabaky as big as ur kitxhen, only 6 stools. if i were an author worth half a shit,id have ordered drinks in a place like this
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  9. WellHung Black Hole
    Whistling while I work
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  10. D-Bonglord Tuskegee Airman
    If a retarded child can destroy a tank or airplane with nothing but a slingshot

    Is that child a terrorist or do you just suck at building 🤔
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by D-Bonglord Bigly claims

    Like the electrician being stolen by Biden

    he needs not only the names of the reporters to call upon in a press conference but their photos in case he forgets who they are

    along with the peer-reviewed question they're going to ask and what answer to give
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. D-Bonglord Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny real man starts a class action law suit.

    small claims court are for small men.

    Big claims court
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  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny real man starts a class action law suit.

    small claims court are for small men.

    Um class action lawsuits are for groups of people not individuals dumbo...only simps worry about others problems.
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  14. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny at the time used car inventories are piling up and banks are having credit crunch ?

    Used car inventories are NOT piling up

    "Used vehicle inventory is down 21% from a year ago and off a whopping 26% from pre-pandemic levels of 2.8 million available vehicles in 2019."

    Maybe those rickshaws in Chingchongia are but right now Used cars are costing people premium $$$

    And credit crunch? If you mean higher interest rates that drives new car buyers TOWARDS used cars...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    So back in 2011 I turned 18. In 2010 I was accepted into Marquette Business School, a private college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In september of the same year I crashed my vehicle after driving my girlfriend home, the other occupant was my boy , he was 16 at the time and I was 17. Because of this I was waived into adult court me being 17 made me an adult, him being 16 made him a juvenile. I was hit with a felony count of DUI 1 with injury to a passenger under the age of 18.

    In Wisconsin, you can actually be waived into adult court for hurting a minor that is older than you are. Kinda bizarre but ok.

    So I was revoked on my permission to attend Marquette, I opted for the best business school in the state which was UW-Whitewater and I attended two semesters. This is when I entered Zoklet and began my friendship with this community. I was upon the beginning of my third semester arrested for drug trafficking related to the involvement I had with our community. I was arrested on external incitements, btw. RCVBRADLEYB93.

    So I got out and I've had a lackluster life since, what I Thought would be the greatest thing since sliced Brad, was kinda shit. Caught another bid.

    Now I haven't been in a lick of trouble for couple years. Not gonna lie I"m approaching 30 and I hate myself,

    Figure could be a lot worse. For one I'm alive, so that's really really good (for me).

    Pretty much hate riptotse and every other person who cals up to make statements about peopel they barely know because they a straight up snitch. But it is what it is.

    I'm happy despite my self hatred. I have a really good sex life, got good money well not good but like enoguh for me to feel is good, pretty much isolated myself from every piece of shit I know, have a lot of hate in my heart, my left eyeball hurts a lot, especially when it gets too much sun. Kinda fucked up how it hangs a lil lower now, not in a way you'd recognize upon viewing, but a way you recognize if it's your face.

    Thought I had erectile dysfunction like Wariat. I don't. Just don't like dude booty & gay shit anymore. Kinda tired of it. A couple hundred men will do that to you. Kinda want a wife.

    But what the fuck do I have to offer? Constant talking, stable (but minimal) income, kinda like a piece of shit problem, alcoholism, and I put hands on most people I love.

    I know I"m a piece of shit, and I never, ever thought I would see 30. Truthfully I didn't think I would ever see 18. Now all my people have dropped like flies. Not dropping like flies, but like they mostly all dead already, or sober and moved away and have families.

    I Want that for myself but honestly. I really couldn't give a fuck less.

    I hope paul wozny is doing good in Hell.
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  16. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats exudes

    Discharge, like vaginal discharge..everyone is intimidated by that especially when it's a greeny/yellow color
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  17. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    I'm taller end of story
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, the article includes a photo of niggers doing lines off of the faceplate someone's smashed off of some touch screen kiosk

    ghettopunk wakanda

    (would embed the image but it's some wacky format and downloading converting it is too much effort)

    "It's not a substance made for us to consume," Yela said. "Are we engines, or are we humans?"
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  19. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    You don't know how desperate men can get for a whiff of pussy, Sudo.
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  20. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    yeah hes a cop caller
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