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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. filtration African Astronaut
    If she wants to move on great, I'll smash lots of tight cunny. I'm gonna better my life, better than yours... won't let me or my family see my kid? Fuck you then, I'll make more...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I used to be a devout racist, now I'm only an anti semite. My favorite part is when I talk to educated blacks or like la raza focused mexicans or other white people and I explain why the jedis are the enemy of all living people and do my best to first make sure they know that jedis are NOT white people, i have probably taught this to a couple hundred men mostly while incarcerated probably a third of those people were non White.

    it's like hating pedophiles or thieves, you don't need to be any typaperson to hate these type of people, just read a book and figure out why EVERY people who has lived next to the jedi has sought to remove the jedi.

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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, they blocked the service roads so nobody could respond and left traps on the hiking trails when they left
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by lockedin true or troll?

    troll. The (likely) true story is that it was pwp. I don't remember the specifics so don't quote me on it but I believe they were actually working together on some construction project, like a playground or something lol. Maybe I'm misremembering stuff, I can ask panny who has a better recollection of how everything went down.

    But pwp bragged about it for a while on TC. Something like that. Or at least claimed to have done it but I guess there isn't definitive proof. And it wasn't done on purpose but yeah he hadn't done H in a long time and then he finally relapsed and overdosed right away.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'd just like to state that I wasn't very close to any of these people (thankfully, otherwise I would've been extra sad)

    Mark (it's mark311xtc for the record) was actually the first one I experienced after joining the community and I kinda "vibed" with his nonchalant attitude for a bit, I guess this would've been early 2014? It was sort of around the time he became mod of some subforum on zoklet, I can't remember which one tbh. He banned someone or a few people, probably just for the sake of it because he was a mod and wanted to experience the PoWeR. It's sort of cheesey but looking back it's just kinda wholesome and we were all much younger, so I get it. He kept referring to it as 'dropping the ban hammer' and it was sort of a cringe "meme" for a short while. He also started coming to TINYCHAT for a bit around that time, just drinking and smoking with the crew and opening up a little bit, and you could always tell he just kinda wanted to fit in, shoot the shit.. he reminded me of myself in a few ways and I recall having some fun banter with him on the forums and in TC, but I was never really like CLOSE with him or talked to him in any fashion ever outside of zoklet/TC. I think I may have added him on Facebook at one point (Mark Cooper?)

    But yeah it was around that time that he was on TC and we had just had a fun Saturday night, and then it was like the next Saturday that we all found out about him dying (I don't rember who broke the news) and it was just weird.. it was actually kinda solemn for a while on TC and it felt pretty surreal, considering we had just seen him and talked to him and he was his usual jovial laughing good-natured self, and then he was just...gone.

    Things went back to normal fairly quickly but I guess that was my introduction to this world of people dying and killing themselves over the years to come. I had even made a special cringy little avatar for him that I still around somewhere (I'll try to find it later).

    Anyway I was just gonna mention that I didn't really know any of these dudes all that well and then I went on about Mark so I suppose you can use some of that for his part if it comes down to it.

    I have things to add about the others but I have to go for now.
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  6. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  7. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  8. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo Nobody cares what you have to say about it, you're consistently negative about everything and have a shitty boring, brown personality. If you have some pictures of users that'd be cool but other than that sit down and suck a dick

    Then write their obits yourself.

    They can be included in an addendum with the disclaimer "this part was written by Sudo, an inferior writer than the author of the rest of this document, SEGA Nigger Drive".

    Idgaf what you do. I'm only writing about the ones on NIS. Get over it.
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  9. Maybe there could be like a little flower shop, where you can buy a single flower to lay on the virtual headstone.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I gotta say, Octavian, you have the worst tact in the world if you seriously wanted this to happen.

    "You Lanny you should seriously do this stuff for us. I really wanna see it happen and won't put in ANY effort myself, but you, guy who hosts this site for 5+ years and has a multitude of responsibilities, you should do this for ME because I want it.


    but anyway so yeah Lanny, please, pal, do this for me? I'll give you 5 dollars so I have to do NOTHING. That's how much this means to me, pal.


    so yeah, thanks Lanny. I'll be busy not contributing anything effort wise toward the thing I want. I appreciate you mayn. "

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  11. Just back from Kyiv. It's still normal there.

    The lads in the east getting ready to kick off is very concerning, but there's not much anyone can do. As far as I can tell both the separatists and the nationalists are the scum of the earth, and the fighting is being done mostly by crazy hot heads and neo-nazi types. Both sides have a bunch of different militias going on and they are largely being funded by jedis (the irony). The whole thing is very unpredictable, and I hope the national governments can stay out of it and just let them slaughter each other. However the media is very much pushing for war.

    The hot take on how World War I was started is basically that the wire services started informing events with news which was rife with jingoism and chauvism - on both sides. They took minor events and escalated them in the public consciousness until both sides were braying for war. There were different wire services in different countries, but they were all run by a small group of jedis who knew each other - Havas in France, Wolff in Germany, Reuters in Britain. They all trafficked in the same paranoia, chauvinism and fear.
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So the static pages like "about" are actually rendered with bbcode renderer, same thing we use for every post on the site, so if someone (maybe Sudo?) just writes a post with names and whatever commentary on each poster I can easily drop that into the about page.

    This has come up a couple times, there's nothing that needs to be paid for, not sure where that came in, someone just needs to take the time to write something. I didn't know a lot of the people who've died very well so I really can't say much beyond malice and taking a fat shit on Bill Krozby's e-grave.

    Also oct, chill out little bromo, the reason I've never made a memorial page is that people is that, as mentioned, no one has taken the time to actually write what they'd want to put on there. Go take 10 minutes out of shitposting and pulling candy's pigtails to sit down and be the change instead of griping about my responsiveness and waving $20 around like it's a golden ticket. Honestly not trying to dick measure here but like look up what it costs to hire someone like me to write software. You are never going to incentivize me to work on the forum with money. IDK, I can never tell if you have cash or blow it all on drugs and child support or what but even if you did have the means to put up that kind of money, you'd be fucking retarded if you tried to pay me market rate to work on this forum. It'd be like hiring a surgeon to cut your steak for you.
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed and had to go to a psych ward for 3 days all because I took too many kpins and they thought I was trying to kill myself, when in reality I just forgot how many I took earlier and kept eating them. Stupid fucking towel head doctors.


    I remember 'waking up' from a blackout mid-step running away from hospital, faceplanting and making a bloodsplosion

    I wish I still had the photo of me being leather-strapped to a guerney and wheeled back into the hospital giving a thumbs-up with blood trailing behind it

    was probably around 10 years ago and prompted me to slow down on the drinking
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  14. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by aldra I remember waking up one time on the floor with a cat pawing at me, wondering why I couldn't see properly

    I was wearing a horse mask half full with vomit

    I woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed and had to go to a psych ward for 3 days all because I took too many kpins and they thought I was trying to kill myself, when in reality I just forgot how many I took earlier and kept eating them. Stupid fucking towel head doctors.
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  15. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    God damn Mr lata u r a creep. If u took a pic of me eating I'd immediately take my pants off and shit into my own hand and chuck it at you after u watched me take a giant bite of a turd.
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  16. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer You're just mad the main girl is designed to be unattractive.

    I didn't think it was that bad. Def didn't feel like 2 hours, and I've had to sit through some 70 minute movies that felt like 3 hours.

    Yeah but you're a full time paedophile so that's understandable.

    Originally posted by Wariat whats wrong with it? not every family has to be white.

    Shut up, Nonce.
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  17. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut

    (This is Oct)
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Silver Fox 7172 Were getting closer to end times. it will never be the same.

    Truckers tooting their Jericho trumpets
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  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Rough draft, anyone who kicks ass at web development can take it from here, but we have a solid start. Also i realize NiS is written with Django but IIRC if we have a HTML file, Lanny can just plonk it on the server and point a link to it and it should work just fine.

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