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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Half-life
    Approximately 11–12.5 hours for immediate-release preparations; approximately 11–16 hours for extended-release tablets.

    Half lives are compounded not one half, then the other half

    Edit: I just looked it up and it appears Xanax stays in your system for a shorter period than other benzos (4 days to a week)
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra why do you think any of this is true

    I can give you a few good Russian telegram channels if you want to see what they talk about's a month into the invasion with no major victories, all estimates have 5-10% of Russian front line troops KIA with 2 or 3 times the number wounded. Troops are spread thin af and making very limited gains. It's extremely easy to tell the war is not going as planned and every objective has hit snags. Haven't been able to encircle kharkiv or advance beyond the outskirts, haven't even officially taken mariupol yet, haven't encircled kharkiv, haven't made it near Odessa, have had tanks and SAM'S captured, have had to call in units from other regions to replace destroyed Russian units, have Ukrainians turning on each other and being pretty galvanized for being a previously fractured and corrupt hellhole, have had to withdraw from areas, leaving equipment behind, logistics failures, lavrov admitting the objectives are no where near met, chechans being unable to coordinate with the Russian army proper, sending 18 year old recruits to the front lines, the international support for Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, no capitulation from Russian speaking areas bordering donbass etc etc etc

    I could go on it's pretty obvious it's not going as planned and any path to a quick and decisive victory would require a huge effort, cost and risk for Russia, which they're unlikely to attempt unless it's absolutely necessary (massive airstrikes and air dropping tens of thousands of troops from Eastern russia) so its basically a war of attrition at this point and Ukraine doesn't seem to care much for the civilian cost.

    There isn't going to be any 3 pronged lightning advance and troops aren't going to successfully siege Kiev. Russia can't afford the manpower necessary to hold the cities it needs to to even get enough troops to successfully take Kiev. A decisive Russian victory will take a long time and have a high cost, militarily, internationally and domestically. I'm not sure how they plan to pull it off because as it stands right now they're obviously frustrated with how things have played out. A peaceful solution is the only way, likely with no NATO, no biolabs, relinquish Crimea and a special autonomous status for donbass. If they're far apart on that deal right now it's going to take a quite a while for them to get closer
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alprazolam takes about 2 and a half days to eliminate from your system.


    Benzos can be in your system for up to a month but since you haven't been using much and take days off it'll probably just be a week. I took a benzo and pissed clean a few days later because my system was so clean but it depends on a few factors. Iirc they're water solvable so u can drink more water/antioxidant beverages and piss it out too
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    90% of Canada lives within 100km of the US border, why would anyone expect there not to be a crunch? That guy's scum tho
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Idk how Russia plans to win, if they do it will have a huge cost and there's no real path to "victory" at the moment. It's becoming increasingly unpopular domestically and ukraine is clearly willing to spitefully starve and sacrifice towns and cities to increase the Russian cost. No where will they be greeted as liberators and will always have a counter insurgency problem with any territory they hold. Idk how they could have been so shortsighted. Russia is running out of good cannon fodder while ukraine has grandmas willing to lay down and die. Just a bad, messy war with autistic objectives. I don't think there's anyone in the world who respects Putin more after this
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Solstice I took a part time gig in an undisclosed processing center where my job was to burn boxes full of Trump ballots all day long for $12/hr.

  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I showed my buddy those articles today and the second one was accompanied with a picture that made my friend say "he looks like a 40 year old crackhead...oh wait that's what he is"
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I voted for Biden at least 7 times, and that was just in wisconsin, if you only knew what I did to the ballot box in Pennsylvania it would make your pillow explode
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Glad to see you copy and pasting again.

    I guess at your age it's more difficult to chew and swallow, especially if it's your pride (insert infinityshock post here)
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ online image hosting

    Is that the same cat from vinnys old avatar?
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Love and sex is racist, ageist, classist, heightist and fat-phobic.

    Everyone wants Chad or Stacy. No one wants MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING.

    Obviously I support banning and canceling the whole thing.

    Most of my relationships have emerged from the drug subculture. That's kind of the issue with modern relationships and the attempt at a conduit for one: if you meet someone on a dating site you're literally seeking out someone as desperate and superficial as you are. The foundation of your relationship is your mutual desperation and the desire for anyone to give you affection

    As the world becomes more technologically advanced and people become more isolated this will only be exacerbated. People are more wary of each other and the idea of hitting on the girl working st the gas station could be met with pepper spray. Be an unapologetic chauvinist and tell every girl you see in person you have a massive cock and can make amazing pancakes and make sure every woman on social media knows the enhancement they're using is designed to give them a small box they can feel pretty in. Sucker punch every guy who's got a manbun too, they're part of the problem
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Why didn't they just airstrike them?
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Ma baby mammer has really stepped up the toxicity since it sunk in she's on her own. Sucks there's kids in the middle and I feel eventually I'll be a full time dad to both of them when she self destructs epically.

    My plan is to help her get settled then rescind support, establish my own stability, preferably with a new partner who has a maximum of one kid, then finish taking her to court and get custody rights.

    I kinda have to put my other effort for custody of my daughter on hold until things are more stable. My daughters mother has a jealous hatred or something of my latest one so I'm hoping when she realizes the situation she relents a bit and gives me an opportunity

    In the meantime besides being a complete piece of shit I'm not doing anything too bad so I think it'll work out as long as I stay the course
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I like how da b000gz are allies of the black man and their plight.

    "Idle no more" was the canative equivalent of BLM but they weren't as well organized and funded and everyone involved was put under government surveillance for the rest of their life
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Tinder is superficial by design so its the worst of everything. Whenever I see a woman even close to my age on a dating site I think "ewww red flag" and rip her up in my mind (why isn't "in my mind" ACRONOMIZED as "IMM"? Star Trek?) despite me being around the same age and with probably twice as many issues.

    Same as when a girl who's 18-20 swipes on me I immediately think there's gotta be alot wrong with her and usually don't message
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Cucker Swanson is a next level scumbag. He is as mainstream as it gets and his whole gimmick is convincing gullible old white people otherwise.

    A good way to tell if someone is amazingly stupid is if they take anything he says seriously.
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Flat Tyre aka Biggie Falls Oh and I started teaching myself German, though I think I should put my main focus on Japanese so I can watch anime without trying to keep up with the subtitles.

    If you can't read fast enough to keep up with 3 frames a minute anime I think you are going to have difficulty learning anything. Maybe try to get your GED first, son
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just fed my son, now I'm gonna eat some perogies, then go pick up a phone I had fixed, then go to the store with the fam, then probably fuck around in my yard for a while or read a book. Got a cold, trying to be good.
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Polecat is a good gont who is easily exploited by YouTube algorithms and monetization policy
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Robin Williams, Prince, Amy Whinehouse, Kurt Cobain, Alex Van Halen, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Elvis, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, the list goes on and on.

    I'll continue the list: Jane mansfield, Tom Petty, Dick Van Dyke, My Grandma, Shannon Hoon, The Big Bopper, Buddy Holly, River Pheonix, Larry King, Selena, Brittany Murphy, Keith Moon, the guy from Joy Division AND THE LIST STILL GOES ON
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