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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think i called an ambulance once or twice and that's about it. why the fuck would you wanna call the pigs for tho?

    'hello pigs can you come and deal with this situation for me coz i'm too much of a pussy to deal with it myself' – fucking lolololo

    oh yea ???

    then why do you call ambulances ??? cant you deal with it yourself ???

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  2. Lanny vs Cup is my new fav thing
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  3. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire U know that pic my main nig narc saved and posted.? It's my phone wallpaper now


    That's not pathetic at all.
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  4. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by Sophie Why the hell do you cluster your desktop items?

    Usually each cluster has a main folder that represents a subject and the items around it are satellites. New items created on the desktop are snapped to a grid, and are therefore very easy to spot amidst the chaos. It's a weird system, I realize, but it's intuitive for me and it sort of works.
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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell You mean like highly educated men like yourself who spend hours getting the right color for heroine so it's a perfect high or placing more importance on pedos rights than the underage kids they kill. If anyone is an idiot it's you junior…LMAO. Still you did make 1 good point…opportunists in media, fashion and music should be punished for using kids to profit from or giving the illusion pedophilia is normal. Instead of ignoring this BS it should be challenged and ironically the worse offenders are connected to the left. I hope your next hit is a rosy one…won't make society better however the different shades may impress the odd drugged up model.

    ok lets get summing straight here, i am definitely not pro pedo. if i thought the justice system could be trusted to come up with a true and fair result then i would be totally fine with executing child killer/rapists. however i know from experience that the justice system cannot be trusted to organize a bunk up in a brothel let alone be trusted to return a fair conviction on anybody. and if even one person is likely to get wrongly executed then nobody should be getting executed in my book. execution doesn't just punish the perpetrator, it punishes their family who have to sit and helplessly watch a loved one put through the execution process. can you even imagine what it must be like for a child having to go through that happening to a parent?

    my take on the pedo situation is that society has it all backwards. i have discussed this on here before but i think it would have been before your time tho jokerell. i'm pretty certain that the big attraction for pedo's to kids is the forbidden fruit aspect, the high risk factor makes for much increased sexual excitement. the risk factor is what drives most deviant and perverse kinks. but if that is the case, then by making it so highly illegal to have sex with kids you are then making sex with kids a highly desirable attraction to those who seek out and get off on the more riskier forms of sexual behavior. its the streisand effect, by attempting to protect something you then go and make it a target. that being said we are now in a situation where we couldn't now just legalize it as many pedophiles perversion is so deeply ingrained they most likely just see children as the object of their affections and don't even consider that it has anything to do with the risk factor anymore. society has created a total catch 22 situation surrounding child sexual abuse.

    but who do you think started it all? yeah that's right, idiots like you who think more legislation is needed to protect everyone from everyone. idiots who are scared fucking stiff of the world they live in. and do you know why you're all so scared? because that fucking media, cnn and fox news and the like, constantly bombarding you with over-hyped scare stories on an hourly basis telling you how scary the world is and making it seem to you like these isolated incidents of things like a child being raped and murdered is something that happens literally on a daily basis in every town and village in the country, making every parent paranoid to fuck. coz parents that are paranoid to fuck are very easy to control, they pay their taxes and do what they're told and don't complain when more draconian laws are passed to 'keep them safe', lol.

    the fact is that laws that are supposedly put in place to protect or solve a problem nearly always cause even more problems in society. or just push the problem underground which makes the problem ten times more dangerous than it ever was in the first place. the irony is that these laws that are supposedly there to protect are actually protecting hardly anyone, just making some people a lot of money and giving them more power. most of these laws are actually harming more people than they are protecting. its fucking ridiculous.

    and btw, fuck yeah i'm gonna spend time getting the color right. when getting that color right is putting £400 a week into my pocket, ya get me fam?

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  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra wyeah, I don't understand it either. I was born in the mid 80s and people my age simultaneously talk shit about 'millenials' and get called 'millenials' by… boomers I guess?

    I was born when the wall fell nigga, i don't feel like a MOON PERSON. 80/90's should be Gen X, 2k should be MOON PERSONs and 2k10+ Gen Z by my fucking reckoning
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Manonfire Sophie a man dude

    If i were my avi and a real 3D girl. I'd be underage anyway.
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  8. EllariaSand African Astronaut
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  9. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    OP, Lala is a very nice just don't understand women. Being rejected so many times I guess it's normal...feeling weak and helpless and wanting revenge always thinking about rape. Learn from your restraining're insane. Get help or take up knitting to calm you down.
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  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Manonfire "Innocents is sexy as u think"

    Wtf is that a real commercial that was broadcasted?

    Dont get what's wrong with the Barbie commercial tho
    Seems like every toy commercial to me

    "The fragrance so innocent it might be the sexiest around"

    Made me lol.
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  11. Originally posted by Lanny I think it's born in the 90s? Like I always see bullshit articles about "MOON PERSONs entering the workforce" so I assume it's people 18 and older at the point.

    “Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.”
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  12. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why you have eyebrows on your upper lip?

    They look so lifelike tho.....

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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by RisiR † What a load of horseshit.

    Where is it accepted to sexualize little girls like that?

    Historically in US advertising. One of the most obvious examples was that "baby soft" deodorant:

    Now admittedly this is a relatively old example, and a real stand-out in terms of obviousness but I think it illustrates the point that young women are not beyond the reach of the "sex sells" paradigm.

    Actually I think the obviousness of that sort of advertising in sexualizing young women almost renders it inert because in retrospect it's so obviously perverse. It's the subtler sorts of advertising, the kinds that are easy for kids and adults alike to passively internalize, that's more insidious. Consider the current "Barbie Fashionista" line of dolls:

    Despite the preppy announcer reassuring us that "you can be anything" at the end one can't help but feel like this is a campaign to sell a fairly narrow set of adult fashion to young girls. This has been a fairly successful line, while you generally wouldn't put your young daughter in adult fashions for obvious reasons this doesn't mean she hasn't learned to want these things through a constant bombardment of advertising telling he she should you can at least buy her a doll to dress up in said fashions. The purpose of these dolls is to satisfy (or foster) childhood interest in adult fashion which obviously rotates about an axis of sexuality and sexual objectification. Socialization is the process of turning children into socially acclimated adults, girls into women, and women in our society are advertised to essentially like the dolls we see in these commercials: blank soulless plastic upon which to plaster rotating fashions that they might appease our (or worse, their own) sense of aesthetics.

    Also notice the inclusion of different skin tones and body shapes. On their website Mattel pitches these dolls as "Barbie Fashionistas Dolls: Curvy, Petite, Tall & Original Barbie Dolls". Notice the physicality here. Despite recent efforts to be more inclusive one can't but feel like this is nothing more than extending the same vapid culture of barbie to new markets. I'm not sure what's worse: being a young women in a culture where mass media doesn't consider your body type attractive or being a young woman in a culture that does and subsequently being reduced to that.

    Young boys are just as much encouraged to fulfill the stereotypes of their sex.

    There's no doubt about that at all, and I think many of those stereotypes are wholly as harmful as those we project upon girls. My point wasn't "girls have it tough so sexualization of boys is OK", my point is that it's amusing that we are only shocked by adolescent sexualization when we see it in boys. I think most of us wouldn't want our daughters/sisters/nieces doing the same thing, but would anyone really be surprised or respond in the same way to a young woman dancing in a similar fashion? I mean you're probably going to say "yes" for the sake of argument go on youtube and see how many videos you can find of pre-pubescent girls vs. boys engaging in this kind of behavior and tell me we don't have different social expectations about it.

    Good looking was never really a male trait until everyone starting recoding themselves all the time and realized how ugly they are compared to the people with the clicks and views and followers.

    Sure, I can get on board with this. Out male stereotypes typically have been far more forgiving in terms of how good looking you have to be to fill the male social role. Look at historical A-list actors vs. actresses. Way more of the women were considered stunning while down right ugly men used to be able to be successful in the highest level of cinema.
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  14. Why you have eyebrows on your upper lip?
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  15. Originally posted by Technologist Rape has nothing to do with sex, it’s about control by using violence.

    Um well it still has something to do with
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  16. Technologist victim of incest
    Rape has nothing to do with sex, it’s about control by using violence. It’s a crime, period! Therefore, the “age of consent” has nothing to do with it.
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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by RisiR † All you do is argue this SJW bullshit nowadays and I usually try to avoid that term. . I don't like people that (basically) exclusively identify with their sexuality…

    I really don't do that anywhere outside of PHM threads (most of the time anyway). He's such a... stereotypical alt-right cuck... and he's been overtly hostile towards me over "my sexuality" or whatever enough times that I basically just play the part to antagonize him. Same with joerell, jigaboo johnson etc. I've totally been on some SJW shit lately, and it's mostly to aggravate those guys. I would barely ever mention being a tranny if it didn't get brought up every time I get into an argument with one of those chucklefucks and make 'em look bad.

    Originally posted by RisiR † Meh, sorry Lucy. Please disregard. My assessment was flawed.

    Don't worry about it. I mean it wasn't entirely flawed. I have been doing exactly what you said lately, but I mostly ain't serious about it. ♥
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    dunno why I'm reading this as you having two dicks with dramatically different lengths but I'm finding that more amusing than you bragging about your one average penis
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My current thoughts are. In no particular order:

    The Mountain Goats - Matthew 25:21 is sad and relatable.

    Joerell, Technologist and a bunch of other DH users are politically il-literate[sic] and have below average intelligence.

    Tomorrow i am getting a shitload of drugs and money. This makes me happy, if only for a little while.

    I need to finish my projects.
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  20. tje2607 Houston [issue my leonine harrier]
    Lick a cattle prod
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