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[Serious] Pedosexuality

  1. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by RisiR † I'm really starting to dislike HTS's faggot ass.

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Sophie…

    "Then we agree."

    Not really…maybe you see Benny differently.

    "If you truly believe pedophilia is a mental illness than how is it fair to say things like: "No worth to society, kill em all!".
    It's not a partisan issue. Besides you didn't really answer my question."

    Whether an individual promotes pedophilia or carries it out it's still a mental illness because the legal intent is to harm an innocent victim. When are you going to stop believing it may be normal…when disturbed individuals start fiddling babies or molesting girl's suffering from Down's Syndrome. For the victim there are no benefits being with or knowing a pedo. Most of if not all pedos are mentally deranged and solutions are easy. Execute the murderers and cure the sociopaths when known by strictly keeping them away from children.

    "Not necessarily but that's a conversation for another day. What i mean to say is, the pedos that rape and kill are a tiny minority within the minority of pedos themselves. The pedos that don't rape and kill they don't get as much press."

    Small regarding those who are caught…yet many cowards hiding or actually involved in crimes we don't even know about. Include prostitution, porn and smuggling it's a pretty lucrative bussiness and all based on using victims. Those who don't rape and kill don't get much press because they hide and are cowards.

    "Calm down. Look, first of all, that's a very slippery slope. Who decides who is deranged, you? Are you the supreme arbiter of divine justice? Wanna kill the faggots too? And people with an IQ below 90, everyone with a mental illness?"

    There is no slippery slope…remove the rights of innocent kids you no longer have a society worth living in. Allowing parasites to blossom serves no purpose and the helpless should come first. Quit implying BS I never said…sick leftists always think like yourself and why values don't exist anymore. If you don't protect the rights of an innocent kid you will be next…ruled by dictators and those who eliminate even good people standing for justice.

    "Even if you consider what is "deranged" as evil, how is it just to use a greater evil(Murder) to get rid of these evils?"

    Dude put down the pipe. LMAO.

    Sociopathy and psychopathy are diseases that kill people. Sometimes psychopaths will rape/kill children. Sometimes they'll rape/kill adults. Like i said, it has nothing in particular to do with pedophilia."

    No sociopathy and psychopathy are mental disorders that can make you kill and rape children, adults or even animals. If progression is not monitored or treated it can create a monster and even individuals who are dormant never lead normal lives. It has everything to do with pedophilia…there are only differing levels of the mental illness. Like I said treat those who are found and execute the ones who have no purpose for living after destroying innocent lives.

    has it even registered in your mind what the implications of a society that executes pedophiles even means? you will be giving the power of life and death of every man to children. children who will have a limited understanding of the implications of life and death and the effects and knock on effects of having somebody killed. so every man would be at the mercy of any child who decided to take a disliking to him for whatever reason. so for instance if a guy hooked up with a woman who had children from a previous relationship and a child decided they didn't want this strange man replacing their father, then they could just make a false allegation and problem solved. the state will just take him away and eliminate him forever. simples.

    so do you really want to live in that world joerell? because you strike me as the sort of guy that a lot of people would likely take a disliking to irl.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader anyway, yakuzas arent a clan.

    so much for living in japan.

    you're a poet and dint even know it.

  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Lanny Daily reminder that your culture routinely sexualizes women and girls, especially in advertising, and encourages sexualized behavior in clothing, makeup, and general manner of conduct. If you're shocked by this at all it's only because of the novelty of a boy doing the same thing we expect of young women.

    What a load of horseshit.

    Where is it accepted to sexualize little girls like that? Lol. Young boys are just as much encouraged to fulfill the stereotypes of their sex. Being a 12 year old metrosexual model just wasn't part of that stereotype until now. It used to be manly stuff. Good looking was never really a male trait until everyone starting recoding themselves all the time and realized how ugly they are compared to the people with the clicks and views and followers.

    Also, advertising always used good looks to sell shit. All the boys that sold me on action figures and super soakers and RC cars and card games and EVERYTHING where always good looking kids that fit the stereotype of their sex.

    Maybe you don't have male fashion trends in the US but here in Europe we absolutely sexualize men and boys in advertising. I can't remember a bad looking dude trying to sell me clothes or male beauty products on TV. It's always good looking dudes. Which makes sense.....
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by HTS Why?

    All you do is argue this SJW bullshit nowadays and I usually try to avoid that term. I don't like people that (basically) exclusively identify with their sexuality to make up a personality which they are then very vocal about. It seems to me that you build your opinion based purely on emotional response instead of rational thought which greatly limits your ability to form a valid point.
  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Hitler and Nazis killed millions of innocent jedis during WW2 out of hatred, evil and mental illness…leftist who are just as pathetic claim we should forgive and forget. If anything socialists are the ones who are narrow minded and dogmatic and fear justice. It's not a valid question if you ask the victims or ones who suffered. You have no intelligent argument to support pedos who kill children…there's no evil in removing them and saving the lives of future victims is more important. Also sociopaths who promote this garbage or believe pedos should be cuddled or admired. Who the fuck wants to debate you…you're an idiot.

    its idiots like you that are ruining this world and causing more problems than you solve. the idea that you can create this perfect nirvana where nothing bad ever happens and everyone lives happily ever after. its a fucking dream, a fucking fairy story you idiot. obviously certain behaviors should be outlawed and punished. when things like rapes and murders happen it is a tragedy obviously. but tragedies are a fact of life, a life free from tragedy is unavoidable and you just have to accept that's how life is. when somebody breaks a law like murder then they should be punished for that crime. when you start going down the road of preventing such things, you are getting into punishing people for crimes that you or others have deemed they will 'likely' commit at a later date. just because somebody committed a crime once doesn't mean they will definitely re-offend. some do re-offend, some don't. how can you tell which ones will? and obviously there's always a first time for everything so how do you tell who will commit a murder before they've ever murdered somebody?

    see what people like you don't get is that there is no such thing as a good or an evil person. its extremely rare that people commit wrongs for the sake of just being a nasty cunt. most crimes are committed because of circumstances. its easy to judge somebody when you've not walked in their shoes. but maybe one day your circumstances will alter to the point where you'll find yourself with little other option.

  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Also, for once, I don't really see the jedi behind this. Well, I do but I don't think that establishing a pedo culture in the west furthers their agenda of pushing civil unrest the same way feminism and BLM etc. do. I mean, turning our women against us and making us fight a made up enemy really works against us.

    I can't see how sexy teens will fuck us over but maybe that's just me, though. Harharhar.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine CP is adult sexuality imposed on children with a completely different perspective and mindset
    If you weren't a complete retard you would know this
    Children expressing their sexuality is an okay thing.
    It usually boils down to sniffing each other's sexual organs and touching them innocently they don't even know about intercourse or squeezing semen out of a vagina or 69ing etc

    Come on onii-fam.

    CP and "Children expressing their sexuality" have a shit load of overlap. You should know this.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS Pretty much any set of morals CAN be universally applicable. Whether or not yours SHOULD be pretty much boils down to divine mandate. For as much as justice systems try to be beacons of rationality, it basically comes down to what people prioritize subjectively. For example there's a totally rational argument for killing criminals instead of keeping them alive - "good" people shouldn't have to pay to keep criminals alive in jail for the rest of their lives. Depending on whether you prioritize the wellbeing of the non-criminal taxpayers or the "sanctity of human life" (not exactly a rational belief), it would be totally rational to abolish the death penalty OR to enforce it far more broadly, so criminals only cost the good taxpayers the price of a single bullet.

    I don't think there's any way that rationality can generate a universally agreeable list of priorities or especially justify the sanctity of life.

    unfortunately its the media moguls that decides these things in our societies. because lets face it, our societies are full of square eyed idiots like joerell who have their opinions formed for them through over exposure to TV and newspapers. with their lack of an ability to realize that the medias exaggerate, manipulate and spin every bit of information they shit out in order to mold the masses into their version of an ideal world. it just doesn't seem to occur to them that the media owners have their own agenda and very much incorporate this agenda into how they present and report a story. and even with many of them, they will have a complete discussion with you about how the media lie and sensationalize their reporting and yet will still go on to buy every fucking word it fucking tells them.

    'Yeah its true, i saw it on the telly' --- fucking lolololo


  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by RisiR † All you do is argue this SJW bullshit nowadays and I usually try to avoid that term. I don't like people that (basically) exclusively identify with their sexuality to make up a personality which they are then very vocal about. It seems to me that you build your opinion based purely on emotional response instead of rational thought which greatly limits your ability to form a valid point.

    Meh, sorry Lucy. Please disregard. My assessment was flawed.
  11. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by RisiR † All you do is argue this SJW bullshit nowadays and I usually try to avoid that term. . I don't like people that (basically) exclusively identify with their sexuality…

    I really don't do that anywhere outside of PHM threads (most of the time anyway). He's such a... stereotypical alt-right cuck... and he's been overtly hostile towards me over "my sexuality" or whatever enough times that I basically just play the part to antagonize him. Same with joerell, jigaboo johnson etc. I've totally been on some SJW shit lately, and it's mostly to aggravate those guys. I would barely ever mention being a tranny if it didn't get brought up every time I get into an argument with one of those chucklefucks and make 'em look bad.

    Originally posted by RisiR † Meh, sorry Lucy. Please disregard. My assessment was flawed.

    Don't worry about it. I mean it wasn't entirely flawed. I have been doing exactly what you said lately, but I mostly ain't serious about it. ♥
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by RisiR † What a load of horseshit.

    Where is it accepted to sexualize little girls like that?

    Historically in US advertising. One of the most obvious examples was that "baby soft" deodorant:

    Now admittedly this is a relatively old example, and a real stand-out in terms of obviousness but I think it illustrates the point that young women are not beyond the reach of the "sex sells" paradigm.

    Actually I think the obviousness of that sort of advertising in sexualizing young women almost renders it inert because in retrospect it's so obviously perverse. It's the subtler sorts of advertising, the kinds that are easy for kids and adults alike to passively internalize, that's more insidious. Consider the current "Barbie Fashionista" line of dolls:

    Despite the preppy announcer reassuring us that "you can be anything" at the end one can't help but feel like this is a campaign to sell a fairly narrow set of adult fashion to young girls. This has been a fairly successful line, while you generally wouldn't put your young daughter in adult fashions for obvious reasons this doesn't mean she hasn't learned to want these things through a constant bombardment of advertising telling he she should you can at least buy her a doll to dress up in said fashions. The purpose of these dolls is to satisfy (or foster) childhood interest in adult fashion which obviously rotates about an axis of sexuality and sexual objectification. Socialization is the process of turning children into socially acclimated adults, girls into women, and women in our society are advertised to essentially like the dolls we see in these commercials: blank soulless plastic upon which to plaster rotating fashions that they might appease our (or worse, their own) sense of aesthetics.

    Also notice the inclusion of different skin tones and body shapes. On their website Mattel pitches these dolls as "Barbie Fashionistas Dolls: Curvy, Petite, Tall & Original Barbie Dolls". Notice the physicality here. Despite recent efforts to be more inclusive one can't but feel like this is nothing more than extending the same vapid culture of barbie to new markets. I'm not sure what's worse: being a young women in a culture where mass media doesn't consider your body type attractive or being a young woman in a culture that does and subsequently being reduced to that.

    Young boys are just as much encouraged to fulfill the stereotypes of their sex.

    There's no doubt about that at all, and I think many of those stereotypes are wholly as harmful as those we project upon girls. My point wasn't "girls have it tough so sexualization of boys is OK", my point is that it's amusing that we are only shocked by adolescent sexualization when we see it in boys. I think most of us wouldn't want our daughters/sisters/nieces doing the same thing, but would anyone really be surprised or respond in the same way to a young woman dancing in a similar fashion? I mean you're probably going to say "yes" for the sake of argument go on youtube and see how many videos you can find of pre-pubescent girls vs. boys engaging in this kind of behavior and tell me we don't have different social expectations about it.

    Good looking was never really a male trait until everyone starting recoding themselves all the time and realized how ugly they are compared to the people with the clicks and views and followers.

    Sure, I can get on board with this. Out male stereotypes typically have been far more forgiving in terms of how good looking you have to be to fill the male social role. Look at historical A-list actors vs. actresses. Way more of the women were considered stunning while down right ugly men used to be able to be successful in the highest level of cinema.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Manonfire African Astronaut
    "Innocents is sexy as u think"

    Wtf is that a real commercial that was broadcasted?

    Dont get what's wrong with the Barbie commercial tho
    Seems like every toy commercial to me
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Manonfire "Innocents is sexy as u think"

    Wtf is that a real commercial that was broadcasted?

    Dont get what's wrong with the Barbie commercial tho
    Seems like every toy commercial to me

    "The fragrance so innocent it might be the sexiest around"

    Made me lol.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Also, for once, I don't really see the jedi behind this. Well, I do but I don't think that establishing a pedo culture in the west furthers their agenda of pushing civil unrest the same way feminism and BLM etc. do. I mean, turning our women against us and making us fight a made up enemy really works against us.

    I can't see how sexy teens will fuck us over but maybe that's just me, though. Harharhar.

    One conspiracy that MAY NOT be related to the least it's a minor improvement. BTW...Croatia lost the World Cup because of the jedis...thought you should know. Lol.
  16. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by NARCassist has it even registered in your mind what the implications of a society that executes pedophiles even means? you will be giving the power of life and death of every man to children. children who will have a limited understanding of the implications of life and death and the effects and knock on effects of having somebody killed. so every man would be at the mercy of any child who decided to take a disliking to him for whatever reason. so for instance if a guy hooked up with a woman who had children from a previous relationship and a child decided they didn't want this strange man replacing their father, then they could just make a false allegation and problem solved. the state will just take him away and eliminate him forever. simples.

    so do you really want to live in that world joerell? because you strike me as the sort of guy that a lot of people would likely take a disliking to irl.


    Like I said before pedos who are caught with no violent acts should be treated and strictly kept away from underage kids. If caught online committing crimes they should be sympathy. If and when they actually kill a child or many children they should be executed and lose all rights. Pedos can't be cured and life expectancy for them in prison would be low. Why give them solidary confinement with special privileges or confine them in psych wards for years only to realease them for more kids to be killed. Implications are about the victims using funds to help them instead get over this crisis and prevent more deaths from sociopaths who usually have no remorse. As for false allegations against people it's a legal and court's what defense lawyers, prosecuting lawyers and a jury to find the hard facts and trust. Nothing to do when a pedo clearly kills a child or children...whether male or female he or she should be executed. What we should be doing is finding potential risks for child abuse...not sympathizing with pedos or ignoring them.
  17. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Lanny Also notice the inclusion of different skin tones and body shapes. On their website Mattel pitches these dolls as "Barbie Fashionistas Dolls: Curvy, Petite, Tall & Original Barbie Dolls".

    start a petition for slampig models.
  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by joerell Like I said before pedos who are caught with no violent acts should be treated and strictly kept away from underage kids. If caught online committing crimes they should be jailed…no sympathy.

    looking at pictures of children is not a crime.

    no harm done, no crime.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by benny vader start a petition for slampig models.

    I'd rather start a mob to burn barbie dolls and dresses and give every and and woman in this country a set of neutral colored jumpsuits so that we can overthrow the capitalist pigs together.
  20. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by NARCassist unfortunately its the media moguls that decides these things in our societies. because lets face it, our societies are full of square eyed idiots like joerell who have their opinions formed for them through over exposure to TV and newspapers. with their lack of an ability to realize that the medias exaggerate, manipulate and spin every bit of information they shit out in order to mold the masses into their version of an ideal world. it just doesn't seem to occur to them that the media owners have their own agenda and very much incorporate this agenda into how they present and report a story. and even with many of them, they will have a complete discussion with you about how the media lie and sensationalize their reporting and yet will still go on to buy every fucking word it fucking tells them.

    'Yeah its true, i saw it on the telly' — fucking lolololo



    You mean like highly educated men like yourself who spend hours getting the right color for heroine so it's a perfect high or placing more importance on pedos rights than the underage kids they kill. If anyone is an idiot it's you junior...LMAO. Still you did make 1 good point...opportunists in media, fashion and music should be punished for using kids to profit from or giving the illusion pedophilia is normal. Instead of ignoring this BS it should be challenged and ironically the worse offenders are connected to the left. I hope your next hit is a rosy one...won't make society better however the different shades may impress the odd drugged up model.
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