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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. Originally posted by EllariaSand Actually the bandwagon of responses to my post negates the “people like me & nobody gives me shit” theory…..

    No it doesn’t negate the fact that people like you at all. To think otherwise, again feels adolescent. If anything it shows that they also don’t understand your constant, forced discord.

    I’ve seen people here gravitate towards you. I’ve seen people compliment you and share banter with you. It’s rare bc you spend the majority of your time arguing instead but I’ve seen it.

    It is normal for posters to have common interests, joke around, start to like each other, and form friendships. Not everybody is going to hate everyone and not everyone dislikes you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Every time you post something like that I wonder why you are so bitter. People here like you and have expressed that they like you. Nobody gives you shit for it. I truly do not understand your obsession with posters getting along or why you think it’s abnormal for people to get along. It feels so...I don’t know...adolescent?
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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by WellHung Bullshit. I'm sick of you misinforming people about the junk. Quit championing that disgusting substance u fucking junkie.

    well fuck off then. i'm not the one misinforming, the media and the war on drugs is the one that does that. i just tell it as it is. why you so afraid of the truth pal?

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Manonfire Girl u dont need to defend urself to Joe
    He will keep blowing the same recycled bullshit over and over like his opinion is The only right one
    He fails at arguments so he turns into a parrot and repeats

    Ur are beautiful imho
    Joe hasnt had a women half as attractive as I believe u are

    i'm calling him jokerell from now on. the thing that's funny about him, pretty much every user on these totse rebirth sites are very much media bullshit aware. that is we're fully aware of the western media and their manipulation techniques and constant stream of bullshit. we are all very cynical when it comes to reuters, news corp and all the other control freak organizations that spew out their highly edited bullshit opinions and present them as facts to the dummy masses. we're even aware that the supposedly more so called 'impartial' news outlets like RT and al jazeera even report biased towards their own personal agendas. so its pretty fucking funny when we get some clueless fucktard who lives on a self-imposed force fed diet of cnn, bbc and fox news coming here spouting those propaganda box tv dinner opinions practically word for word. i wouldn't be surprised if you sent the duck out with half his posts you'd find he'd literally copy-pasta'd them straight off their websites.

    i mean i really don't get what nutjobs like jokerell hope to achieve coming to a site like this with that shite. i mean we've heard it all before so many times but we all became impervious to it over a decade ago at least. and its not like jokerell is even the first of his kind. we've had many come and go over the years and we'll likely see many more. but they all have one thing in common, they all go.

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  5. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by S6x No doubt, you're a sick and twisted fuck playing off of your "Coming out" party with a twist

    stop acting so fucking innocent. you probably wish you could see photos of him, neck tied to a sun blind and a face that is purple and black in color with blood drueling out of his eyes.

    I just want an obit or something, man. Some word from his family. Anything. Although I guess in Malice's case either of those were practically out of the question.
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  6. HTS highlight reel
    I'm actually kinda sad that Malice went out with such an ambiguous whimper, and not a bang. I mean... I don't actually know that he's dead. That bothers me. I'd rather at least know for sure. I don't even know whether to mourn. Fuck.
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  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    enter calls 911 to make false rape allegations after he's done servicing men at the hike and bike trail so his mother won't think he's a huge queer, which she already is aware of though.

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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Manonfire But why not use google.maps like Bill Krozby pointed out….

    Not understanding

    thats because he's a fail troll. nothing about his story adds up, plus he keeps leaving out the part how he made 600 dollars during his adventure. probably from sucking hikers dicks, he's your quintessential park cruiser and needed an alibi for his mother why he came home late, not that she isn't already aware he's a huge queer.

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  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Manonfire We have the same personality Bill Krozby

    Ur smart

    Thanks I appreciate the compliment, wouldn't really say im smart, just wiser in my older age.
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  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by S6x when the DH people came, they were all kind of friendly and coming off a bit proper.. Lanny's board tainted their souls.

    I too was nice.. once!

    dh'ers have always been retards.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    She's definitely a douche bag of the highest order. Like as in she's a real top notch, top shelf top of the line douche bag, which means something but I don't know what, but she's it. That is without question or debate.

    Thread, you may continue. Thanks.
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  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by esbity Actually, the flat tire was earlier in the day.

    Truth be told…I went hiking right before sunset. It was a new area and I took no map, no water, no food, and no flashlight. I got mixed around and high, and the next thing I know, its getting dark and I have no idea where Im at but I know Im a long ways from the parking lot.

    So I pussed out and called 911 which sent some officers to help.

    Turns out I wad very far from the parking lot. Right after I called, sunset had finished and it was dark as fuck. I only had service in one little area on a hill.

    How embarrassing…

    damn son, you're worse than a woman.. can't change a tire and need cops to help you find your way home hahahahaa

    how'd you make 600? selling your shit pussy to older men in the woods?
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  13. No
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  14. HTS highlight reel
    I feel like an ass for the way I worded that. Don't want people thinking I'm saying I'd be a good mother/better mother than anyone with XX chromosomes, lord knows I probably wouldn't. It's just an interesting argument... that maybe trannies are (at least in part, or are capable of being) a positive transhumanist response to the vacancies left by biologically natural women who wanted to do something other than be traditional mommies and homemakers.

    There are certainly a large and vocal number of trans people out there who aren't interested in anything "traditional", but there is the oft-ignored (by radicals on both sides) subset of both trans men and women who want nothing more than to be good mothers and fathers and actually act like normal human beings. Trannies aren't all radical leftist political activist types who want to destroy the family unit.
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  15. HTS highlight reel
    You could even argue that transgenderism is a positive transhumanist response to the failing family unit and women shirking the responsibility of traditional gender roles - those gender roles are important to the functioning of society and need to be filled, and if biological women won't fill them, why should biological men not?
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  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by EllariaSand

    obviously you did enough to post a john stewart meme hehehehehehehe
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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine HTS cuts his dick off and argues that his side is the one that is "winning" and "on the right side of history"

    ohhhh lmao

    The great thing about culture wars is that you don't need penises to win them.

    Although I suppose that's true of real wars too.


    PS: "my side" is so powerful that it can indoctrinate people into cutting off their penises (in your view, anyway). That's... pretty powerful.
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Communism is not the future of the United States or anywhere else for that matter.
    The future of the US is National Socialism.

    "Whaaaa, leftists won the cultural war and now they're turning everyone gay. Why are conservatives in this country so oppressed?!?"
    "National socialism is the future of the US"

    The doublethink is real.
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  19. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire Lol @ gettin lost joke...
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  20. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    lol your brain is fried
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