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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Not that I'm advocating for this but when I was 13 - 14 I was incredibly horny and would have happily had sex with an adult woman.

    The purpose of consent is that you have actually thought about if you really want to do something or not rather than just acting "because you want too". I'm sure you did things in the past that you regretted later. As an adult that's tough shit as you knew better, as a child you don't/didn't know better.

    Not to mention the legal aspects that the law doesn't allow it...again simply because you want to do something doesn't mean you should, shooting an annoying neighbor for example.
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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine

    nobody would argue that even a toddler can say yes or no and so give consent for something. however it is ridiculously easy to trick a child into thinking they are ok to do something when in reality they probably are not because they don't really understand the implications involved with a sexual relationship so they don't really know what they are giving consent to.

    why do some people have such a hard time understanding this?

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  3. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by NARCassist imagine you had like an 8 year old kid who liked fishing or summing and they went fishing at the local river but they fell in and there was only one guy around at the time who was capable of swimming and rescuing the kid only he was a registered pedophile and so he wasn't allowed by law to touch or even go within a 100 feet of a child so all he could do was stand and watch your kid drown from a 100 feet away.


    He'd be doubly a piece of shit for letting the kid die and for molesting a kid. Prioritizing the consequences you'd potentially face for violating the conditions of your release over the well-being of a child pretty much seals the deal on how shit you are as a person and confirms that you never had any regard for the well-being of children to begin with.
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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Technologist So OP,
    You truly think people will try to make this a norm? I can’t see that, I think that would cause outrage. I can’t see it being one of those things that “people just get used to”!

    parents are notorious for absolutely hating the very thought of their children having sex. most parents don't even like the idea of their kids having sex when they are over the age of consent, there's no way in fucking hell any parent is going to be ok about a law allowing their 5 year olds to be fucking sexually abused. and it would be abuse.

    do any of you, especially you op, understand how and why the age of consent is decided upon?


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  5. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    This thread has made me inexplicably enraged
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  6. Originally posted by Daddyissues Gross. Get a trim you mangy cunt.

    I normally do every 4-6 weeks. But It’s complicated. I’m trying to grow out a band of green from when it was teal. My colorist did a good job of hiding it, but if I cut it I’m going to loose the best bit of blonde. But I think next Check I’m going to be able to afford to dye it again and then cutting it won’t matter.
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  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Nope, still counts as a post
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  8. esbity African Astronaut
    The real question, is the universe infinite?

    Who cares though. Interesting to think about but life is to short to waste time wondering.
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  9. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Originally posted by lantiqua87 COME TO MY BLOKK BITCH ULL GET BEET THE FUKK DOWN I SWER 2 GOD

    You shouldn't call on someone you don't know, darlin!

    BTW -- why are screaming uncontrollably? Do old wrinkled assed white women frighten you? lol
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  10. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Originally posted by lantiqua87 YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL

    You are violating federal law by dispensing medical diagnoses without a license.
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  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    No but I loved her show despite the jediness
    I didn't get into the new season though I saw a little bit of an episode at my friend's place and the propaganda was so obvious it was disgusting, trying to make a point of people's fears of muslims being potential terrorists.
    I just want a wholesome entertaining show about a 90s esque midwestern middle class family that's all I ever wanted ;_;
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  12. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    §m£ÂgØL used his smartphone and pressed the first word that appeared in the keyboard menu over and over to form this post.
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  13. Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    You come to NIS to learn welding? Damnit man, lay off the drugs!
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  14. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Xlite But that's exactly what they are doing already, you just don't understand how it works.

    It will start out small.
    Minor cases where pedo's gets off the hook and gets treatment instead.
    TED talks about understanding and tolerance.
    More debates going into detail about the topic, more podcasts and liveshows. People would begin to relate to and understand peado's.

    It all happens slowly, because if it happened over night people would rebel. This is how the state keeps the people heading in the directions they want btw. If you push 200 new laws tomorrow, people would give a fuck. If you instead push the laws out over the next year or so, none would give a fuck if even know. This is how they've gotten away with pushing laws for several decades. Slowly more and more control.

    You see, as soon as you truly understand them you don't judge them because you understand them.

    If you want to truly challenge yourself and your character then you will read up on some peado. Read his/hers life story if possible. Once you've read it, now you must try to understand why things happened. When you're done with that, you have to relate to the peado in the best way possible. You do this by imagining you being him/her, imagine being through what they have, the secrecy, the judgemental views of society, the fear of ever being caught, imagine the struggle of having such thoughts on a daily basis. Now you imagine fiddling with little kids, imagine it gets you so fucking horny, imagine the extreme orgasm you would get. Imagine yourself enjoying it so much that its almost unbearable.

    And there you have it. If you can fully understand, and more important relate to the peado then you will no longer be as judgemental if any, because you understand. And you don't judge what you understand and if you do then you don't understand.

    They are slowly pushing the peado thing to make people understand, and that is key to force something unto us.

    Now i can see several ups and downs by increasing tolerance to certain things, as it makes for more understanding and acceptance.
    But i'm sure there's a hidden agenda that seems to be alluding me.

    This entire post provided zero evidence for how "the jedis" are making it easier to obtain consent. You basically just insisted that must be their goal because they're trying to make people more tolerant of pedos. Honestly... you people are just doomsayers. You don't like what society has become and you've so embraced the slippery slope mentality that you're absolutely certain any negative thing you can imagine will happen.
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  15. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire Why she want u to do it when she is perfectly capable of doing the exact same?

    exactly. catfishing me into it
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  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Some people are born with deformities such as webbed toes or brown skin, doesn't make it okay or something we should tolerate.
    Just because things occur in the "natural" world doesn't make them a good thing.
    Reality works like this, anything happens and will happen but it's up to intelligent organisms and physics to weed out the good from the bad and construct a better world.
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by cupocheer §m£ÂgØL, I have experienced send those reservations myself but being that life was a continuum I braved the transient differential and came to reprose in the realization that kindred spirits often trod the same footsteps of time.

    Power of knowedge to you, friend

    Maybe I'm hella baked but I'm not sure if the first line was autotype or not lol.

    Originally posted by cupocheer The Porn Forum
    No gods, no kings, no kids, no animals (and especially no animal children)

    Lanny, oh Lanny – are you inviting members to post porn in this forum?

    Now, would you answer my OP question, please?

    Yes, I am inviting people to post porn in this forum. I think the description conveys what's acceptable pretty well: keep it legal and you're good to go.
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  18. Originally posted by benny vader is that how you justify to yourself while your watching child pornography ???

    Self defeating response. I'll let you take a shot at figuring out why it doesn't work.
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  19. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Manonfire That's so fukin sik Benny

    Dont even wanna share the same air as u

    you wont even be able to inhale once my cock is balls deep in you.
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  20. jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Not all wimmen but majority of them deserve some intense ground rules. If they were ever disobeyed in any way, punish with extreme prejudice.

    That means kill in a spanking the butt way.
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