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Thanked Posts by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

  1. Originally posted by BummyMofo This applies to everyone here. You avoid that shit, kids. Stay out of the pen and off the streets. These liberals and their anti-rape education strategies aren't working!

    You've officially been warned (by me) so now if you get raped that's your fault.

    Thank you for you're service
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. But I. CANT HAVE A KID NOT IN THIS ECKANOMIC CLIMANT!! THe see waters are rising, increasing seismic activity. The davOrce rate climing higher and higher since they invented the PILL . SMOG from the tailpipes have increased the amount of soot on the air by approx 3 percent since humanity started .

    People getting asthma!! And are crops are made out of gene therapy by the same people who invent POISONS aka glyposate. .


    Welcome to the suburbs there is no escape
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  3. You're best option is to buy a bigger and louder motorcycle
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  4. Weeeeeeel Franky it's been a long time but we're gonna brake the space station with this hangbuergets!!!11111

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  5. Originally posted by Ghost I got banned for calling lanny a fat SOB

    He hired a hit mam to assinate k r o z due to the live weigh-in
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  6. Ohhhh yeaAaHH biggggg nut.. Big BIG nut!
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  7. Yeah I'd buy them there.forst pack of marboros and a 6 pack of Milwaukee beer.

    Then I'd ask them if they want to start a new recycling career and teach them 2 cut cats and make da big bucks. A lot of people don't have a role model that teaches them skillz.

    Then if his dad cramp joeys style me and Lenny would go adjust his attitude real nice.

    Before you know it me and Lenny would have the keys to the whole city
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  8. With muh giftcards
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  9. Originally posted by Data Poor people lol

    Op isnt poor he's rich he just ran out of money
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  10. Jig justified incest ,garlic
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  11. Originally posted by Nile Fuck you faggot, you better weep when im gone.

    I weep 4 u even when your here
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  12. Opey try to see it from they are point of view. And plus look at the positive side of things, how you can go make da big bucks instead of playing vijeo or goin garage sailing
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  13. I made a post or thread one time about seeing super vivid and or marvelous artistic patterns or images when starting to fall asleep. Also sometimes incredible music hemmy. Anyway I just got myself back up after it happened so I can record it.

    I saw a little man ( the term midget is impolite ) who had the face of a cat, explain that hemmy. I've seen way better stuff this wasn't top-tier but I just wanted to record it. I don't know how to drawl or paint good so I can't make a decent attempt at recreating it..

    Hemmy maybe I should buy a paintbrush Incase this happens again and learn piano as well fuys

    Ok sleep toight
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Today some good things that happened were.. I trolled my mom about the grid going down, it was to my great amusement. Also I had a dece chat with a friend and we actually hashed it out a bit which was nice. Something I. am thankful for is how my hooptie has been so reliable even though it is heaps old and only costed a few hunnid. So I recognize how it has ent up providing excellent value in my life, like and um such as because most likely if you buy a cheap old car it could be a piece of chit
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Ahh yes she has strong arms. All the better to handle documents with

    I wonder wut her pussy looks like. * Smells Finger*
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  16. Some of those gunts are pretty smoothe ..

    Man: you're eyes are brown.. as the tree trunks...


    Gonna get some puuuuuSSSAY
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  17. Originally posted by mmQ Thanks this made me smile too knowing I made you smile haha got eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem emoji goes here

    LOL , wtf how did u do dat. You're smile mad me smile now I know that a smile is infections. HEY GUISE LOOK AT MY INFECTIOUs
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. I consciously judge ppl with tats
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  19. Originally posted by DontTellEm I enjoy a lil banter… constant threads or repetitive insults is dumb. Like lay ur head down ur posting the same . We are all here, we read it, we get it. Dddduuurrrr “chin balls “ I’m looking at u Son.

    You re one of my favorite postwers. I appreciate how u do

    Originally posted by Solstice Because I only come here to shitpost and kill time. I have nothing of importance or interest to say, and I'm not vain enough to think anyone here gives a fuck about my life or opinions, or how my day went and what I'm eating for dinner and all the other mindless drivel you retards babble about all day.

    Sir do you read books
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  20. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I been cut off a second time. Im kind of in fear of my future and debt. I called twice to unemployment but they say their receiving more than usual call volumes. Keep telling me to call back. They should Hire temps to deal with flood of calls.
    Great idea, you should go work for the EDD as a representative
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