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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Get the picture yet?

    Not your keys, not your coins.
    A majority of the European Parliament’s lead committees have approved a ban on cryptocurrency transactions of any value made through hosted crypto wallets. This comes amid the European Council and parliament provisionally agreeing to expand parts of the European Union’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing laws to cover the cryptocurrency market.

    According to an X post by Patrick Breyer, a member of the European Parliament for the Piratenpartei Deutschland (Pirate Party of Germany), a “majority of the EU Parliament’s lead committees” approved the new AML laws on March 19.

    Breyer is one of only two members who voted against the ban on anonymous crypto payments. Gunnar Beck of Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) also voted against the ban. The ban applies specifically to hosted or custodial crypto wallets offered by third-party service providers, such as centralized exchanges.

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  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry wtf is this game scron?
    how the fuck do chinks make this shit it's like a lost art or maybe i'm just not a very technically advanced gay porner MUH SILLYCOON GRAPHIC WORKSTATIONS I JUST PRESS THE BUTTONS AND HIT RENDER AND THEN DRAW IT ALL ON GIRAFFE PAPER!

  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry the powers that be who the ultras are fighting.

    ultranationalists aren't fighting anything except people against nationalism. If nationalists had their way the system would look almost identical, function exactly the same but it would be slightly more decentralized global power which is how things USED to be so it would be an incremental step backwards that could only work if these countries all had high tariffs and NON global free trade and were instead ultra competitive

    centralized power is easily defeated by technology so it would just turn into pre UN empire collapsing and people would cry for the old days of world peace. I don't see it as an improvement at all, it's going back to more centralization at a local level. It's just replacing one addiction for another.

    This cycle will continue until people learn to live independently without highly controlled central powers. It goes against our nature as hunter gatherers tribal societies anyways I mean just look at India

    each one of those places is essentially it's own autonomous economic region and they can't tell each other what to do, but they are in an economic union which we call a "country". I think looking at the entire planet like this makes more sense like the RUST BELT DETROIT region and various economic cooridoors that don't follow political lines on a map but instead are not static and constantly changing shifting lines on a battlefield determining the various winners and losers in economy, population , etc

    Originally posted by Ghost This greater Sao Paulo, one of the largest urban populous regions in the entire world

    It kinda blows my mind. I live in a megalopolis mega region myself but nowhere near this vast

    I could walk to nature and eventually away from civilization but in a place like that you could walk for days passing city after city like an endless urban sprawl
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Что вы все вестернизированные, которым промывают мозги БОЛЬШИЕ ГОЛОВНЫЕ СМИ, чтобы вас не волновало только то, что Франция объявила войну?
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    they are solving the question of asking the AI to show its work
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry What about blue stinger or space channel 5?

    wasn't the space channel 5 girl in this game too?

    idk, I only know about Segata Sanshiro and the space channel girl because I played Project x Zone

  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Kr0z is dead this is not rebranded,

    I respect the play. They say Will Keith Kellogg was just a weird vegan until he pushed that wheat farmer into the machine that makes a fortified grain meal replacement kibble and the rest they say was history
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Ghost is 1.2 million do the 3 million posts.

    that's not true at all. I don't even crack the top 5 most posts anymore and have been surpassed years ago by even DH'ers at this point. I also spam less than users like Haxxor and haven't used a single alternative all year. I guess "Winners get to decide history" because the narrative people have about me isn't reality.

    Many other users have spammed, got a lot of posts, used alts. It's just that when I do it, I create such an impact that it becomes a permanent stain on my record. This is why I don't do crime (or maybe I do a lot of high end crime and just haven't been caught)

    Originally posted by HD-ASS and scrawny I got banned for being prophetic, spreading too much knowledge on fake totse. Real totse allowed free speech and information. None of that is allowed here.

    I wasn't spamming, I got banned for making unban threads originally for Bill Krozby and bling and then I got "in trouble" for front page flush too many times so I said fuck it and gave up all hope on pleasing Lanny the nazi and figured out how to break the forum.

    This all goes back to before the summer when everyone pissed me off, finny spammed Bill Krozby pictures in all my threads and I said enough is enough and spammed him back and I got banned for that, so I realized there is no point trying to reason with a retard and I've just been purposely fucking with everyone since in protest of the totse spirit being betrayed.

    You might have predicted this would happen first but I was the first to take action. Bling gave up the fight along with everyone else because Lanny was too strong for any of you, I'm the only one with the guts to stand up to him


    Trianglism and falling in love with hts is "spamming"

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Chichén Itzá >
    Totse >
    Niggas in space >
    Trianglism >

    What comes next?. Space triangles?, feathered serpent gods?.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-05-19T13:21:49.676611+00:00

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    this is just ripping off big Bill Krozbyby dawgs "Bangem Tagem BRos" so you snuff him out and then steal his idea. We got a real corporate CEO in the making here folx

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My best friend john and I have spent a lot of money on drugs and expensive dinners. We both have jobs but we are broke as fuck because we are always high and drunk. I want my buddy and I to start working out and get our act together so we can still get high but have our shit together a little bit more.

    My idea is to use a craigslist alternative (since welcome to donalds trumps amerika he ruined craigslist sex ads because of his antics) and set up a gig where my buddy and I whore our selves out to kinky rich jedi girls and house wives, any woman that has money.

    We show up wearing nothing but sun glasses, maybe a cap, and a speedo probably trippin a little bit of molly to set the mood right, give our lil rap and massage and kiss her up and down get her all horned dogged out smoke her (give her some ghb) out and then basically fuck her silly up her ass and vag (double dipped chicken)

    she gives us the money and we drink her booze while shes passed out and burn off.

    Questions comments? Would any of you datehook up girls be interested, we're single and ready to mingle and we're all bout that pussssaaaaaaay (though we would fuck jilliam if he paid us enough)
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry whats your opinion of saturn rpgs like arc the lad or shining force?

    i never played a saturn. I heard it has a dope internal chips though and the ads were pretty fire
    actually I did play shining force on genesis, it was alright.
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Probably. I don't really know how Islamic Banking works

    Originally posted by Ghost new hustle: Giving someone iftar as charity is like +100 paradise points in islam. I'm gonna convert to islam in a few days and start mendicant begging for iftar outside shawarma places after sundown

    i'm gonna eat like a fucking king

    I do know that their religion gives bonus points for alms. People see being a peasant as wrong or bad in the modern secular world but in ancient times when everyone believed in God, the poor were the easiest way for you to gain religious XP by giving some bread to a street beggar. Now they all just want crack and nobody wants to help them because even the poor are corrupt and brainwashed by the MACHINE

    That's why everyone virtue signals and gives to charity and the kids in africa because you feel better doing that than helping some ungrateful local yokel drug attic piece of shit, there are no "honest beggars" anymore. I believe this is because society has become too secularized by hebrews
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    If you use your human eyes it looks like 1.8 million but my spider insists it's over 3 million. It must see things we can't see
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Is it free? Do they got welfare? How frowned upon will gangster rap, malt liquor, and saying 'nigga' be in this new utopia?

    Yes there's welfare but not through the government. You can only get it by going to church
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry for scron:

    i agree. I don't give a shit about Baldurs Gate 3, Dragons Dogma, Final Fantasy VII, Elden Ring, I don't fucking care that 20 200hour long RPGs come out, I don't care that it took them 10 years and 200 billion dollars to make them, I don't care if they sell good or bad, I don't care about the DLC.

    I might never play them before I die and this doesn't bother me in the slightest. $70 for a 5 year old game? fuck off, they should all be like $10 and even that's too much, fuck your AAA bullshit studio games, even if I had a good gaming PC I still wouldn't care.

    Maybe if i'm like 59 years old and break my leg I would enjoy playing all those games but i don't understand people that buy every new game when it comes out and then compalin they are always bored and have nothing to play like okay good for you i'm on BOARD XXX of spider solitaire++ that i've been playing for 10 years on my broken laptop and i'm perfectly happy and it costs me $0
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    you will never make a penny you drug addicted dog rapist loser especially when I doxx your criminal record all over facebook marketplace

    Originally posted by Ellaria⏳ Lannies forum software is a FUCKING JOKE this forum supports narcissistic scumbag pedophiles like wariat and Kafka while protecting them. That's not what totse is about having 3 people on multiple accounts spam the forum and Bradley b be a faggot dog Rapist

    Join us over on to help fight against Lanny and his crappy software tirade
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    damn the premature aging is hitting HARD lmao a few years ago you looked your age but you are really breaking into that 40 year oldjke age you look like my dads age before I was a teenager

    yikes. Remind me to stop doing meth before i'm 35
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood nonce lips 👄

    Originally posted by Ghost they have nonce lips and post about tranny shaggers a lot idk its a british thing, they all fuck kids over there cuz they're moslem

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Kill yourself you nonce lipped polish kike child rapist piece of shit dog fucker scat faggot fetish nigger that gets cucked in the bar by zoomer immigrants

    Originally posted by Ghost fucking nonce lip loseers

    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Why do all Nonces have pedo lips?

    Never trust anyone who has either a thin upper lip or rubber dinghy pedo ones like Wariat.
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Stanford does it again 🤯 what's the deal with their AI department they are leading the pack when it comes to research. Half the cool stuff in this thread all came out of Stanford in the past year. Someone give them amphetamines and more money

    Understanding and manipulating neural models is essential in the evolving field of AI. This necessity stems from various applications, from refining models for enhanced robustness to unraveling their decision-making processes for greater interpretability. Amidst this backdrop, the Stanford University research team has introduced “pyvene,” a groundbreaking open-source Python library that facilitates intricate interventions on PyTorch models. pyvene is ingeniously designed to overcome the limitations posed by existing tools, which often need more flexibility, extensibility, and user-friendliness.

    At the heart of pyvene’s innovation is its configuration-based approach to interventions. This method departs from traditional, code-executed interventions, offering a more intuitive and adaptable way to manipulate model states. The library handles various intervention types, including static and trainable parameters, accommodating multiple research needs. One of the library’s standout features is its support for complex intervention schemes, such as sequential and parallel interventions, and its ability to apply interventions at various stages of a model’s decoding process. This versatility makes pyvene an invaluable asset for generative model research, where model output generation dynamics are particularly interesting
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock Controlled opposition

    It's an idiotic idea and the idiot that came up with it is a paid shill

    I know him actually and the failure of that project ruined him, the only silver lining was that cancel culture didn't really exist in full force 9 years ago and his identity didn't get spewed all over the internet so his antics are mostly forgotten to history
  20. Ghost Black Hole
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