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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai fug i hate it here

    I heard places like New York are the only cities that sell shawarma with white sauce and they are usually the busiest spots in town.
    We have stuff like that all over & local chains like Mary Browns so overall idk which is worse

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am jealous of American chinese chink joints. You got the takeout places while I gotta wait until a pandemic to start eating at them because they are all sit down restaurant type places for middle class boomers and hipsters and families. I just want to order takeout like seinfeld man
    We only have authentic Asian restaurants which sucks if you want chop suey chink joints american style
  2. Ghost Black Hole

  3. Ghost Black Hole
    spend spend spend! consume!
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs My car and room are searched often.

    Sounds illegal if you are paying rent
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Never ate at Firehouse Subs, Cane's, Church's Chicken, Jack-In-The-Box, In-N-Out, or Checkers.

    You're like a Canadian
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Instigator Don't get me wrong I've had a latte at other places, but I've never been in a Starbucks.

    I owe all of my recovery to green tea and masturbating in a full mirror daily so I'm OK for your witch doctor made up science thanks

    I'm a pretty high class coffee head I will go into starbucks or trendy cafes and talk "shop" with the baristas and they don't mind some cracked out weirdo ordering a pounds of sugar and coffee because I give them respect and if you do that you are already better than 99% of anyone that ever visits a starbucks or high class coffee shop that treat these people like minimum wage scrubs that shouldn't exist JUST MAKE MY FUCKING TRIPLE CARAMEL PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!!

    That being said their menu really only has a few good items, Ordering a regular coffee from starbucks just to pay 2x for the cup and add ins is fucked, I don't understand people that do that or order those simp coffees. If i'm going to starbucks it's to order one of their world famous FRAPPES which is the drink that put them on the map and gave them the ability to open stores next to stores IT MAKES SENSE when you chug enough frappes okay it's faster to get a coffee at one store than crossing the street IF YOU ONlY HAVE 15 MINUTE LUNCH BREAKS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

    idk what an oleoto is but when I order from starbucks I think these are the best menu items personally

    Those are nice beverages for late night gaming if you get a venti sized thats 1L of espresso frappe which is totally worth the price IMHO
    they also have seasonal stuff sometimes but this one sucks
  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    How does that make you feel, LIKE A SLAVE????

    Imagine if a bunch of people went to another COUNTRY and decided to just call it their own place wow sounds like ISIS

    If you're white, racist and fed up with the grinding oppression of living in the West, where you're forced to rub shoulders with a small proportion of people who are not the same race as you, there's a new solution: move to Africa.

    That's according to plans made by the users of one thread on 8chanβ€”a cesspit for people who are too uninhibited in their internet vulgarity even for 4chan.

    Here's how forum user "Kommandant" began his call for his white supremacist mates to join forces with him and create a new neo-Nazi utopia in Namibia [all sic]:

    I just want to start by saying that no feat is too great, no task too arduous when done for the love of ones clan and ones blood. I have a hope for this future to prevail. And I know you can all see it too. It's an ember, but with just the right amount of breath it can become a raging fire. And all of Africa will see its beautiful glow in the night sky. Call it south West Africa, call it Rhodesia, Call it whatever you want.

    In today's global landscape, the term "terrorism" evokes images of violence, fear, and political instability. It's a label applied swiftly and decisively by world powers to those who challenge the status quo. But what if we rewound history and looked at the birth of America through a contemporary lens? Would the founding fathers be hailed as heroes or labeled as terrorists?

    The irony is stark: If the events of the American Revolution were to unfold in today's world, it's highly probable that the revolutionaries would be branded as terrorists and swiftly dealt with by the very powers they sought to oppose.

    Imagine this scenario: A group of colonists, disgruntled by oppressive taxation, lack of representation, and stifling regulations, decide to take matters into their own hands. They organize themselves into militias, engage in acts of sabotage against government property, and openly defy the authority of the ruling regime. Their ultimate goal? To break free from the yoke of tyranny and establish a new nation founded on principles of liberty and democracy.

    In the eyes of modern geopolitics, such actions would undoubtedly be condemned as acts of terrorism. The use of violence to achieve political ends, the targeting of symbols of state authority, and the disruption of public order would all be considered hallmarks of terrorism.

    Moreover, the very act of secession itself would likely be deemed illegal under international law. The concept of national sovereignty and territorial integrity is fiercely guarded by the global community, and any attempt to unilaterally declare independence would be met with staunch opposition from the world's superpowers.

    In this hypothetical scenario, the founding fathers would find themselves branded as outlaws, hunted down by the military forces of the British Empire and its allies. Instead of being celebrated as patriots and visionaries, they would be vilified as extremists and agitators.

    But here's the twist: If the events of the American Revolution had unfolded in such a manner, we might still be living under British rule today. The very principles of liberty, democracy, and self-determination that we hold dear would have been stifled in their infancy, crushed under the boot heel of imperial authority.

    This raises an important question: Are the actions of the founding fathers inherently justified simply because they led to the creation of a prosperous and free nation? Or are they only seen as such because history has deemed them victorious?

    The irony of America's birth lies in the fact that the very actions that laid the foundation for our nation's independence would be condemned as terrorism if they were to occur today. It serves as a reminder that the labels we attach to historical events are often subjective and contingent upon the prevailing political climate.

    Moreover, it underscores the complexities of power and authority in the modern world. While the United States champions the principles of liberty and democracy on the global stage, it also wields immense power and influence, often to the detriment of smaller nations and marginalized groups.
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Voting is for homosexuals anyway just shoot anyone that tells you what to do like the original OG Americans did.

    nowadays 99% of Americans will cry about how Trump is a tax cheat HE CHEATED ON HIS TAXES! keep slurping that kike cock you fucking puppets

  10. Ghost Black Hole
    That sounds like a winning mentality to me

  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ It was a little disheartening to learn that all these years…all this time..futureman really did want to hook up with candy , and the moment she boasted about her new boyfriend, he dropped off the face of the planet.

    No more compliments. No more daily hellos or saying I love you. No more checking in. It was all because he wanted to be more than friends, and when he realized the feeling wasnt mutual, he stopped showing his affection.

    So, so sad. I dont know who is worse, the girl who strung him along in the friendzone giving him false hope, or the egg man who only cared because he thought he had a chance.

    Thots and praries.

    I spent the past 4 years spamming his inbox with "You're thinking about her right now aren't you?"
    but then you open the message and it says "But another man is inside her, you should probably kill yourself"

    I hope that cuck is dead. FUcking pathetic ass shit
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ big white pimps πŸ€πŸ»β€β„οΈ
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    there was no server breakdown. He switched the website architecture and all the original posts from the old version of this site are still up. The only thing it broke was the formatting

    I think it's not indexing all of them

    Originally posted by MrHigh If I were in the process of pulling full information(full name, social security number, data of birth, drivers license, and other personal info) from a database in which I have found a security hole, and I have at least three to four more databases like it to pull information from, each containing anywhere from 500k to 1 million individuals personal information, in what way should I report the info after I have finished pulling the data?

    My plan so far is to yank all of the data, and then on a special day that has some specific meaning(like 4-20, but that may be to soon due to myself finding more databases), report the security holes in detail to the administrators and at the same time, post a list of these websites on different forums so that others can take a stab at these websites themselves and possibly find the same security holes that I've found. This will give others a short time frame to find the same holes I've found and pull out some data for themselves.

    What other ways of reporting these would make a big splash effect?
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You guys do realize that there's a huge push by the Trump administration to bury pedos right now, don't you? Thousands of indictments are going out. And if some knob posts a pedo pic here, you know who's going to get raided? Lanny. Then the feds will have the names of every single person here and their IPs on their hotsheets. Is it really worth it? Lanny will have all his equipment seized, he will be banned from the Internet except for work-related activities, and he'll also have a gag order on him. The feds would love nothing more than this place to become one of their new honey pots.

    Don't be stupid. Be smart.

    The only thing Trump pushes is the big red button to his buddy Vladamirs desk when it comes time to hack the election and this time he won't get away with it like 2016

  15. Ghost Black Hole
    the answer is it grows up and fucks you
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    what happens if you molest the future
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Instigator It's always been quiet, even on my joining date in 2018 it was quiet,no?

    so you ARE from DH
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    That's reassuring
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    I've never had a jello cake in my life

    or this stuff also when they put coconut strings in it, it just feels wrong. Everything else seems cool the little balls, the green leaf jelly, the tapioca pudding and cream. But the coconut strings all soaked in that cream just ruin it for me. That shit seems nasty like what I would eat if I was trapped on a dessert dog island

    Originally posted by Instigator Never had a Starbucks.
    Never ate sushi
    Never ate lobster.
    Never ate calimari

    I love seafood and fancy lattes. You're missing out, I think because I have tried those things i'm able to stay off drugs and why i'm still alive. This might be your last chance
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    so it is 4 million then because i'm pretty sure there's 3 mil posts in the mongolvoid. It must not be counting those

    but according to this, it is
    Originally posted by rs9cf2x i'm a nigger
    [quote pk=1878705 author="rs9cf2x"] i'm a nigger[/quote]

    for example of weirdness of this forum just look at this accounts

    if you search "tony hawk" in memebers nothing comes up, that account had hundreds of posts. I think this solves the mystery of the missing 3 million posts, they are lost in space. I will ascent to OP's 1/8 mil number
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