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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Sounds dull
  2. Originally posted by Codebeta If I were the owners of NIS I would see no benefits if the worse DH trolls joined considering all the other new sites have failed and have no value. I find it hilarious that Rock found this site and that Polecat with a few other losers is trying to claim it as their own which is why DH was destroyed. Most of the Niggas here are funny and most DHers are simply pumping the hate not being allowed to do it on other sites.

    It's funny you think DH was "destroyed" because of a few trolls on the forums that 95% of DH members didn't use.
  3. Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover See.

    That's your opinion which don't mean shit to me.

    Where's the proof bitch?

    I'm still waiting.

    What are you, 14?
  4. Free honey..what's the problem
  5. A windows 10 activation key
  6. Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Lived out of the back of my pickup. with a shell. a shitty aluminum shell because I wasn't going to spend money on a fiberglass one. which is why I got numerous bouts of pneumonia

    Could you hear the ocean in it?
  7. Originally posted by Archer513 Your friend is a bad ass. I played nurse to 2 ex’s that got them. Both described it like being sore from getting kicked in the chest by a horse. The first one handled it better…she didn’t go as big tho.

    Women are generally whiners when it comes to pain though.
  8. Many a box of kleenex was sacrificed that night.
  9. 307.039 Kelvin
  10. I'd know those sarcastic titties anywhere.
  11. Originally posted by tee hee hee Right. Water vapors.😉

    I know.crazy idea huh.
  12. Originally posted by tee hee hee And you!! You will believe anything the giv tells you. "Theres no chem trails"
    ….yeah right!!!

    You mean water vapor from 737s?
  13. Originally posted by Archer513 I feel it would be easier to be a girl pretending to be a boy,than the other way around…

    Alas the internet is a cruel faggot and this rarely happens.
  14. Ah like helly from DH.

    Originally posted by Fonaplats Im trans-abled

    Ah like helly from DH.
  15. what kind of trans are you, inny or outty?
  16. avoiding or of the two.
  17. People give the gov far too much credit, It's like giving a bunch of morons and empty dishwashing container and some double sided tape and expecting them to come up with anti-gravity.
  18. I was told HTS is a male transsexual pretending to be a ginger female and is also squirrels lover.

    Is this info accurate?
  19. Originally posted by Dfg Google "dfg totse"

    It redirected me to
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