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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL In the old Western days, they had a large nail sticking out on each side of the outside of the front door of hotels which customers would use to hang their horseshoes on. Overnight, the cold wind would absorb into the nails, since they were outside all the time, and when customers would go to grab their horseshoes in the morning they'd be cold as a dead body to the touch. Thus the saying, dead as a door nail.

    why would people be carrying horseshoes around with them...shouldn't they be hanging on their horses feet?
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL Well, then you're not eating the cake, you're only eating half the cake.

    It's still had/have your cake and you ate it too.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL Because if you eat the cake, you no longer have a cake. That's why you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

    You can if you eat half of it and then save the other half for observational/ownership use.

    ETA or just eat it all and buy another cake, technically you still have the first one, it's just now fueling your body.
  4. Ho ho
  5. Originally posted by Red_Woman Ok, but you could say that about a lot of things really. Colours, people, situation etc.etc.
    Still, this is so minor that I just don't understand the obsession. Sounds more like kids playing to me.

    yes. (re: colors situations etc)

    I think the fact it is a good example of difference where there are no blurred lines. I most definitely only hear laurel and nothing else, it's ridiculous to me that anyone hears anything else, equally there are ones that only hear Yanni and think the same.

    Color blindness and situations (which ultimately rely on memory which we know is flawed) is more easily explained away I think than hearing completely different words from the same recording.

    It's a good demonstration I think of how even when you are convinced you know the truth about something or witnessed might be completely wrong about it...which opens up a can of worms about many things, such things as witness testimony and again reality.

    If 999 people say the sky is blue and one says it's green, then the sky would most likely be officially noted as blue...even thought it was actually green. The 999 call the 1 colorblind when it's actually the 999 that are colorblind. etc.
  6. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Sorry I wasn't more clear. Those were pimples on my butt.

    I want my 5ml back...
  7. A better delivery job would be an uber driver probably...delivering humans instead of pizzas probably pays more and offers the slim chance of some fake taxi action.
  8. 2016? why did you even start at that age...
  9. Hi Taryn, thanks for the nipple pics. /insert heart emote here.
  10. Originally posted by Number13 You're missing the context, what accounts for a good job for someone delivering your food/drink?

    Same answer...Pay is the only factor that matters...whether it's pizza or Chinese doesn't really change anything
  11. Originally posted by Number13 What's the american idea of a better job? I mean their job is done after delivering the food to the table and if they're not a retard or crippled that sounds pretty fucking easy, do y'all need them to suck you off under the table or something?

    One that pays well seems the obvious answer.
  12. Originally posted by Red_Woman Morning weirdo. lol

    Hi sexy, nice shorts.
  13. Originally posted by Red_Woman If you hit the last bar (the max) you'll hear Yanny. Distorted but closer to Yanny than Laurel nonetheless.
    I still don't understand the point of all this though. Boh…

    I think it's to demonstrate/suggest that reality isn't real and is simply down to the perception of the observer.
  14. I dreamed about being at the beach, following a woman in short shorts with her ass hanging out and finding a cafe selling nothing but pies.
  15. Originally posted by Da Leg Itches i want to use black people as money

    It would be impossible to buy a loaf of bread, how would you transport 1000 of them to the store to pay for it??
  16. Originally posted by EllariaSand what about the bitches and anarchists!!!

    What about those dullards.
  17. Nothing, I don't order delivery poison.
  18. Originally posted by Da Leg Itches there are a lot of rappers who brag about smoking weed in their songs

    im gonna write a rap about smoking spice erryday and sample Bill Krozby's laugh for the beat

    then ill put it on vocaroo

    Can you do a rap about drinking lemon tea? the weed shit is done to death and isn't very impressive.
  19. Originally posted by ohfralala I saw a neuroscientist say that the switching back and forth is inexplicable.

    I only hear laurel.

    The explanation I heard on NPR yesterday was younger people are more likely to hear Yanny as they can hear higher frequencies and although they are not sure why, they suspect that's what is responsible for the differences...I don't buy it myself and it's funny those saying the primary is yanni, I don't hear yanni at all, I hear laural very clearly and that's it.
  20. They can sometimes negotiate a lower sentence. I know 3 people who committed a nasty crime...2 got 9yrs each with court appointed lawyers, the one who paid for his own lawyer got's who you know and what you pay for etc. I guess if your lawyer is "in" with the DA he can pull strings/make deals.
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