User Controls
How much of a bum are you (1-10)
2018-05-15 at 3:24 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 3:30 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 3:31 PM UTC-10
2018-05-15 at 8:40 PM UTCEven when Homeless I try and stay below 5
2018-05-15 at 8:41 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 8:42 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 8:43 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 8:43 PM UTC9/10, work everyday, pay bills on time, take care of my self, etc., etc.
2018-05-15 at 8:44 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 8:51 PM UTC
2018-05-15 at 8:55 PM UTCI didn't go with 10 since gussy included " incredible personality, dashing good looks", while everyone typically adores me and I don't break mirrors, I just couldn't live up to his 10 lol
2018-05-15 at 8:58 PM UTCLolol