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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by ohfralala I never said a perfect job. I said decent. I’ve known plenty of male fuckups who still live at home with their Mom at 30 and haven’t accomplished shit so yeah.

    Of course if a person is 30 and still living with mom he should change his story to "my mom lives with me, I take care of her"
  2. Originally posted by Dfg No, that's horrible and you never know if the cop will off you, if you lived through it, you will be fucked harder. Better take ur life without fucking others. That's the best approach.

    Well if you survive it you can sue the cops for millions because you pointed a banana at them and then hire a hot live in nurse to change your diaper and feed you chocolate pudding's a win/win
  3. Originally posted by Dfg I travel almost every week, I talk, I socialize, I make others laugh, I try to be positive and give everyone POSITIVE SHIT. It's not easy but fuck me if Am going to be the beacon of negativity.

    You carry a little bundle of "The Watchtower" don't you...
  4. Originally posted by Xlite People can't even kill themselves properly.

    The obvious ways to suicide is carbon monoxide poisoning or touch an electrical wire above the trains while standing on said train.

    Boring, Suicide by cop is the way to go.
  5. Preparation H
  6. Originally posted by A College Professor shes 15, dont call her a pornostar!

    That's how old Traci Lords was at the height of her porn star career.
  7. Originally posted by mmQ Good moening girls ahsead lf time i hsve to go to bed soon but I LOVE yu especially fralalalalalalalalala and bebebebebebebebebe etc

    He just dissed you teehee
  8. I preferred Rent-a-ghost.
  9. Morning Alba...and everyone else I suppose.
  10. Originally posted by mmQ See I can't win I was sober and eating healthy and trying to be a good person when that pic was taken so fuck that's why people kill themselves because no matter what they do they're too skinny or too dumb or too anything so I should just die ok? Ok.

    Well there is middle ground you know!
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock show of hands. who believes the poster and that chick in the pic are one in the same.

    That's is Sheri, she's as real as your self loathing.
  12. Originally posted by mmQ What about in the 2nd pic?

    Too thin. You look like you'd been sick for 3 months...or in the midst of a meth addiction.
  13. Originally posted by mmQ Zan my Man is one of the only people on this forum who can give a serious response, which is what I wanted, and for that I am eternally thankful for his presence.

    The dog seems unimpressed in the 3rd pic.
  14. Originally posted by A College Professor Attractive (White?) gal wears "chinese" dress and gets flamed by shit-libs

    reminds me of the fairly recent story of a hot Oklahoma college student wearing a feather head dress indian thing to a Halloween a party and a bunch of no-name shitlib pussies made it into a big deal online

    Nice teeth, obviously mommy and daddy shelled out for the braces.
  15. I try to maintain the same level of miserableness regardless of atmospheric conditions.
  16. Boss bebe at a water park when a sudden wave rips off her tiny bikini and then barreling her across the pool where she finally crashes into my face crotch first.
  17. Not good...I realized these people I've worked with for the last 11yrs I don't know their last names in most cases.
  18. Originally posted by Boss_bebe74 I wanna kno where else olaf posts.. hmm.

    Nowhere really, I've been working and familiarizing myself with other humans for a change.../shaking head emoticon goes here.
  19. Buy some round rimmed specs, get a pullover and knot the arms around your neck (don't actually wear it), get one of those man purses or an 80s style Filofax, grow a beard, hang out at Starbucks and drink skinny lattes, place a copy of Ecce Homo by Friedrich Nietzsche next to your latte at a slight angle so it looks like you casually threw it there as if it was just the daily newspaper.

    Done...classes not necessary.
  20. Originally posted by A College Professor get libidosuction

    Yes get a fat chick, that will suck the life out of your libido.
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