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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. All I know is I have to spend a min or two removing the chicken semen like umbilical cord thing from eggs before I will cook and eat them.

  2. Originally posted by tee hee hee Nice voices everyone!

    Nice tree trunks.
  3. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Quit trying to bust on my face

  4. Just stay indoors, problem solved
  5. Originally posted by Number13 But the real question is how would you know they haven't in places with tips?.

    I always assume the worst, that way things can only get better...being negative about stuff is being positive...and being positive about stuff is being negative. Thinking about flufffy bunnies never got shit fixed or prevented things from going wrong etc.
  6. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Should I read back?? Or continue on dumb as a box of rocks?

    the rocks option is fine as long as you have safety glass.
  7. Originally posted by Number13 I've never had people pissing on my plate in places with no tips

    well how would you know they haven't?
  8. From Penectomy to Politics.
  9. why would you chop your dick off, just don't use it for sex if you don't want to! it's still good for pissing through.
  10. What an idiot.
  11. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Biscuit, i think 13 means to say is tips are based on when people do a good job. Bus our table promptly, refill drinks and the such. So how do you determine a delivery driver has done a good job? All they do is put your food in their car and drive it over. In this case it would be by ensuring your entire order arrives, sides and drinks, in a timely manner (though they have limited control)

    ok, A good job isn't really measured on tips imo..if you rely on tips it's not a good job. From what I know the food delivery people don't rely on tips, they make min wage (or even more....I recall a friend of mine delivering for papajohns as a 2nd job and makeing a base pay of $10hr or something like that, it's not like a waitress only making $2.50hr or whatever it is).

    Delivering food is delivering food, at best it should be viewed as a 2nd source of income...NEVER a "good" job.
  12. insert lol here
  13. The whole "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is obsolete now because of saftey/bulletproof glass development etc.
  14. cucumbers make cool sex toys I think is where it comes from
  15. Originally posted by tee hee hee Who's jimmy?

  16. Originally posted by Number13 You're missing the context again lol

    Explain what I'm missing then rather than keep saying I'm missing
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL On long trips, spare horseshoes are heavy. It was simply a convenience to the horse not to have to carry them while the owner slept.

    I see
  18. Originally posted by NARCassist i feel like a cunt


    then have one.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock true story: i know of spic who i saw with my own eyes piss into a bucket of eggs that were used to make fried eggs for a large food chain.

    True story, I used to work with a guy who had previously worked at a pizza hut. He said he used to fuck the girl who worked there up on the counter where they make the pizzas and then carried on making the pizzas on the counter after they'd finished
  20. In a similar vein...the saying Freeze the balls of a brass monkey comes from the holders of cannon balls used on a ship...called a brass monkey...when the ship went into colder climates the brass would contract and the cannonballs would pop out...hence the term freeze the balls of a brass monkey.
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