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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I have been working since I was very young, when I was 17 I had a job for 4 years driving forklift. I just worked for SEARS for a year right until they went bankrupt.

    Sears was actually my favorite job, order picking while high on meth I was the best worker and they liked me so much they had me train all the new people. I was sick of repeating myself so I stayed up late one night and wrote a training manual and made a bunch of copies at work and gave it to all the new people.

    We had high turnover so it made my job much easier.

    Yet I got more writeups than anyone else and they even suspended me for a week once. That job fucking killed my soul, maybe it was just that company but it was fucked up to go to work every day and try my best and at the end all they say is "you fucked up" and nobody gives a fuck.

    Every job I ever had is just bullshit like that, when I do work its only gonna be until I have enough money to start a business and then I will live off that.

    Seriously my talents are wasted in the workplace, I am meant for far greater things.

    Then start your own business...(a legal one)
  2. drink 10 bottles of Bacardi 151 within 1hr...or as many as you can down as quickly as possible...relatively pain free.

  3. I don't drive, cars and roads just get in my way. All that infrastructure they built has done nothing but gentrify my ancestral homeland and make it easier for the elite 1% to run their empire.

    You are using the system are using the system to post this message, the internet, the power company, the manufacturing plants that built your equipment, everything you use have and do is thanks to "the system" either directly or indirectly.

    ...and didn't you say you were on assistance too...insert rotating eyes here.

    Also I live in a country where guns are illegal and theres like a million acres of forest I can homestead on.

    ...guns wouldn't be illegal without a system...duh. And those millions of acres would be owned/controlled by some warlord without an official system...there is ALWAYS a system. ;)
  4. Originally posted by tee hee hee I wish could stay this age forever. Sigh!

    You can...
  5. Originally posted by NARCassist but you forget that on welfare you got all that time to supplement your income.


    By doing what?....working? duh....

  6. I don't want handouts or anything I just wanna work but society wants me to fuck me around and give them all my money for paperwork.

    No it doesn't

    I have paid more than my fair share of taxes,

    LOL...You clearly have no clue how much things cost if you think the pittance you've paid so far in tax as an unemployed 20 something covers even .00000001% of the cost of the infrastructure you have been using for your 20+ years...

    maybe i wouldn't be living off assistance if half my paychecks since I was 16 years old didn't get taken off in taxes.

    Um you paid 50% in taxes as a 16yr old...are you a 1%er who has since gone on assistance...

    I don't need the system, the system needs me.

    Um no, you need the system and use the system everyday of your life...the system would not miss you at all, in fact if you are on assistance you are a burden on the system.

    If suddenly the government crashed and the money ran out I would just go live innawoods and probably have a much better life.

    Not on my land you wouldn''d be shot.
  7. Originally posted by Something Squirrel The only reason any of you have anything is because you actually had parents or family/friends to help you.

    My dad kicked me out at 16...I had a job and my own place at 16...I've worked continuously since then...if you want to work you can work, if you can only get low paying jobs...then you get 2 low paying get skills that make you desirable to employers...the keyword here is "YOU"...if "YOU" are wanting/expecting handouts from parents/government/whoever...then "YOU" will always be a fucking loser who is not in charge of his own life.
  8. Originally posted by Something Squirrel Welfare works.

    If you qualify for it...then you get to live as a pauper...

    Again $$$ brings you freedom, relying on others/handouts...doesn't.
  9. It's only conflict if you fight it. Just let nature take it's course.
  10. Originally posted by BummyMofo Mooching off family, mooching off government, mooching off every damn thing a nigga can mooch off

    Yup...sooner than you think that's not going to work one wants a worthless 45yr old sleeping on their sofa.
  11. Originally posted by NARCassist till the house prices drop again


    Well no, again it's been paid for 12yrs...the house prices could drop 70% at this point and I'd still be in profit.

    It's not so much the house but the 6 acres it's sitting on prices haven't affected the land prices have only go up up up since I bought it in 2004.

    You'll learn kiddo...again, what's your point here?
  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo I'd rather be selling pussy. The market is always profitable, never wavers. Housing market ain't like that at all, also it would require real work/contracting
    Being a mothafuckin pimp you just gotta be tough and assert dominance over the bitches and the clients at all times.

    But your not're living with mom and mooching out of her fridge...
  13. Originally posted by NARCassist i'm guessing it was you that signed that contract.


    Well duh have to sign a contract to get a mortgage. Do you have an actual point here?
  14. Originally posted by NARCassist and if they lost their job/moved out/got crippled/died/etc?


    Then I'd have most of the house and land paid off...sell the property and be $$$$ in. They've been paying the mortgage for 12yrs...
  15. Originally posted by BummyMofo If I was a pimp, I bet I could have a setup like this.
    Trick a bitch out and have the money go to living costs.

    Or just be a landlord...
  16. Originally posted by NARCassist do you have a mortgage?


    Yes but the person living in my house is paying for it. /thumbsup.
  17. Originally posted by BummyMofo Get kicked out, then shack up somewhere else. Bummy vagabond niggas like myself are pros at it.

    Yeah...that's not going to work when you're 55...lololol
  18. Originally posted by BummyMofo Unless there's a contract saying I owe them shit, then I don't owe them shit.
    I watched enough Judge Judy to know that, bruh

    As I said you'll learn it when you get older ;)

    Don't need a contract to "force" you to comply with my either do or you get your ass kicked that assertive enough for you? lolol
  19. If you're letting people live off you, that's not very assertive
    kinda sounds like being a doormat

    It' better to have people owing you than you owing'll learn that as you get older.
  20. Originally posted by NARCassist you got it backwards mate. the thing is that nobody is living off me. you get it?


    You didn't answer the question...

    btw, it's good to have people living off you, not the other way around.
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