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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by ohfralala Just hit *67 and block your number

    That's an app that gets around that...
  2. Well nationality doesn't really help identify can have white/yellow/black/red all born and raised in the same country.
  3. Originally posted by Tony Hawk I have never taken cuck drugs in my entire life except that time I took mirtazapine and tried to cut my own leg off.

    Tried? it's a pretty simple task.
  4. It means you have a problem
  5. Trade in ivory, powdered tiger penises/rhino horn, rare animals/pets etc
  6. Niggers seems an obvious one.
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I need my dick sucked really bad.

    So buy a whore...$20...possibly $10 if you choose a scabby one.
  8. Originally posted by CandyRein Matt, only 2-5% of the worlds oceans have been studied.. we know more about space than we do our own planet ..smh

    That's a fallacy...we've barely the been to the moon...and the rest of the universe is a damn sight bigger and more unexplored than the oceans.
  9. Is it Friday yet?
  10. Give this man a cookie.
  11. Scared Americans...lolz. Can't go to the grocery store without packin
  12. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Well it is pretty selfish considering he has a child who will now grow up without a father. I don't give a fuck about anyone else, but killing yourself while you have a child who loves and cares about you is probably the worst thing you could ever do to them. An 11 year old, no less. I can't imagine a much worse age. She's old enough to remember, yet young enough to not really understand or comprehend the full spectrum of what's going on.

    She'll be fine, she's near the age she'd start hating her parents anyway.
  13. Originally posted by -mal- I’m sick of seeing my feed full of fake people saying “reach out” “I’m always here to listen.” What about all the non famous people struggling around you every day… silently…un-noticed

    Not the same thing.
  14. I remember as a young fella me lad I would jack off into the (wide mouthed) shampoo bottle at bath time...and then my dad often going for a shower after me and washing his hair.
  15. Originally posted by Kinks I’m prescribed klonopin and lyrica, how tf is that copious considering what I used to be prescribed? I have severely increased senses and nerve pain in about half my body. I used to have terrible anxiety but I’ve either figured out how to be over it during the past ten years or the lyrica is working better for it.

    What causes the nerve pain...and would an oily massage help?
  16. That's hot.
  17. A couple of drops that could have lead to millions of Einsteins. How many times have we all jacked away the possible savior of the human race I wonder.
  18. Yes, a a large breasted hottie to present it to him.
  19. Originally posted by Sophie Manonfire is correct. When people suicide they think they do their loved ones a favor by getting out of their lives. Of course it is also about wanting the pain to stop. But often depression of the sort that makes people kill themselves comes with a lot of self-doubt/self-loathing. And i will tell you something else. People who kill their family and then themselves don't commit the murders out of malice. They commit the murders out of mercy, to spare their loved ones the loss of the person. Or to spare them from the guilt of what the person has done before hand.

    A family annihilator does not act out of malice and neither does someone that suicides.

    what about the suicides that have no family?
  20. Making baby batter.
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