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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist their lives are just as valued to them as yours is to you pal.


    So are the adults lives...why did you specify children and is life is it not?
  2. Originally posted by BummyMofo I'm tired of all this fucking bullshit in the media, all this alt right racism honky bonky bullshit all over the internet, racism is just as bad in America and if you're colored you gotta be watching out for those mothafuckin police at all times… what does a brotha gotta do to get a leg up in this white man's world? I'll tell you, it's long overdue. The white privilege needs to be acknowledged and reparations need to be made. Affirmative action needs to be pushed to the next level in the work force, education system, and judicial system.


    How long did you suffer as a slave?
  3. Originally posted by RestStop And I'm the bad guy for sellin' a few keys of shard a year. Tisk, tisk.

    Yup....Afghan babies only grow up to be goat fuckers anyway.
  4. Originally posted by NARCassist no one codes in bbc basic anymore, lol.


    30 let a$="I do!"

    40 Print a$
  5. Originally posted by NARCassist says who? your newspapers and television?


    Um says anyone that can think up another logical explanation.../eyeroll
  6. Originally posted by BeigeWarlock you have to be able to actually build front end or back end solve

    Well now you're widening the goal posts...
  7. Originally posted by NARCassist and you're ok with the only logical explanation for those wars was for the arms industries to be able to shift tonnes of your tax dollars straight into their pockets. as a result there are children and babies that never got the chance to live, or have to live a life with horrible burns, disfigurements, limbless and/or as orphans?

    it's only collateral damage tho huh?


    Well that isn't the only logical explanation for them.
  8. Originally posted by BeigeWarlock here is the trick.. first if you ever are capable of coding and land a 100k a year job, you live in a car, shower at the gym and eat as cheaply as possible.. 5 years and you can buy a house outright in Austin Texas or say somewhere in Flagstaff Arizona or even the flats of California (Modesto or wherever)

    10 print "hello"
    20 goto 10

    100k please.
  9. Originally posted by NARCassist so you're fully aware that your tax dollars paid towards all the bombs that got dropped on children and babies in iraq/afganistan/etc?

    and you're ok with that?


    Yes I'm ok with collateral can't make an omelette without breaking eggs etc. It's called being a realist.
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist how do you?

    I do own a TV and read news.

    or more specifically, how do you know they aren't fucking with the messages?

    With regard to the topic we are being an active and contributing member of society and through that observing/witnessing and participating in the benefits that society brings as well as bearing witness to the consequences to those who don't.

    Example: If I drive on highway 290 twice a day for 8yrs and observe the construction and improvements to that highway then I know when I watch a news story on it if the message they deliver regarding it's current state is accurate or not.'s all very simple really.
  11. Originally posted by NARCassist i don't read newspapers or watch tv, i don't even own a tv tbh.


    Then how do you know what message(s) they deliver?...
  12. Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Well I have awesome news for you.. and bad news

    Good news. Northern California (mainly bay area) has more jobs then people to fill them

    Bad News: Rent is a bitch and you would be lucky to rent out a closet (literally a closet in a house) to set up as your own. there is a massive housing crisis in the bay area where houses have been rented or purchased before finished being built.

    So if you can stand living out of your car or get creative with a hedge (as I did a few nights.. hehe.. painter tarp and found a giant shrub south of market. then you should be able to find work.

    ..or just move.
  13. Originally posted by NARCassist i'm hearing a lot of arguments itt that i've heard so many times, been hearing them since i was a kid. if i wanted to hear those arguments again i'd just switch on the tv or go buy a fucking newspaper.


    Turning on that TV or buying that newspaper would require you to use multiple examples of societies benefits. And if the message has been the same to you for years...and you still don't get probably never will. That will only result in further misery for you.
  14. Originally posted by NARCassist but least they got a half decent excuse, what is the wealthy politicians excuse?


    ...theft is theft. There is no excuse for it.
  15. Basically you are one of those people who think "IF YOU DONT HAVE A LICENSE YOU CAN NEVER DRIVE A CAR"

    when actually the only thing stopping you is the threat of someone shooting you in the head for not having the government approved documents and paying them to allow you to drive.

    Well there you go, you're sort of getting it.

    That being that the consequences of not complying with the requirements of the society you choose to live in can be and are quite dire...

    Congrats, the penny is starting to drop! (next it will be your balls)

    You either contribute or you get isn't all rainbows and unicorns...sunshine.
  16. Originally posted by NARCassist or corruption and theft maybe.


    LOL...that happens in the poorest neighborhoods (if not moreso!)...corruption and theft isn't the sole domain of the wealthy....naive.
  17. Too many moochers and not enough tax payers perhaps...
  18. Originally posted by NARCassist why is everything in such a poor state then?


    ? what do you mean...

    Example: the improvements to highway 290 I drive on everyday are going to be great when it's completed at the end of the year after 7 or 8yrs of construction.
  19. Originally posted by NARCassist there's just no telling some fools


  20. Originally posted by Something Squirrel Lol he lets the government steal from him and doesn't even try to rip them off back. What a cuck

    When your balls drop and you move out of moms you'll start to understand that taxes pay for...again, the system and infrastructure you are using 24/7...and that your personal low wage contributions don't actually cover what you use of that system/infrastructure.

    The gov isn't "stealing" anything, you are contributing to the system that allows you to live the life you live...again power/roads/hospitals/schools/the ability for private business to operate who need the infrastructure you claim not to use..but you use their products...

    No matter how much you think you are independent you are not you are reliant on others...even if you went to live in the woods as you are still relying on others who own the land/manage the land...don't come along and shoot you.

    Nothing is free in this world, someone is always paying.

    Paying your way in the world and not relying on others to finance your life isn't being a cuck lol...being beholden to the charity of others is though ;) ultimately that wont go well for you as a "plan for the future".
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