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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Kinks How fat are you though?

    How fat are all of you? Lol

    230lb 6'4", it's all muscle and brain though.
  2. Yo mama is so fat when she goes to the movies she sits next to everyone.
  3. Home Pong machines from the 70s. You'd think they'd be valuable/collectable now they are "thinner on the ground" but they aren't. You're lucky to get $10 for one on ebay.

    ...Anyone want to buy a pong machine btw...boxed with manual?
  4. Originally posted by Archer513 The media has nothing to do with beauty

    You can manipulate ppls minds with lies

    You can’t manipulate a penis or vag with lies

    Genitals see through bullshit

    Yup, It's instinctive to be attracted to a healthy human...simply from a reproduction point of view. We are animals and like all animals we are wired to choose a strong healthy partner that will provide strong and healthy offspring.

    Fat slobs don't qualify.
  5. Originally posted by joerell For those who actually think logically HTS may have a point. We are conditioned to accept what is beautiful or not through the media or what is strictly visual and in many cases the person could be totally opposite. I'm sure a very small minority focus on the whole picture and most don't even take time to investigate further. When I was in Vietnam I saw many beautiful things and most Americans and Europeans only cared about cheap hotels and taking pics to prove to their friends they have money to travel. In reality most got ripped off by street merchants and couldn't handle the thugs and enormous amounts of bikes on the road with people screaming. I actually found the characters interesting and how if you refused a deal they made it look offensive if you walked away almost threatening you. Different culture…so the more you learn the better.

    No, again beauty is measurable. There maybe a gray area where beauty and plain are borderline...but there is definitely no problem discriminating the difference between beautiful and ugly...I refer you back to the 2 bench ladies I posted. Wherever you are in the world the vast majority of people would choose the upper pic as an example of beauty...not the bottom pic.
  6. Pushing the envelope, it's what all great and intelligent people do.

    Like a bull in a field checking the fence for a weak spot.
  7. Carbon monoxide perhaps? we spend more $$ trying to get rid of it. ETA...garbage/trash too I suppose.
  8. Originally posted by esbity This guy that I use to work with said this about vaginas and it strangely made sense to me.

    They get infected a lot, generally have a foul odor, and are prone to diseases. Seems similar to an open wound.

    What would you say?

    I'd say,

    No that wasn't infection it was my jizz oozing out of your woman.
  9. Originally posted by RisiR † Lucy isn't really fat, just a little chubby. Gingers are ace. I am biased, though. HTS isn't just a little cutie but also personality wise hot as fuck. If you knew her the way I do, you'd want to stick your dick in it, too.

    One of those times where ignorance is bliss then.
  10. What a classy lady she is. Beauty, brains, humor and calling me "papi" in that Italian accent, what more could one ask for other than sexual congress of course.
  11. Originally posted by RisiR † Little clitty twink boys are fucking hot, yo.

    What about fat ginger ones like HTS?
  12. Turkey salad for me tonight with a side of smugness.
  13. Originally posted by RisiR † If you aren't man enough to dominate a little sissy slut with your bosscock you have seious manhood problems.

    The majority of sane straight men don't see that as a problem...again you are in the minority.
  14. Originally posted by Kinks I microwaved fried chicken tenderloins. That’s all. They were pretty good but greasy af

    Should have warmed them up in t'oven for 20 of your Earth mins...much tastier that way.
  15. Originally posted by RisiR † Nobody thinks you're witty so yea…

    Wasn't trying to be. Insert shrug emote here.
  16. Originally posted by RisiR † You are part of that same minority, niggerfaggot.

    No I don't think fatties or trannies are beautiful...

  17. The majority of humans are Indian/Chinese, though. Their beatuy ideals don't speak for me.

    HTS is a cutie, by the way. <3

    As a minority your opinion doesn't matter to the majority. Again, majority rule. (and apparently faggot lover)

    (btw, majority of Indians and Asians don't like fatties either...)
  18. Originally posted by HTS So you're saying it's entirely subjective. 😂

    No. I'm saying it's already been determined that beauty IS measurable.
  19. Originally posted by HTS This doesn't mean beauty isn't relative.

    Yes it does..society is based on majority rule...if the majority of people determine something as beautiful, then it's's people who made the word and definition up after all. Insert eyeroll here...a few nut jobs don't define a words meaning or where it can be applied.
  20. I hope there isn't any antifreeze in that water
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