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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by A College Professor im gonna need to explain my monthslong employment gap so i was gonna show them my true passion in life, ever evolving the forum.

    Tell them you were financially independent for that month and spent the month traveling the world to further your life experience.
  2. Originally posted by NARCassist yeah, 18-29 year olds.


    ...and underage (or over age) for what exactly? if under age is 0-18 and over age is 18-29...then was about just "aged" kids?
  3. True, sometimes a bitch just needs a good slap...even if she's not done anything we all know she eventually would. Seems reasonable to have a professional do it instead of yourself.
  4. Underage kids?

    Are there any over-age kids?
  5. Originally posted by Sub_Mod Hi, Sub_Mod here,

    3-4 fucks… then she backstabbed me on some $$$ (substantial amount)

    I have a lot of PI on her and have now identified her boyfriend. Do i go to him and dump all the emails, text messages, etc. to him?

    It will shatter his perception of her but on the other hand it's clear that that perception is all a lie.

    Why not go straight to the husband instead of the boyfriend?
  6. Well did she deserve it?
  7. Who is missing from NIS today?
  8. Originally posted by WellHung Folks, i do this often… you would be surprised how many women (not formal prostitutes) are willing to accept money for sexual favors….you just have to convince them that it's in their best interest to do so.

    Young ones especially, they'll also happily sell the panties they are wearing for $50 too. I heard.
  9. Globally fatties have gained 106 metric tonnes since this thread started.
  10. I'm just saying it's a possibility, not necessarily the cause/reason.
  11. how many blowjobs?
  12. Get a bottle of that spray on hair but instead of using it on your head use it on your jawline.
  13. Originally posted by apric0t So yeah, I only ate twice yesterday and both times I just kinda snacked on some chips and hummus. Both times I ate, I only did so because I remembered I hadn't eaten yet, not because I had hunger pangs. I also smoked a fuckin gang of weed, but that's an everyday thing.

    Now it's a new day and once again I don't feel any type of hunger.

    What gives, SPACE NIGGAS?

    See the fat thread.

    Possibilities include:

    Colon or Stomach cancer
    Self loathing at your size
    Your body rebelling against the filth you shovel into it
    Homosexual leanings.
  14. You've got to be nuts to drive a bike in Houston traffic. When I came here I thought about getting one...but then I saw how fucking badly Americans drive and figured a box would be safer and drier.
  15. Originally posted by joerell You can't race that Camaro even if you want to…too heavy and high and lousy on corners with those tires.

    I wouldn't want to, again I grew up... ;)
  16. Originally posted by joerell Pretty expensive 2 wheeler with modifications and since I have 3 not counting my cars it beats your Camaro. Lol.

    Yeah I outgrew the bike thing years ago...GSX-R1100 was my last ride..fastest street legal bike available at the time. A time comes though when a man has to grow up, you'll get there one day ;)
  17. You guys can thank me later...the psychology worked.
  18. Thats a fine ass (and thighs) Kinks...well done you...well done.
  19. I didn't get it to race, I got it take me to work and Aldi...oh and to pick up bar flies.
  20. Originally posted by joerell Who the fuck buys a Camaro…my Hayabusa can beat this domestic before we're out of the gate. Lol.

    Someone who can afford 4 wheels and not only 2.

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