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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by tee hee hee That comes to approx 25$/head.

    Wow! Lol

    Must have been a buffet because you know that fucking 400lb one ate more than $25 worth of food.
  2. Originally posted by joerell Most MMA's are not real fighters…just show men. Also most of their credentials are non existant and belong to uncertified clubs.

    Most NIS members are either transsexuals or 97lb basement dwellers, so I'm sure the MMA fighter will be fine.
  3. sup bitch.
  4. I've done that before accidentally. I still remember her facial (or fecal) expression.
  5. Originally posted by stl1 I heard it's the 5 day old tighty whiteys that get you the most attention, JJ.

    Well that's where the party is, yes.
  6. Originally posted by joerell Weird ones like TeeHee.

  7. Originally posted by NARCassist i'd rather take a beating than look like a cunt.


    Doesn't have to be a choice...
  8. Don't know, I haven't changed my socks in 3 days.
  9. Originally posted by apt

    So a child then...
  10. Originally posted by stl1 Would having to tuck it in your sock to keep from stepping on it be considered a physical disfigurement in dating?

    Lets leave your belly out of this.
  11. Originally posted by stl1 You, of all people, should know that nobody likes a know-it-all smartass.

    (Insert razzing emoticon here.)

    As if a know-it-all smartass cares what the rat dogs nipping at his heels think...lololol
  12. Obesity is a disfigurement...NO.
  13. Same, I only watched the first 2 series.
  14. Originally posted by NARCassist you should see if you could sell a kilo of butter as cocaine then.


    Well I'm sure cocaine and butter are not the only universal substances that melt at my touch, chocolate and women's hearts spring to mind as a couple of others.
  15. If you read the Sherlock Holmes novels that's exactly how he is in them, a know all would therefore follow the TV show would portray him the same way.
  16. Originally posted by NARCassist it doesn't numb your tongue when you dab it. its idiots who think dabbing a bit on your tongue to see if it goes numb is a legitimate way to test coke. people who know get a dab between their fingers and see if it melts from your body heat.


    Butter does that too...
  17. Grey hair on a woman is never attractive...neither is body hair.
  18. Dunno...sooner or later you know the shit would hit the fan.
  19. Filthy thieving niggers.
  20. Originally posted by benny vader it should have been

    SIZE of consent.

    That would mean the Asian "race" would become extinct.
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