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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Technologist Whatever you say Jig🙄. I’m speaking of the obese people that get to the point of immobility.

    400 and 600lbs isn't typically immobile...those were the weights mentioned...lets not be widening the goal posts now to try and make it "fit".
  2. Originally posted by HTS Beauty is relative.

    No it isn't it's measurable.

    The vast majority of humans when shown the following images will choose the upper one as an example of beauty and the lower one as ...not.

    ..anyone who chooses differently is mentally disturbed...and so has an invalid opinion/view of the world.

  3. You don’t get sarcasm very well.

    You don't give it very well.

    I’m simply stating facts. Once they cannot move, they have to have enablers.

    Um they can move...take at look at her photo again...could you get in that position..lololol (and dominoes delivers)
  4. Originally posted by HTS Seriously though, that's why she's so much prettier than me. Duh. And that's why I think she's beautiful. Rather be her than me.

    Being prettier than you doesn't make someone beautiful...just as being a lighter shade of brown doesn't stop a shit from being a shit.

    A total disregard for your own health and safety is never "beautiful" mentally or physically.
  5. Seems your five knuckle shuffle has piqued peoples interest Archer.
  6. Originally posted by Technologist Noooo, say it isn’t so😱

    Well duhhh they shovel it in by themselves. Once they get to the point of immobility, SOME ONE has to buy the food and bring it to them.

    I think you missed the point. If someone brought me 20 pizza's they are not forcing the 20 pizzas in my mouth..only I can do that..the availability of food or the willingness of people to bring you food doesn't result in the food being consumed...only the choice the fat fuck "enables" that.

    More excuses...
  7. Originally posted by HTS I see a wealth of features that, while marred somewhat by obesity, are quite beautiful. Her face is cute and her frame is relatively small and feminine (just overburdened with some fat). She's got all the right body parts in all the right places, it's just all covered in fat like some kind of biological burka.

    tldr she's more feminine looking than me, femininity = beauty, therefore she's gorgeous. Relatively speaking.

    Well you're a dude so...
  8. Meth and lifetime movies...
  9. Someone's enraged and engorged.
  10. That would just compound the tininess of the willy.
  11. Originally posted by Tony Hawk Is that a criticism or a compliment

    A criticism.
  12. She looks about 12.
  13. Originally posted by Technologist These peeps don’t get this way on their own, someone is enabling them and bringing them food.

    They still get there on their's still there decision to shovel the food into their gaping maws.
  14. "Trying" doesn't actually sound like you are trying.
  15. Originally posted by RestStop I'm eating breaded chicken tenders and drinking pepsi while some crazy shit lifetime movie on TV. I feel right. I feel right.

    on a work day?
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL Once these people get to a certain level, their arms are no longer long enough to wipe their own asses, so they just let it go.

    And the ass cheeks totally enclose the asshole at that size anything coming out it squeezed all over the cheeks...only a hosing down gets is properly cleaned but as they eat and shit so much it's a bit like bailing out a sinking ship with a small bucket.
  17. Originally posted by HTS She is gorgeous.

    You're mentally disturbed if you think 400lbs of blubber is "gorgeous"
  18. "Naseri was a member of an armed group which engaged in several episodes of armed robbery, and was convicted of Moharebeh, or waging war against God.

    But given the Iranian government’s lack of transparency in court proceedings, unfair trials and use of torture during interrogations, it’s doubtful if the claims made against Naseeri were real. "
  19. It would be her fault for having a pussy like the grande canyon.
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