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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist not with them skinny arms of mine no.


  2. Originally posted by tee hee hee Stop harassing me and go back to youroffice hor!!!!

    She's taking Dic-tation.
  3. She ain't kiddin.
  4. Originally posted by Red_Woman I'm glad you have a positive view on the matter, crumpet. Cause you know I'm coming to you when I'm old. lol

    I'll start stocking up on the his and hers diapers.
  5. I remember watching a documentary type thing a few years ago where a woman decided to do an experiment not washing her hair.

    It turned out for the first 30 days or so she said it was gross and smelly, but then after that it reached an natural "equilibrium" and became better than it had ever been before, the smell went away, it stopped being greasy was very "manageable" and she said she never planned on washing it again.
  6. They have those toilets in Japan that squirt water and soap, wash then dry your ass for need to wipe.

    Here in the US we have the 3 seashells.
  7. Pollo al carbon (really cats)
  8. Originally posted by cupocheer Oh fk!

    That shite ain't real, OP.

    It's like a song and dance routine.

    I'd rhumba and tango his pus to death. LMRAO

    You'd rhumba on his cucumber
  9. Originally posted by ohfralala Hmm idk probably Big Bone Pale Face Crazy Toot

    And your slave name?
  10. Originally posted by Tony Hawk looks 19 to me

    Google says 12.
  11. That can't be good for the brain...all that jiggling. I bet it's bouncing off the walls like a pickled onion in a jar.
  12. I'd like to see Kinks peaches and cream.
  13. Originally posted by WellHung Lolol… Dad if I did that my socks would get stuck to my feet!

    Don't use your jizz socks on your feet son.
  14. Originally posted by joerell I actually know an Asian lady who is highly trained in numerous disciplines.

    Happy endings and suky fucky don't count.
  15. Originally posted by joerell I acually trained in both Japan and the Snow Mountains in China when I was much younger.

    Insert 42,000 lol emoticons here.
  16. Yup, stick to the Twilight series for now.
  17. Originally posted by stl1 We need Iam_gonnakickyourasslikethe50guysIkilledalready in this conversation.

    Oh man, we definitely need that guy on this site, lol go find him.
  18. Originally posted by Kinks If my bf smacked me in a negative fashion I would tender my resignation effective immediately from the relationship

    Would there be a severance package or a severing of the package?.
  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee Dont you have a coworker that needs your flirting?

    I don't have coworkers, I have underlings remember.
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