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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Where will it end? firing and demonizing someone because they said you look nice today or pat you on the back for more than 1.42 seconds?...oh wait...#metoo
  2. Originally posted by ohfralala Probably bc apparently some people get very uncomfortable over pronouns.

    As they should, everyone should strive for truth, reality and accuracy...compounding error after error doesn't help progress.
  3. What a guy...a man of his word, he said something he does it or at least tries to do it.
  4. Originally posted by ohfralala Lmfao this has NOTHING to do with what I originally said.

    You originally said "she" when it's a "he"...that's enabling the mental're not helping the poor sick person by doing that.

    I simply corrected you because that's the kind and caring humanitarian I am.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson that Jer??? (now he's lost that 50lbs)
  6. Originally posted by Archer513 They call it intolerance by being intolerant.

    This x 100000

    I've never protested or held a sign up or demanded others think like me (well maybe a few submissive women)...wouldn't waste my time as I already understand people have and are allowed to have other viewpoints...I just don't have to agree with them or go along with yours to appease your frail ego.
  7. Originally posted by ohfralala Yes thanks for quoting that. You can see exactly where someone tried to make it about being trans and didn’t properly process what I was saying lol.

    You're not trans (Are you?) , I was correct YOU... ;)

    You said she when he is a he...a simple correction that should have ended there.
  8. Originally posted by joerell True…it's not a SHE. Still a HE…irrational to believe if you cut your penis off a HE turns automatically into a biological woman. If he is the most rational poster from NIS also being a slave their community has a massive problem and removing drugs may help them to see this. Leftists in general are not logical people to begin with or sane…it's killing society and with open borders can't wait for radical Muslims to push Sharia Law. Boy are we going to have fun then…time to party.

    It's just compounding their delusion and mental illness by going along with it...that' doesn't help them...hence the 40% suicide rate.
  9. "It's kind of like when Walt Jr. changed his name to Flynn. Of course that's not his real name but if you like the guy you just call him Flynn anyway because he likes it. I think that's how the PRONOUNERS look at it maybe."

    I bet his mom still called him Walt Jr...
  10. Originally posted by ohfralala It’s not about that at all lol but you’ve tried like hell to make it a trans issue.

    The original point I was making was exactly that...he not she...which seemed to spark some butthurtness.
  11. Originally posted by ohfralala All the comments questioning trans people when I wasn’t even discussing trans prove otherwise lol.

    Well it's more about the blatant hypocrisy that is displayed by a 'certain type'.


    "You should accept a transgender person and address that person by it's gender/pronoun/etc of preference...or you're an intolerant bigot!" see the hypocrisy in that statement I'm sure...

  12. hows it feel to be less tolerant than people in their 70's?

    You're confusing tolerance with delusion. I happily accept a persons right to be a fuckup, just don't expect me to play along with it as if it's reality.

    just how fucking old and out of touch are you?.

    Out of touch with what, reality? the reality is you can't change a persons chromosomes...whether you are 1 or 90.

    no wonder why all your posts are just one liners of nonsense

    Efficiency is a wonderful need to waffle on and on, state your point and move on to the next. You'll learn when you get a few hairs on your balls, assuming you still have them.
  13. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 found a pic of u.

    That's like 10yrs ago I'm hotter and thinner now.
  14. Originally posted by ohfralala I was never making a statement about trans people tho. I said she’s the most rational poster from NiS and for some reason you guys couldn’t process that lol.

    Short circuit malfunction.

    Still *he's...
  15. Little late today due to the transsexual shenanigans in the other thread.

    ..already a couple of games completed...lets take a look shall we.

    Japan 0 Poland 1. Nice to see the Poles do something before they go home.
    Senegal 0 Columbia 1. No surprises there



    oh and Panama-Tunisia...blah.
  16. *on topic.

    Pants, apparently.
  17. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 HTS is the coolest transgender *man ever.

    That's like saying "the shit I took last night was the best ever"
  18. Originally posted by ohfralala Why else would I ever make controversial comments?


    Well then I bow to your skillz, you really had me thinking you'd gone off the deep and and thought that transsexual aberration of nature was rational.

    56 kudos points awarded.
  19. Originally posted by ohfralala Lmfao at you guys eating up bait like starving fucking fish.

    lololol oh it was all your grand plan huh...
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