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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by ohfralala Are you genuinely unable to detect all of the sarcasm and trolling

    Trolling, there it is, thanks for the confirmation.
  2. Originally posted by ohfralala Nah. You took offense to me saying she was rational.

    Um no that would make no sense, why would I be offended by you talking about someone else? lololol (you did just amuse me by making that assumption), your simply attempting to troll me buy saying I was offended as my counter to your statement likely offended you.

    No, I simply like to correct and question the logic behind such a statement when clearly the behavior and thinking of a person who can't accept themselves as they are is then referred to as doesn't make sense on any scale.
  3. Originally posted by POLECAT jig's mad he cant play with hts's tittys without bein gay and tee is jelly of the young tight tittys

    Does it have titties? has it gone that far or is it still at the dress wearing stage?
  4. Originally posted by ohfralala All I said was HTS was a rational poster

    Again you said She, I simply corrected your anthropological (re: irrational) error which you then appear to have taken umbrage too.
  5. Originally posted by POLECAT Honestly I just figured you had some sort of issue staying hard if you need a cock ring,,

    My bone is hard as steel so I never needed a cock ring

    The cock ring comes into play once you've shot your remains hard for as long as you want it too. If you are remaining hard after shooting your load without a ring you probably have some sort of disorder and should seek medical attention. The penis is designed to deflate once it's delivered it's package...anything else is abnormal.
  6. Originally posted by ohfralala You’d have to ask yourself and Jig. All I did was say that HTS was a rational poster lol.

    Well you said "SHE" was, I just corrected you ;)
  7. Originally posted by tee hee hee I dunno. Do you think the transgendered will survive not being called by his prefered pronoun?

    Don't they have a 40% suicide rate? probably not.
  8. Originally posted by Zanick Africa would come to be known as 'the empty continent' like something out of The Lord of the Rings. Same with Chicago.

    Wouldn't be empty for long, we'd soon populate it, build it up and turn it into a prosperous land of opportunity. At which point we'd then see "see, now why couldn't the niggers have done this...hmmm?"
  9. My ex wives kept their rings...and my last name for some reason, that's weird in my opinion.
  10. toe rings and ankle bracelets are cute on women...but not fat women.
  11. Originally posted by POLECAT well as usual sex and dating chat folks are more delusional and enabling of the biology of humans today and the dgd folks are old a stuck in there old fashion ways, filled with scorn and anger,, not tech tho

    LOL...rational facts about human biology = scorn and anger huh.
  12. Originally posted by POLECAT where tho

    see edit
  13. Originally posted by Kinks My ugly bits must be nice because the majority of my past exes suggested I do porn because I’d make a lot of money with how perfect everything looks.

    No brown down there.. my damn asshole ain’t even brown.

    Thumbs up. Flesh colored assholes for the win
  14. Originally posted by tee hee hee But it does affect the rest of us when we are being told we have to call a man a woman thus participating in a transgenedered person's delusions!

    Yes, as mentioned, the "enablers" telling the mentally ill, "it's ok to be mentally ill and pretend you are something you are not and never could be".
  15. Originally posted by ohfralala You should have paid more attention to the part of my quote you deleted lol.

    No need it wasn't relevant it was simply trolling...
  16. Originally posted by ohfralala Why?

    Because it's the logical and rational thing to do. Dressing like a woman, chopping bits of flesh off or adding new bits, doesn't change your chromosomes. If you are born a man, you are a man and you die as a matter how much saline you inject into your moobs, or how much you and your mental disorder enabling friends say different.
  17. Originally posted by Kinks Promise ring from years ago.

    Has the promise been kept?
  18. Originally posted by Red_Woman Take example from crumpet. Zero work done everyday.

    Exactly. Get paid for looking pretty like I do.
  19. Originally posted by ohfralala I know I’m right thx.

    It’s great too bc she is so rational that it completely disputes the cliche and makes a lot of non trans people look like bumbling fools.

    *he...lets try to be rational now about human biology.
  20. par·a·graph
    plural noun: paragraphs

    a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
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