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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by jer3552 i couldn't figure out why none of my neighbors noticed I lost weight, then I went to the mall last night and looked in a full length mirror and saw that I'm still pretty fat….damn it

    Are you still wearing the same sized clothes? that might be why, go buy the next size (or 2) down.

    I find I don't get noticed when I wear my baggy jeans but get lots of wolf whistles when I wear my skinny jeans.
  2. Originally posted by ohfralala Actually I have a shallow cervix. I’d prefer 4-6 inches. Anything over that is uncomfortable.

    Don't matter up the butt, you got 36ft of intestines to fill
  3. Originally posted by ohfralala It’s bigger than yours.

    Pffft...I don't have to pump mine up with air though (usually)
  4. Originally posted by ohfralala ARE YOU GOING TO CALL ME HEDADDY?

    Sh-daddy sounds better...

    oh sh-daddy!
  5. lala isn't answering he question "how big".
  6. England down 1 - 0..clearly they are taking it easy resting up for the knockout round.

  7. even at a time when the legitimate government has largely destroyed ISIS and reduced the rebels to a single major stronghold, US involvement is deepening, not subsiding. last I checked they had built 8 permanent bases on Syrian land with three more under construction.

    A great man knows when to change his mind/strategy, only a fool sticks to a losing strategy.

    for all his rhetoric on ending foreign wars and stifling foreign interference in the US (specifically the Gulf states), they've only been increasing…

    Remember the 2 atom bombs that were dropped on Japan...remember what the result was? gotta break eggs to make and omelet.
  8. Originally posted by ohfralala I got a big dick swinging.

    How big?
  9. Originally posted by Kinks Holy fucking hell all of you shut the fuck up

    I went to lunch.
  10. Well I meant the heavy metal type head banging with devil horns emote, but thanks.
  11. Which did you choose benny? (both is an option of course)
  12. Originally posted by aldra

    Sounds like sound advice...for 2013...
  13. About 36 cubic feet.

  14. He obviously fell in love with a trap and got his heart broken.

    I'm old school English, we don't have feelings, we have stiff upper lips (and cock rings). Insert head banging emote here.
  15. Originally posted by 🐿 Well thank you for the insight. I respect your views like everyone elses.

    I knew a delightful, beautiful and intelligent woman such as yourself would.
  16. Originally posted by NARCassist but still, y'all proved my point i guess, lol.


  17. Originally posted by Archer513 Wouldn’t need that cock ring for him,huh poley?


  18. Originally posted by X💖X💖X Wonder if HTS knows she caused a ruckus in here. 😂

    It's not really about HTS. ;)
  19. Originally posted by 🐿 How does it effect you though jigga? Genuinely curious.

    Sorry sexy I missed this question.

    In all kinds of ways, as a tax payer the concessions being asked for cost me money, every time they hold a parade it costs me money (the cops wages who have to police it etc), the whole #toilets4trannies thing would cost me money if they end up building tranny toilets, then there are the far reaching implications of social rot, the gradual and continued chipping away of LONG established social norms to appease a tiny minority. The never ending coverage of it in the media when there is actual news happening around the world I might want to hear about instead of the latest toilet fiasco.

    I posted in another thread yesterday how they painted a rainbow crosswalk in Houston's (where I live if you want to come visit for a dirty weekend) "gay" community...the cost? a cool $32,000 (20k by private funding but 12k by the tax payers...)

    There are countless ways it affects me, directly, indirectly, subtly, short term, long term. I'm part of the society that is being chipped away at...and so I have a voice on it.
  20. Originally posted by joerell Exactly and meanwhile Drs get new BMW's every few years and fit their homes with bigger swimming pools. Real patients in need get ignorned and lets not forget how taxpayers are getting ripped off. Now they want to allow TG's into the military and pay for the transition while our jets have to be repaired from graveyard parts. Russia and China our laughing their ass off and watching us destroy ourselves with no help from them. This is the globalist plan…for profit, power and dominance.

    Social rot in all it's glory.
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