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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. About 2k, but that includes car payment, a requirement in Houston as the public transport is virtually nonexistent.
  2. Originally posted by Red_Woman But it's not a root canal. It's just a "dead" tooth they have to fix. It ain't broken or anything but it has lost sensibility and I I risk serious trouble if I don't fix it. I discovered it by chance, when I last did the dental cleaning. It is a 2 days job though and considering that dental care does cost, probably 400-500 euros isn't that much. The cleaning costs from 70 to 100 Euros, depends.

    They root canal everything here, if you have a bit of spinach stuck in your teeth, they root canal it. I wanted him to pull it but he refused and said if he pulled that tooth the surrounding ones would eventually fall out.

    It was 1200 for the cap, 800 for the root canal, he then wanted another 700 for a deep cleaning...i told him to fuck off and I'd keep them yellow for the 700.

    EDIT: The bonus though was his sexy little Asian assistant who was rubbing her body against me the whole time..which worked as a better distraction than the Novocain..and no the little Asian wasn't benny vadar.
  3. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 There should be a shooting every day.

    There is.
  4. Originally posted by Red_Woman I think that was meant for crumpet and he missquoted you. lol

    STL1 tends to get a bit flustered when he is presented with my beauty, give him a break.
  5. Originally posted by NARCassist here 'a bit of crumpet' refers to a fuckable chick.


    I had a profile on DH called Crumpet_dreams...because fuckable chicks dreamed about me.
  6. Originally posted by stl1 Boo…I am your father!

  7. Originally posted by 🐿 Wallpaper👍

    Not my room, an ex's "cell" (I'm more of a lavender kinda guy)
  8. Originally posted by NARCassist that's kinda how i picture benny vader to look in my mind.


    lololol yes.
  9. Originally posted by stl1 I now see why Boo refuses to post any pictures.

    Does he have the "Full Kojak" hairstyle now?

    Full head of hair here, now what DAD??? (note still rockin the black)

  10. Originally posted by stl1 Your brother is so cute!


    I think we found the milkman...
  11. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 The *star goes at the end you eurotrash scum.

    It only goes at the front if you are having cybersex with an underaged girl. *moans and blushes*

  12. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 She looks like she was fucking a bottle of wine you fetal alcohol looking fuck.

    A classic vintage I agree!
  13. Me dark hair dark eyes, olive skin, brother whiter than white, blue eyes, blond...clearly my mother was fucking the milkman...
  14. Here is a nice b/w one of me...(making the black polo cool before Tom Cruise did) I could have been a gerber baby model.

  15. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 You*


    *you forgot a *Capital letter at the start and a period at the end.

    Fucking illiterate Mexicans, go back to school.

  16. Originally posted by Red_Woman If you have the money, teeth can be fixed. lol
    I have to go to the dentist myself, to fix a "dead" tooth that I damaged when I facekissed the sidewalk. And I have to pay like 400-500 Euros for that shite.

    Damn that's cheap...2 yrs ago I had to pay $2000 for a root canal and cap.

    If there is a next time I'm gonna go across the border to Mexico to have it done, it's cheaper and I can get a set of tits implanted too while I'm at it at 30% off with every root canal.
  17. Originally posted by Archer513 You damn women are walkin works of art

    Not fair!

    So are you Archer...don't sell yourself short. Insert rose emote here.

  18. Originally posted by Red_Woman Goblin. Lol

    I like that pic very much, Kink.
    Beautiful picture and I Love B&W.

    Yes that's a nice pic Kink...and I love BJ's too. At least that's how I misread Alba's post.
  19. Originally posted by Red_Woman Amen to that.

    My predictions:

    Uruguay and France
    Russia and Croatia.

    Ok, most probably Russia won't make it. lol But I'm sticking with the host country.

    Yes I really don't want Argentina to go through, we always do badly against them and sure enough we'll end up meeting them...we may have soundly defeated them over the Falklands but they just wont let it go...
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