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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Sophie Logic is true everywhere yes?

    When you use reason you are applying logic to figure something out yes?

    If you used reason to logically figure something out it would be true in any situation yes?

    True in any situation means "universal" yes?

    If all of these statements are correct then you can use reason and logic to figure out a set of universally applicable moral principles.

    Therefore, logic decides what is and is not moral.

    Logically people will have a different opinion of what is moral and what is not depending on their society, beliefs, experience and viewpoints.

    There...young fella-me-lad.
  2. Originally posted by benny vader do not confuse uncontested war for peace.

    Benjamin is correct again,

    There is always conflict somewhere, the Mos Eisley Cantina for instance, always a scrap going on in there.

  3. I blame the Asians, specifically Benny.
  4. Originally posted by Sophie Your definition of morality is wrong. It is not decided by consensus you ignoramus.

    Of course it is! who else decides? the goats? the ants? lololol

    What makes one mans morals superior to anothers?
  5. Originally posted by Sophie The Sith brought peace to the Galaxy. It's true. And the rebel alliance were just a bunch of fucking domestic terrorists.

    Another example of how universal morality can't exist...the force needs balance, it cannot be swayed 100% in one direction.
  6. Back in my day an Easter egg was a chocolate thing filled with other chocolate things that your aunty bought you.
  7. I knew you'd appreciate the lololol
  8. Originally posted by Manonfire Lol 2 divorces

    Exactly my point

    Well obviously with 2 divorces I can't have been single forever...lololol.

    Nothing wrong with being single! as you'll find out in another 20 yrs or so... ;)
  9. Originally posted by benny vader theres no such thing as fair.

    all unfair societies call themselves a fair society.

    True, after all what is also subjective.
  10. Originally posted by HTS Highly improbable is not the same as impossible. It's practically impossible. It could happen, it's just reasonable to assume that it never will.

    Can you prove it could happen?...if not you're just assuming and it's a silly assumption based on the history so far of man.
  11. Originally posted by Manonfire A feature? What u mean
    How did I enter it?

    You didn't, it entered you.
  12. I'm going to write to my congressman about this.
  13. Originally posted by joerell In a fair, reputable and just society no one will support pedophilia or even minimal abuse to innocent kids

    Not all societies are fair.
  14. Originally posted by HTS

    That's EXACTLY how it works...if one person doesn't agree, it's not universal ;)
  15. Looks GAF which is FAG backwards...coincidence?...I think not...
  16. Originally posted by HTS And cows aren't perfect spheres. Sure.

    It is POSSIBLE though, it's just so wildly improbable that it hardly bears consideration.

    No it's not possible, I disagree...thereby proving it's not possible...only take 1 to disagree lolololol
  17. Single forever...after 2 divorces that sounds pretty good.

    obligatory lololol goes here.
  18. Originally posted by stl1 Jiggaboo's atoms formed a dick.


    A big one of course.
  19. More outrage.
  20. Originally posted by HTS I'm speaking only of the potential for universal acceptance of any moral code. All it takes is for everyone to believe it is universally applicable for it to become so.

    Lol...totally and utterly impossible for everyone to agree and accept such a thing. There is NO potential for such a ludicrous suggestion to ever be possible.
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