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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Sure but we are discussing the location, not the idea...the location is not retarded, a location can't be retarded.
  2. Ah now I see
  3. let your fucking kids play in the dirt people?
    let your kids fucking play in the dirt people?
    let your kids play in the dirt people fucking?
    let your kids play in the dirt fucking people?
  4. Hell isn't retarded.
  5. He's lost in the sauce...
  6. =

    Originally posted by benny vader thats what ouijas are for.

    No, those are for scamming drunk idiots.
  7. "According to a Journal of Neuroscience review published in 2010"

    That's not an accredited scientific source or study.

    Googling that brings this up as your actual source...


    If you choose to believe the propaganda over multiple scientific sources and millions of man years of the stuff actually being used then you have revealed your intellect. ;)
  8. I'm concerned about how he's holding the container...his hand is in it and going to get shit splattered...obviously the best way to hold it would be by the side or bottom
  9. Originally posted by Methuselah Only poor people think about shit like this.

    Just throw away that expired box of milk and go your ass to the grocery store, you poor ass bitch.

    Only poor people buy "boxes" of milk.
  10. Originally posted by Captain No, you do not.

    Never in the entirety of the human history record has a consciousness come back from death to claim it's liver or sue for it's misuse...out of billions of lives. That's enough evidence to say "yes I do"

    And no a doctor saying you are dead and then you coming back to consciousness doesn't mean you came back from the dead, it means the doctor fucked up when he declared you dead.
  11. Originally posted by Lanny It's good to hear we've found a wise man in this, the fine city of Athens. But sir, do you have a moment to tell us about your knowledge? Specifically what knowledge is, and what it means to have it?

    Sure...Knowledge is neither wisdom or intelligence. It's simply acquired information.
  12. Originally posted by joerell That's actually what I'm saying…it's safe if used in small or normal amounts. But Asper can also be highly addictive where you end up drinking large amounts and the process in making the product using different chemicals can react differently in each person. Also some diabetics have huge fluctuations using Asper as it starts mimicing sugar and why many patients always switch brands or start using natural sweeteners instead if tolerable or used in lower amounts. Feeding a rat large amounts of Asper claiming it doesn't cause cancer leaves out 100's of other diseases and none are studied to get a real conclusion. So use wisely and if you see an issue examine it. Like PoorlyHung claiming Whey is causing rashes by a specialist…may actually be something totally different like protein enzymes on the skin reacting to laundry detergent residue in clothes.

    Um did you read what I the amounts a human would have to consume to match the levels where a rat developed cancer...2000 cans of diet coke A DAY....doesn't matter how much of an addiction you have you ain't gonna hit that number.

    ..but no Aspartame isn't addictive anyway...again feel free to cite the scientific study that says it is...and again rather than spouting your ill informed propaganda cite the actual scientifically backed links so we can read I did.

    As one of them states...100s of millions of people have used in over the last 20yrs...there is no evidence from that massive user base of what you are suggesting.
  13. Originally posted by Bill Krozby here in austin if you OD the cops come also lol.

    i od'ed a while back and the paramedics actually brought me a pack of narcan and needles for my gf/bf to shoot me up with if i od again. the even brought me a test kit to see if the smack has fent cut in it. lol


    Interesting, they don't in Houston.
  14. Originally posted by Captain You don't know that.

    Yes I do.
  15. Originally posted by benny vader imagine jesus was an organ donor.

    He donated his organ to Mary Magdalene...the filthy dog.
  16. Originally posted by tee hee hee Aspartame tastes foul. End of discussion.

    So does Vajeeen but you still make me eat it!
  17., feel free to cite some counter scientific fact/studies from accredited agencies...and not the usual "dick in his bedroom making a website" sources.
  18. "In 2002, “Aspartame: Review of Safety” was published in the monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, concluding:

    More than 30 years have elapsed since the foundations of today’s aspartame safety database were laid. Since that time the portfolio of studies assessing the safety of aspartame has continued to grow. A search of the scientific literature on the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE reveals almost 700 citations for aspartame with a number of these relevant to aspartame safety. The extensive body of research undertaken on aspartame clearly and overwhelmingly demonstrates its safety for its intended use. The aspartame safety data have been evaluated and found satisfactory by regulatory scientists in all major regulatory agencies and expert committees, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the EU Scientific Committee for Food (SCF), and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Further, aspartame has been approved for human consumption by regulatory agencies in more than 100 countries and received wide consumer acceptance with consumption by hundreds of millions of people over the past 20 years, representing billions of man-years of safe exposure.”

    "In 2005, a study found more lymphomas and leukaemias in rats fed very high doses of aspartame.


    While there was a dose-response relationship between aspartame consumption and the prevalence of cancer, the rats were given an absurdly large amount: between 4 mg/kg all the way up to 5,000 mg /kg of bodyweight. Let’s put this into context: an average rat weighed 400 grams (0.4kg)

    Let’s apply these numbers to a human.

    An 80kg human would need to consume 2000 cans of diet coke a DAY to match that same intake....
  20. Originally posted by joerell In reality Lala is right…there are many side effects when you drink Aspartame. Gets worse if you drink more or are addicted to soda. Many people don't even know they have LGS-Leaky Gut Syndrome and main source of stomach or gut pain. Impurities or additives leak through the gut and enter the blood stream. One common side effect from drinking too much Aspartame is dry skin and lots of itching at extremities…in the body it transforms into different levels of methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid which causes issues. To me it did and many others. Safe to say it influences organs also and may be a bigger problem than we think. Anyone taking hard drugs even worse…the interactions are not good.

    Well no, read the citation...what you are posting isn't based on actual documented science but the usual propaganda.

    Of course people have allergies to all kinds of foods and food additives that doesn't make something endemically bad for everyone though...many people can die by eating peanuts for example.

    The science says Aspartame isn't a heath risk unless you consume ridiculous amounts...which pretty much goes for ANYTHING.

    ..also ask a diabetic how they feel about sugar vs Aspartame ;)
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