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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by tee hee hee I want BOTH of you to be in the pics. Jesus christ..

    Then it's not a's a portrait of a couple of FLAMING FLAMINGOS OUT ON THE TOWN LOOKING FOR DICK.
  2. Originally posted by agent_0927x some people are so fuckin picky, they'll throw out food because it's been in the fridge for like a day and a half. i leave shit in there for like a week or more sometimes before i eat and and have never been sick from it.

    There is also the argument that "protecting" people from natural pathogens actually weakens them and the human race. It's one of the explanations why allergies seems to be increasing in kids...let your fucking kids play in the dirt' builds natural resistance.
  3. Originally posted by tee hee hee What if there's mold on the cheese? Would you eat that? Hmmm?


  4. Originally posted by stl1 Once a dick, always a dick.

  5. Son, those who hurt others only hurt themselves...
  6. Anytime young fella-me-lad.
  7. Originally posted by joerell My relative was the same way…only difference he was a bad drunk. After 6-8 beers he'd take on bikers and usually win.

    So it did affect him, 6-8 beers over the course of an evening didn't affect me at different with or without them as far as behavior went...but again medically that's classed as excessive/heavy drinking... I'm a big boy though, 6'4" 230lb.

    900+ calories in 6 beers...that alone is enough to make you stop. lol.
  8. If you cook something thoroughly enough you kill all the bacteria...there are people out there who eat roadkill and do very well off it. Sure a week old maggot ridden skunk might not be as tasty as a filet mignon but if you cook it all through it will still provide sustenance with no ill effects.
  9. Indeed, the only label that really should be taken seriously is the "not fit for human consumption" one.
  10. Someone's giggly.
  11. Originally posted by WellHung It certainly isn't, my dear dad… do you feel that this distinction is not properly recognized by Miss Sand?

    It would seem to be the case.
  12. Originally posted by stl1 Tee Hee wants my picture, not yours.

    Then it wouldn't be a selfie would it...derp!
  13. Oh and tell a diabetic it's bad for them..lololol

    Originally posted by joerell My friend recently got off booze also after his divorce including 20 years of heavy drinking and stayed with me for a change. When I wasn't home one day he thrashed 2 rooms without even drinking and remodeled everything. LMAO. He knew he needed extra assistance…he found it and yet now spends all his extra time at church as if it's a new obsession. Never wants to go to the gym, see a game or whatever. Luckily he has no kids and never lost his job. Hope your situation is better…good job.

    I was a sober drunk...I never actually "got" drunk very often. But 6-8 beers a day is classed as "heavy drinking"...bit silly really when you never actually get drunk.

    It's more to do with health than being "a drunk"
  14. Originally posted by tee hee hee @jiggaboo Take selfies when he shows up!!!!! That's an order.

    Um why would I need to wait for him to show up to take "selfies"....derp
  15. Disagreeing isn't the same as being defensive...
  16. Chemistry debunks the biggest aspartame health myths

    "It is unlikely that a person could come close to reaching the aspartame levels deemed unacceptable by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. To do so, you’d have to consume 97 aspartame sugar packets or more than 17 cans of diet soda in less than 24 hours."

    ...I only have 8 a day.
  17. Originally posted by ohfralala Aspartame is worse for you than alcohol btw.

    Nah, more people die of alcohol related shit than Aspartame related..lololol.

    That's just nonsense put around by the sugar industry.
  18. I used to get the,

    "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you son" line before a sound beating was administered.
  19. Originally posted by stl1 I just Googled "bars frequented by Jiggaboo Johnson" and those were the top three answers.

    You gonna show up and buy a girl a drink?
  20. Originally posted by ohfralala No no no. I’ve already told you this. You couldn’t cut it as an alcoholic. That’s the true weakness. It takes a real man to stay drunk in life.

    I'm not a real man, I'm a god...bow down before my diet coke.
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