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How often do you call 911 and/or the police?

  1. #61
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by S6x would you remember to do this while high on heroin?

    well yeah, of course i would. what do you think heroin is like? its nothing like being drunk you know. it doesn't inebriate you like alcohol does, it just makes you feel good, you still retain perfectly clear cognitive functionality.

  2. #62
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    My thumb hit 911 speed dial on September 23, 2015.
  3. #63
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by NARCassist well yeah, of course i would. what do you think heroin is like? its nothing like being drunk you know. it doesn't inebriate you like alcohol does, it just makes you feel good, you still retain perfectly clear cognitive functionality.


    Bullshit. I'm sick of you misinforming people about the junk. Quit championing that disgusting substance u fucking junkie.
  4. #64
    Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    I never have any reason to call, thank goodness.

    I don't want to deal with cops in this day & age...they seem too 'trigger-happy' nowadays and that bothers me somewhat.

    They seem to have a mindset of: 'shoot first and ask questions later', and therefore, I don't wanna deal with them.
  5. #65
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist lolwut, you can't even handle a dog or read a fucking road sign, map or ask someone for directions? you might as well kill yourself now, this world ain't for the likes of you, boy.

    also, what you think old people in parking lots are gonna do, mug you or summing?

    and if someone got run over then you need to be calling an ambulance if they're injured, not the pigs, they have very limited medical training from what i understand.


    As far as I know here in the STATES we don't have a special PARAMEDICS ONLY emergency number. It's 911 for everything and I'm sure about 99 times out of 100 they dispatch an ambulance and a cop. They don't ask you which you'd prefer. So if your mom is dying of a heart attack you have to deal with the shame of having technically called the cops to help her get saved, it's fucking rough.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #66
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by WellHung Bullshit. I'm sick of you misinforming people about the junk. Quit championing that disgusting substance u fucking junkie.

    well fuck off then. i'm not the one misinforming, the media and the war on drugs is the one that does that. i just tell it as it is. why you so afraid of the truth pal?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #67
    Originally posted by NARCassist well yeah, of course i would. what do you think heroin is like? its nothing like being drunk you know. it doesn't inebriate you like alcohol does, it just makes you feel good, you still retain perfectly clear cognitive functionality.


    Killing people feels good to.
  8. #68
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by mmQ As far as I know here in the STATES we don't have a special PARAMEDICS ONLY emergency number. It's 911 for everything and I'm sure about 99 times out of 100 they dispatch an ambulance and a cop. They don't ask you which you'd prefer. So if your mom is dying of a heart attack you have to deal with the shame of having technically called the cops to help her get saved, it's fucking rough.

    Here (Canada) they ask you which service you need when you call 911. But sometimes they will send FD first/whoever is available first.
  9. #69
    Originally posted by mmQ It's 911 for everything and I'm sure about 99 times out of 100 they dispatch an ambulance and a cop.

    When I called for an ambulance only an ambulance showed up, no cop.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #70
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've never heard of them asking what you'd like, but I guess they do. I guess obviously some 911 callers are much calmer than others so maybe able to convey its clearly a medical emergency. Outside of that it seems to make sense that if it all possible they'd send the nearest available cop, emt, fire.

    I called 911 just once when I was 5 and that's what they sent. I hid in my closet after my dad told me to come look at the commotion and I knew it was because of me. The fireman found me and gave me a talkin' to but he was really nice about considering I was 5.
  11. #71
    It's been a while but I think they said something along the lines of "911 what's the emergency"...or something like that...they would then despach based on your answer

    "there is a fire" - cops and fire service
    "my g/f has OD-ed" - ambulance
    "I've just shot my neighbor for being a gay liberal" - diploma of achievment and check for $1000
  12. #72
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Here (Canada) they ask you which service you need when you call 911. But sometimes they will send FD first/whoever is available first.

    Same here. You call 999 and the first answer asks which service you require then they patch you through.

    I thought in the states the ambulances were all part of the fire dept.

  13. #73
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by NARCassist I thought in the states the ambulances were all part of the fire dept.


    Not in Canada. And the paramedics walk around like they're gods on wheels. /eyeroll
  14. #74
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist no, they're spineless control freaks who will think nothing of inventing or imagining crimes that never even happened and twist and spin any random nothingness into 'evidence' or will even downright lie just to get a conviction. they care nothing of sending completely innocent people to jail and ruining their and their families lives in the process, just to get a fucking financial bonus at the end of the month. or to bump up their arrest score to get them promotion and further their own careers. and they have the cheek to falsely promote themselves and pose as hero's when they are anything but. they are literally just jack booted thugs, tools of systematic control who like to maintain a monopoly on violence for themselves.

    these people are just constantly looking for anything they can spin into a case to put you, me or anybody in jail just to keep up the pretense that they are 'protecting' the community. but they are a part of the same system as the media who are constantly fear-mongering the masses into believing they need protecting. they're not about actually protecting you or me, they are just about being your protectors. there is a difference, there is value in being the protectors to a population who believe they need protecting.

    i always say there are 3 kinds of cops, they all fall into 1 of the 3 camps. we know there are bad cops, that's undeniable, some occasionally do go and take it so far that their colleagues have no choice but to arrest them to keep up public appearances, but most of the bad cops are smarter than that. the rest of the so called 'good cops' fall into either 1 of the other 2 camps. the first are turning a blind eye to what they know their rotten colleagues are doing, holding the thin blue line, as they refer to it. the third camp are just too incompetent and inept at being cops to notice the wrongdoings of their colleagues, the people they work with, socialize with and probably spend the most time with. yet they can still somehow supposedly go out and find wrongdoers in society. when you consider that a cops job description is apparently to detect and find the wrongdoers in society and bring them to account, literally none of the 3 camps have any business being police officers.

    of course if you are the kind of pussyfaggot that will happily give up your liberty and freedom in return for a false promise of security from threats that were falsely promoted to you in the first place then i guess you prolly would find these fuckers actually really helpful. personally i feel better and safer taking care of my own security and dealing with life's problems myself. because that's what life is, a serious of problems which we find ways to overcome. so personally i wouldn't call the pigs even if i was in the process of being murdered, i would rather die than ask those sick fucks for help. because the moment you ask or accept help or assistance from these freaks you are adding legitimacy to what they are doing to us all. you are literally saying its ok to do what you're doing.

    fuck that shit, i'm a freeman, i don't go out like that, lol.

    cops cant sent you to jail for very long time.

    judges do.

    your problem is not with the cops, its with your justice system.

  15. #75
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's been a while but I think they said something along the lines of "911 what's the emergency"…or something like that…they would then despach based on your answer

    "there is a fire" - cops and fire service
    "my g/f has OD-ed" - ambulance
    "I've just shot my neighbor for being a gay liberal" - diploma of achievment and check for $1000

    here in austin if you OD the cops come also lol.

    i od'ed a while back and the paramedics actually brought me a pack of narcan and needles for my gf/bf to shoot me up with if i od again. the even brought me a test kit to see if the smack has fent cut in it. lol

  16. #76
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby here in austin if you OD the cops come also lol.

    i od'ed a while back and the paramedics actually brought me a pack of narcan and needles for my gf/bf to shoot me up with if i od again. the even brought me a test kit to see if the smack has fent cut in it. lol


    Interesting, they don't in Houston.
  17. #77
    esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist lolwut, you can't even handle a dog or read a fucking road sign, map or ask someone for directions? you might as well kill yourself now, this world ain't for the likes of you, boy.

    also, what you think old people in parking lots are gonna do, mug you or summing?

    and if someone got run over then you need to be calling an ambulance if they're injured, not the pigs, they have very limited medical training from what i understand.


    911 isnt just the police.
  18. #78
    esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby here in austin if you OD the cops come also lol.

    i od'ed a while back and the paramedics actually brought me a pack of narcan and needles for my gf/bf to shoot me up with if i od again. the even brought me a test kit to see if the smack has fent cut in it. lol


    Id rather get lost than use heroin.

    The rush is better. Also a free ride thats not to jail.
  19. #79
    itybit African Astronaut [daze my amino pe-tsai]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's been a while but I think they said something along the lines of "911 what's the emergency"…or something like that…they would then despach based on your answer

    "there is a fire" - cops and fire service
    "my g/f has OD-ed" - ambulance
    "I've just shot my neighbor for being a gay liberal" - diploma of achievment and check for $1000

    That's how it is here also Gussy
  20. #80
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by itybit That's how it is here also Gussy

    Send me nudes
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