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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. These internet nerds who they are special because they participated in some bullshit site/bbs/forum are old soldiers who live in the past.

    "oh it was Kool (with a k) because we all talked about edgy shit!"
  2. Originally posted by apt My post predicts your response

    Well it was pretty obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than 80...congrats on just qualifying...
  3. Originally posted by apt handsome and well tanned individuals can't grasp the value of traditional european culture and institutions, just as DHers will never understand what Tose was

    Just another bbs where losers hung out...not even the first or the last..lolol
  4. Originally posted by S6x Go to Montana. Ride your Motorcycle like Evel Keneival did in his youth. Become the next one to jump the shark tank.

    Montana is great for fossil hunting too.
  5. Originally posted by S6x India is in Asia.

    Is it a white gifted elephant?

    Indian elephants are a subspecies of Asian elephants...really nigs please educate yourselves...
  6. Originally posted by apt If you have to ask this question, then you lack the mental capacity to comprehend the answer

    ...or there wasn't any significant..(re:any) change...far more likely. You should probably get out more rather than living your life based on and around dead internet sites.
  7. I wonder how many OG nigs will be alive in 2021.
  8. Indian
  9. Originally posted by benny vader depends on whether your weeks start on sunday or monday.

    Well no 20 is still part of the 2nd decade...up until dec 31st 11.59.59

    3rd one doesn't start till 12.00am Jan 1st 2021...the day of the week is an elephant.
  10. Originally posted by apt Totse at its peak was similar to the height of western civilization. You guys are like the low IQ third worlders that are coming along to finish it off now that it's in decline and unwilling to defend itself.

    What jumps in civilization is Totse responsible for? what is their ongoing contribution to the world?
  11. Originally posted by WellHung I want to rape ur daughter.

    What does she look like?
  12. Originally posted by apt We made the same mistake most of the western world is currently in the process of making: Instead of recognizing the invaders as the destructive force they are and forcibly closing our borders, we tried to be inclusive and welcome them. Now we're being conquered by barbarian hordes and it's too late to do anything about it.

    The first invasion from Europe to the US worked out pretty good...otherwise it would still be a shit hole 3rd world country with the natives living in tents and wearing old guns and roses Tshirts...another Africa.

    The DHers are here to give you beads, whisky and a sense of worth.
  13. Originally posted by S6x in less than 2 years it will be 2020. the third decade of the Century.

    That would be 2021.
  14. Originally posted by benny vader paint your face black and go ask a nigger if he feels flattered.

    I did as you suggested and approached a small black boy the street, he was delighted.
  15. What's your beef?
  16. Fudge Packer San Quentin Age 21.
  17. Might I recommend
  18. Yup...I bet she's one of those "OH daddy!" ones in the bedroom though...looks damn good for 47.
  19. You know tucker wants to hit that...
  20. Benjamin Vader in the house and taking names.
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