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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    The crux of it all lies here:

    c = c ^ 44 ^ t.index(pw[m])

    So basically, you have a value for c, which is derived from converting "xs" to a hex value.

    Another way to put it is:

    m = 0;

    c = c XOR 44 XOR t.indexOf('default'[m])

    And in the initial case, m = 0.


    c = c XOR 44 XOR t.indexOf('default'[0])


    c = c XOR 44 XOR index_of_'d'_in_LIST_OF_ASCII_CHARACTERS;

    But from here I'm a bit stuck.

    I never claimed anywhere to know everything there is to know about programming and computer science.

    I'll admit I have no idea how JavaScript evaluates that exact syntax.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny Oh, my bad, h and the function are defined, I just missed it when copy pasting.

    Oh yeah, "h" was just the array of strings that look like gibberish that are to be decoded...

    Originally posted by Lanny It's jut a shitty obfuscation script over a syntactically invalid program that only seems to parse because overly liberal interpreters.

    So basically like a block cipher kinda thing?

    I'll admit, my cryptography knowledge is not particular extensive, but that's what it seems like.

    You take a list of all ASCII characters (and another list for all hex characters, i.e. 'var x'), and use the "pw" variable as the cipher, and then use an arbitrary bit shifting statement (in this case, the integer 44 was chosen) to then translate the gibberish via the "pw" cipher...

    It's not too dissimilar to most hashing algorithms like Sha and all that.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Sadception indeed.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by D4NG0 Win. Where do you even find these things?

    You've never heard the tale of Karen Greenlee?

    She is an unrepentant necrophile. I think she even wrote a book about it or something.

    She's insane... just my kinda crazy.

    When she see's a stiff one, she jumps right on it, and doesn't care who sees.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR † We need Mel Gibson to pay for it. I don't want any jedis to get involved.

    Now that you mention it, the story line almost sounds like a modern-day Passion of the Christ.

    If we throw in a jedi judge and jedi prosecutor, our protagonist becomes personally persecuted by the jedis.

    How could he say no us?
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    We can write the worlds most tragic story ever together and then try to get Hollywood to produce it.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Holy shit, this made me precum a little...

    I am definitely trying Perl soon.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny also learn a lisp, or at least perl you limp wristed pseudo-programmers.

    I'm totally open to Lisp and Perl.

    I legit want to be able to claim skill in just about every language.

    Novelty languages like Brainfuck, used exclusively for code golf, while they fascinate me, they aren't quite on my bucket list.

    But I'll try Lisp and/or Perl.

    I'm still wrapping up some of the finer details of Go, though.

    My problem is I try to learn too many different things simultaneously so I'm trying to narrow my focus.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny Don't waste your time, it's not a complete program. "ZOKLock" and "h" are never defined. Spectroll has been posting this same code fragment as if he understands what it does for many years now. I can say with confidence that he does not, the guy has no idea how to program because he things being a call center tech support dude for a billion years somehow makes him know anything about anything.

    Damnit, I felt like something was missing.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Getting framed for the murder of your wife and dog and dying infront of a cheering crowd while your only child is left behind slowely dying of cancer and you're unable to be there for it and say goodbye.

    Luckily I am currently imbibing in my beloved drink, which kinda helps reduce the bluntness of such things.

    But got damn that is a depressing storyline.

    OH, OH, and... your child ends up dying believing that you murderered his mother, and utters words of hatred for you with his dying breaths.

    OH, and also, that kids mother was a cancer researcher who was actually close to a cure. She was murdered literally days before she was meant to discover it.

    Plus it's dark and raining throughout the entire narrative, just to add to the effect.

  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Actually, I think the worst possible death I can imagine, would be being framed for a murder in a place where they still have the death penalty, and then nobody believing in your innocence, and then you're sitting in that chair where all the people go to watch (don't get me started on how sick and depraved that is to me - even if they actually are guilty), and you have all these people cheering on for this innocent person's death.

    And once it's over, their reputation is completely irreparable.

    That might just be the most depressing death I can think of.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Which sort of death makes you the saddest?

    Lovely question to contemplate this evening...

    It would probably be a function of how long, drawn out, and painful it was.

    I suppose young children dying of diseases that slowly kill them depresses me quite a bit especially, since they don't really have the maturity to understand it.

    I'm actually not one of those "OMG SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" types that finds a child dying significantly more tragic than an adult dying, but there's something really sad about a kid living their last days out as a kid with inoperable cancer or something like that, every day knowing that they will never get to try the things adults try.

    Also, becoming a widow/widower after like 50 years of marriage. That sounds devastating.

    Hmm, what else...

    Why am I putting so much thought into such a depressing question?
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mikeyagain You're a triggered ass bitch..

    Umm, wut?

    I thought you were the triggered one.

    Who gets mad in a thread about fucking programming?

    Now that is a triggered ass bitch if I ever heard of one.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Also, for the record, I actually can honestly say that I do care about these strangers dying, it's just that you have to ration your care out, basically.

    Sometimes I sit there and just picture how many people have died since yesterday, from disease, famine, war, crime, suicide, falling down the stairs, asphyxiating themselves while masturbating, ETC.... And I do feel a bit of a dip in my mood, because it's sad.

    Just because they're strangers, it doesn't make them fictional or something.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by HTS I mean, yes I would mind if I got killed or a loved one got killed, but I wouldn't mind if a complete stranger did. There are probably thousands of people out there being killed RIGHT NOW, and I don't care at all. And honestly? You probably don't either. Even if you heard their names, saw a picture of them, read an article describing their life and family and knew they were now dead… I doubt you would really care.

    You're smart enough to see where this is going, I think. I'm not saying I ever will kill anyone, for the record. I'm just saying I probably could without feeling too bad about it, especially if they were a stranger. I don't really think this is a unique perspective on taking another person's life either. If it were, war would be impossible. *shrug*

    Okay, well this is kind of taking on a different tangent.

    The hypothetical scenario proposed involves me being directly involved in this person's death. Even if they're a total stranger, I don't want that kind of guilt on my mind for the rest of my life.

    But I do see what you're saying about how you can't care about every single human being on the planet. It's just completely unfeasible.

    With dozens of people dying every, what, minute, you'd just be crying and grieving all day.

    I would, however, feel all the much worse if I somehow contributed to one of those dozens of deaths per minute.

    It might not be my job/duty to save them all, but it's definitely part of my duty to not kill them personally.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR †

    It's like some kind of centaur.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GGG I believe in the right to do whatever you want to your body. Grow tits, cut off your dick, tattoo your face like a liserd. Don't give a fuck. Your body is yours.

    I don't believe that there is a difference between sex and gender. You are your biology. I mean, the whole 'social construct' respect thing doesn't apply to literally ANYTHING ELSE, so I don't see why it would apply to transgender people. If I told you I felt like I was born black, you would probably look at me pretty crazy. But if I GENUINELY thought that, 100% believed I was a born black, would anybody seriously treat me as black? If I thought I was a fallen angel, would anybody treat me as such JUST because I believed in it? I could do it out of respect or whatever, but I don't feel like lying about my beliefs to people when they think I'm being accepting and nice.

    But I like HTS. I think he's pretty rational and objective about the whole thing. He does a good job at passing when he tries, and actually looks pretty cute. I'm sure he doesn't like what I'm saying here, but I just can't accept that he's a woman and I'm not going to pretend like I do. If we could somehow make a transition process that leaves you biologically indistinguishable from a woman, then yes, I would say that you are a woman since you have the chromosomes and the uterus and vagina and etc, etc. But science is shit now and transition surgeries are just drugs and plastic surgery.

    Men and women are not simply differentiated by their name. There is biology behind it. There always has been. That people want to pretend otherwise does not change that. I don't say it to hurt anybody's feelings, or because I have a problem with transgender people. We're all equal, but science is science is truth.

    I don't want to derail this thread too much.

    So I will just summarize my position on it...

    I wasn't always comfortable with the notion of calling someone who was born with a penis a woman, or someone born with a vagina a man, whether or not they still possess these same organs or not.

    It seemed off to me.

    But with time, I came to empathize.

    I guess, if I were at peak acceptance/support levels, I would consider HTS, for example, to be completely indistinguishable from a naturally-born woman.

    To be totally honest, I don't.

    To me, there are gender-based categories, and I'm totally comfortable with considering HTS to be in a category that has certain femininine attributes, including the pronouns.

    But if I had to be totally honest, I don't know if I'm comfortable/accepting enough that I would actually be able get fully monogomously/romantically involved with someone who was trans, even after all hormone replacement and full transitional surgery.

    So basically, what I'm saying is, on the acceptance spectrum, I'm not perfect, but I do respect her right to be considered a woman in just about every respect, especially something as simple as pronouns.

    And the only reason I really brought it up in this thread is because I was genuinely confused by your post when you said "he is wasting your tax dollars on meth" or whatever. You're going against the grain by continuing to use "he".

    Also, for the record, anything other "he" or "she", and then I start becoming less open-minded.

    I doubt I would ever be able to call someone xhe or "they" in the singular or any of that crazy shit.

    But if HTS truly and permanently identifies as a women, even if she hasn't had all the surgery and hormone replacements, she's a she in my book.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GGG gadzooks, I love how you wrote that exactly like every single tutorial I've read, except its about average slave penis length. It actually wasn't too much of a jump from what I know. Feels good man.

    If there's one thing I know more than programming, it's cognitive psychology.

    Remember, my official academic background was in psychology, and my areas of specialization (i.e. what I wrote my undergraduate papers on) were memory, learning, and problem solving.

    I know the value of analogies for learning.

    Also, humor is a useful tool as well.

    So I figured, why not incorporate an analogy that you're already familiar with.

    Slave trade, penis lengths, it's all relevant!
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ohh, ohh, Lanny, feature request!

    Add syntax highlighting when using code tags. would probably be pretty straightfoward to add in a future iteration.

    Then again, though, how many people on this site would really use it?

    So I understand if it would be low priority, but maybe just add it to the product roadmap? Make an issue in Jira or a pull request in Github? (Which I guess I could do... I've actually never contributed to another github repo (except obviously when collaborating at work... Maybe I will "fork you hard".)
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mikeyagain This whole site is a bunch of little faggot nerds, that claim to have exceptional brain matter..

    And then there's you who openly admits to having sub-exceptional brain matter?

    Sounds like fun.

    I'll take being a pretentious fuckwit who at least knows a thing or two over a pretentious fuckwit who doesn't.
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