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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ok, CF, I'm drunk and just tryna pass out.

    Ill maybe revisit this thread later.

    You do kinda make this place a touch interesting, and I respect that.

    But you're also a complete asshole much of the time.

    Either way, I'm outta this thread for now.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi No shit a definition is a definition. You don't "refute" a definition. The point is to say if given the definition the points follow. It's to say we are talking about the same thing, not that a definition is some metaphysical truth.

    If you don't accept the definition, offer a better definition. You can define pissing on a wall as existence and argue it from it, give it a try and I'll molest you in that argument if you want to show you how it's done.

    Or try to dispute mine… Oh wait, you did and I destroyed you. That's why you can't engage with the topic, because you're a stupid bitch :)

    You're not molesting shit (also, weird flex but okay)...

    Why didn't you bring energy and matter deltas into the original post?

    Obviously changes in matter are a measure of change.

    But none of that has anything to do with "existence" per se.

    Who even says that change is real?

    You haven't even defined "change"...

    Matter getting hotter or gases moving more quickly are only conceptual differences that we perceive because we assigned those definitions in the first place.

    Get yourself a new definition of "existence', because "change" is entirely insufficient.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi You asked me to tell you what energy is. I told you what energy is in the most specific terms and all the ways in which it does exist, which all ties back into my original definition of existence. Energy is a measure all the ways in which something can make a difference. Now you are bitching I gave you a specific definition with specific examples that tie back to and illustrate my definition. I'm not trying to conflate shit retard, you don't even know what that word means. This could not be any simpler.

    You didn't even have a definition to begin with.

    You might have provided one at some.point later into the thread, but either way, nobody fucking cares.

    Your "definition" is just that... A "definition".

    I could sit here and define existence as "the ability to pee on the wall", and you would have absolutely zero recourse to refute that.

    I don't even know what you're trying to achieve here.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi I described it extremely precisely. Work = force multiplied by distance. Your chemical potential energy is how many times the heat can turn a turbine of given specifications if I burn you alive. Your gravitational potential energy is how hard you'll hit the ground when I defenestrate you. Its not magic. It's just a measure.

    Nobody gives a fuck about "gravitational potential energy".

    You're trying to talk about "existence", but also talking about fucking particle motion and shit. Heat is, like we've both said already, a measure of physical activity, but has absolutely nothing to do with "existence".

    You're trying to conflate two entirely different concepts.

    Don't do that.

    It's bad form, and it gets us nowhere.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    0 BC.

    None of you motherfuckers helped me off that cross.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi I know more than you and shut your face faggot. Gadzooks is a retard and it is fitting that you get along with him. Just circlejerk each other's dicks off with that thanks button if it makes you feel better.


    You have so much potential and yet you resort to calling everybody names.

    This whole fucking dialogue is beneath us both, but you insist on furthering it every chance you get...

    But, when in Rome...

    Fucking nigger retard faggot.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Not really.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM How old was she?

    Also lol @ literally going into the closet

    She was also 9.

    We were both 9.

    Which is exactly why I don't feel any moral guilt over it.

    But I do hope she doesn't somehow interpret it as anything other than two kids fucking around.

    That would bother me on some level, but not morally.

    Two nine year olds playing with each other's genitalia in a closet is pretty natural.

    Or, at least, I assume it is.

    Maybe I was an especially pervy nine year old?
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat ę… głów

    Wtf is this?
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Dude I'm just tryna get my drink on on a Wednesday morning and you're getting into all this bullshit...

    You call energy a physical thing, yet you can't explain precisely how it's real.

    Energy is a concept we've come to adapt into our lives, but the fact that something has the potential to do work does not inherently mean that it is "real".

    Come to think of it, what the fuck are we even debating to begin with?

    What "existence" is?

    You know damn well a bunch of niggers in space (us included) aren't going to produce an answer to that...

    It's the most vague question ever posited.


    I would retaliate by telling you to kill yourself, but I have a touch more class than you do.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi I'm doing all the legwork here while you're just asking retarded uninformed questions.

    Lmao, this is captain falcon isn't it?

    You know damn well just as much as I do that threads like this are just intellectual masturbation.

    You really think someone else is gonna come along and provide an answer that changes your current position on things?

    And trying to bring up amperes and other physical measures to try and quantify your qualitative claim is completely transparent.

    Just fucking drop it while you still have a chance.

    You're not spoon feeding shit.

    Your initial question was as basic as it gets to begin with.

    You can't ask some basic bitch shit and then be surprised when people expect you to elaborate.

    I know that on some level you already know this.

    Threads like these are a waste of your (and my) time around here.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    My mom used to run a daycare of sorts, where parents would drop their kids off before work, and then we'd all get dropped off at our respective schools.

    There was this one girl that I used to go into the closet with and show her my dick and she would touch it.

    We were both 9 at the time.

    I sometimes wonder if she considers that """abuse""" all these years later.

    If so, not exactly my fault.

    I was fucking 9.

    And, she was into it.

    Who even cares?

    All kids "play doctor", don't they?
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Somewhat to my surprise, it follows the exact pattern that everyone talks about.

    I brushed up on my data structure and algorithm knowledge, but there is a lot of potentially relevant shit.

    I read somewhere that maybe 5 sorting algorithms, and hash tables and linked lists, are the majority of what you need to know.

    And big O notation, of course.

    So I prepared for all of that.

    Interview comes around, and, just as I had prepared for, questions about hash tables and some simple sorting algorithms came up.

    But, I completely drew a blank when he mentioned binary search...

    I just flat out forgot how it works.

    I'm thinking out loud... "Is that the one where you divide the list up somehow? I just... I don't know right now... I can't Google it right quick, can I?"

    He says "no, that won't be necessary."

    Then he tells me that I have access to a reference, but not the data it refers to, so I say "okay, like a pointer then?"

    He says "yes, exactly."

    So I, thinking out loud, say "ok, so I have access to the physical memory address that tells me where the actual data is, what am I doing with it?"

    Then this nigga is all like "just tell me what you have access to" or some shit.

    So I tell him "I have a sequence of numbers that indicates where in memory this particular piece of data is stored... I don't understand what real world scenario I'm in."

    And he tells me it's okay, and we move onto the next question.

    This whole bullshit of having to rote memorize a bunch of shit that literally any developer understands conceptually on some level is literally retarded.

    And, how often in the real world do you have scenarios like these interview questions?

    Am I not allowed to quickly Google some shit on the job?

    So I forgot that binary search is the one where you progressively divide an array into smaller arrays...

    I know how to code the goddamn algorithm, I just forgot what it's called.

    Fucking bitch ass niggas.

    Suck all ten of my dicks.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    If you have a steady internet connection, you can host your own email service.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz HAHAHAH

    That's a good one

    Y tho?
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Literally everyone uses Gmail.

    Your described scenario just isn't real.

    If you insist on having something else, you could use Yahoo or protonmail or some other shit.

    Or just set up your own SMTP server.

    Or, you know... Just use Gmail like a normal person.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung Who broke into this account? U ain't Zooks.

    What, precisely, makes me different right now?

    Legit curious.

    I'm drunk, but that's how I always am on here.

    Other than that, same ol' nigga.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Big League jedi The question is driving more at what a good definition could be than an actual definitive answer. Don't just ask me to do all the work for you.

    My personal definition would be something informational, for example "a difference that makes a difference". Something exists if it has some causal connection to something else. And what has a causal connection to something else, exists.

    What do you mean "only matter 'exists'"? We have perfectly good definitions of time and energy.

    Energy is the potential to do work. That's it. You take a ball, give it kinetic energy to raise it and put it on a shelf. At that point, it has gravitational potential energy. You drop it, it will lose that GPE as it is turned into kinetic energy.

    Time is defined by a set number of oscillations of a caesium atom.

    What unverifiable phenomena?

    Energy == potential. Exactly. Potential isn't necessarily physically real.

    Time is measured in terms of radiation oscillations or whatever, but is time tangibly real in the same sense as matter is?

    Would you say that time is in a state of "being"? Is the past currently "being"? What about the future?

    And about that whole "ability to create a difference" definition... At least you have a definition of some kind, props for that, but by trying to draw these definitional boundaries, it only raises further questions.

    I mean, does time even "create a difference"? How do you define that difference?

    Atoms decay.

    Cells die.


    But your definition only raises more questions about what exactly counts as "difference".
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I always bring liquor to the movies.

    But then again, liquor doesn't "meow", so it's kinda different.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ECAP Yes, as long as their well done with noodles in a closed container

    I want to prepare an exquisite feline-based dish for a date, then take her to bed, so that I may eat pussy twice.
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