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Posts by Enterita

  1. Enterita African Astronaut
    Good looking chicks don't go out with ugly guys, right? Did I do good???

    She even said she wants to see me again at the end of the date.

  2. Enterita African Astronaut
  3. Enterita African Astronaut
  4. Enterita African Astronaut
    Wellp, I'm one of the boys now. Yeah, I meet cute chicks on tinder as well. LMAO can you believe there's fuckin' incel losers who don't do that shit? Fuckin' hilarious.
  5. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra you are setting yourself up to get obliterated


    No, I don't care how this turns out. I'm just happy about TODAY. In fact, I can quit while I'm ahead and no longer contact her.
  6. Enterita African Astronaut
    Thank you guys. ^_^ I'm so happy. ANd yeah I'm really drunk right nwo.

    I guess I'm not ugly..................
  7. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist more to the point is she gonna see you again?


    She added me on FB and followed me on instagram, she wants to see me again yes!!!!

    I'm so happy!!!!! :D But as I said I don't care if it doesn't work out, I'm just happy I felt appreciated and she enjoyed hanging out with me, you know?

    Like I no longer think women hate me anymore.
  8. Enterita African Astronaut



    YEAH!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^
  9. Enterita African Astronaut
    Oh, here's something I just remembered that's pretty funny.

    I kept lying about shit, and so she said, "why are u being so mysterious? are you a serial killer or something?"

  10. Enterita African Astronaut

    My friend was like "so u didn't get laid?" but I didn't try to get laid. My goal was to feel accepted and get my confidence up which I succeeded at. I'm so happy. ^_^
  11. Enterita African Astronaut
    I was sitting in the bar with my friend, because he was going to be there for protection if it turned out she was going to mug me or it was a gang or something.

    Anyway... she came in and...

    ..IT WAS JUST LIKE HER PHOTOS! But BETTER!!! She was so cute and looked so cool! She gave me a hug and we went to sit down and she went and got herself a beer.

    We fucking talked, then we bar hopped, went to all these different places in town...

    fuck it was cool. She actually wanted to spend time with me. Like, I felt so confident.

    Fuck I'm so happy. I don't care if she doesn't message me again after this night. Tonight I felt valued, I used tinder for the first time, got a match with a cute girl, and actually had a great memorable night. She even touched me during the night, like grabbed me and motioned me around corners and stuff when she was like "Let's go this way" etc.

    I know I'm rambling coz I'm fucking drunk right now but holy fuck

    I'm so happy ;_; maybe women don't hate me after all
  12. Enterita African Astronaut
    Okay I'm gonna meet her in like 2 hours... ugh.
  13. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand Yes

    As for the days “you weren’t supposed to do that” what are you….40?

    People meet up IRL after first meeting online every frickin day

    Yeah attractive people meet IRL. I don't get why she's so eager to meet me... it doesn't make sense, and I'm not being down on myself, I'm just being realistic. I'm worried this will break me if something bad happens.
  14. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire Fuuuccccc man
    Stfu ur acting like a woman
    Just meet her ffs

    Have you ever met anyone online before? It's nerve wracking. Whatever happened to the days when you weren't supposed to do that?
  15. Enterita African Astronaut
    Searched her phone number on pipl and it came up with her real name.

    Searched her name on facebook, etc, and it came up with her profile, BUT... it's on a complete lockdown, can't see who's liked her profile pic, etc.

    She definitely types like a girl, I usually know when people are faking, but it's not normal for a girl to be interested in me. If this is a scam/catfish/etc then I'll most likely kill myself.
  16. Enterita African Astronaut
    I sent her a text message over an hour ago asking if she was still keen for tonight, and no reply, so obviously this was just an attempt at getting my hopes up and crushing them.

    "DURRR ENTER ITS ONLY BEEN AN HOUR".... she usually replies right away.
  17. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick Why do you always leave these decisions up to the women you think are out to get you? Take control of this process. Stop looking for excuses to declare yourself a failure and start thinking of ways to improve your odds of developing a connection with this girl.

    when I develop a connection that's when they fuck me over/hurt me

    when I finally open up to them and like them then they hurt me, like with my ex

    This is a REAL example that I may have posted before, but it 100% happened to me last year. I was friends with a girl from uni, and she was hosting a small end-of-semester hangout at her house. She had invited a few other girls, and I was the only guy there at the time (her boyfriend was coming over soon).

    I thought we were good friends, I didn't expect anything more. But I could have at least used the party to meet more girls. The point is, we were close, or at least I thought we were.

    Then at the party the subject of sex came up, and one of her friends said, "would you have sex with Enter?" and she responded with, AND THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR AN EXAGERATION... "no, I only date attractive guys with good personalities". and then she turned to me and said, "no offense".

    She was EXTREMELY drunk, mind you. And I don't think anyone heard her response, or at least they ignored it. And I sat there so fucking embarassed, and then left after. She NEVER apologized or anything.

    WHY WOULD SHE THINK THAT? I thought we were close... she doesn't even think I have a good personality? Isn't that why you're friends with people?

    SHe did it on purpose in an attempt to get me to kill myself, dude. :( That's all connections are. They want to connect with me to fucking hurt me. That's what it's all about, and I Sshould NOT trust anybody.

    My ex-girlfriend said she was done with me, completely destroying my heart, and said the reason was she wasn't ready for a boyfirend right now. Then as soon as I went on vacation, she sent me a message saying she's so happy with her new boyfriend. WTF??? That's what sent me over the edge that time I think. :(

    I'm not making any of this up -- the only troll thread I made about this was when I went outside to get my morning paper and the girls said I was ugly lol. All of this is 100% true and I'm not imagining ANY of it.
  18. Enterita African Astronaut
    And by not work out, I mean if it's a catfish or a mugging like my friend says, even though I'm 99% sure it isn't since I reverse searched all her info like phone number, name, etc.

    But I don't know. Even if she was real, she could just be pretending to like me, which has happened lots of times before.

    That girl who I met after 4 years of talking was, and I know this will initially sound crazy, but obviously I've spent a lot of time thinking about this -- a sort of psyop (lol, AT MOST), or just a way to fuck with me at the very least. There is NO way someone could cam, share photos with me, talk on the phone, etc for that long and then reject me as soon as we meet. It was possibly an attempt to get me to commit suicide, for reasons I'm not sure of. Same with my recent "girlfriend". I told my recent ex-girlfriend about my suicide attempt and she actually seemed to have a better mood from it, which I was not imagining.

    That's why it sucks -- even if this girl likes me, does she REALLY like me, or is it an attempt to fuck me over? Does she want me to kill myself like all the others, or whatever plans they have?

    It would probably be for the best if I avoided them altogether after this. Then they would have no chance of winning.
  19. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist if you're gonna mug someone on tinder you definitely don't use a real profile that would lead the pigs straight to your door.


    Huh true, good point.
  20. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick You don't have to be at war with your body, Enter. You don't have to be in conflict with women, either. You're always looking to be undermined, either because you're an ugly man or because you're unsuccessful in dating, and I know this because you don't spend a lot of time respecting yourself. I want you to take the night off from being physically repulsive and failing with women, and try to think of three ways you can empower yourself.

    1) Spend a heap of money I was gonna use for the rest of my USA trip on clothes -- top brand stuff. Make me feel rich and superior.

    2) Stop telling everyone I know about my failures with women in an attempt to be "entertainment" for them.

    3) Not sure right now.
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