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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i got a good one starting from paper mill wastewater

    step 1. open a paper mill

    Originally posted by Ghost Apparently the production of paper products from wood produces something called "catechol amines" which can be used to make MDp2P which is a precursor to MDMA. Here is how to do it

    2-allyl-catechol from wastewater. This stuff gets disposed of at cost as a byproduct from the paper manufacturing process but in my country it actually gets recycled and diverted to illegal clandestine labs and converted into mdp2p and eventually ecstasy that makes it onto worldwide markets

    this was written 20 years ago and has been perfected by clandestine industrial chemists, there are no TEKS or writeups how to do it but the science does exist the proof is in the pudding. You can make drugs from toxic waste and criminal organizations hire real chemists to figure this stuff out and keep it secret from the public so there is less regulation and they are able to operate with impunity. Nobody gives a fuck about catechol but if you get enough you can make drugs from it, you can buy or make it but getting it for free and hiring actual chemists to perform tests is the best way.
    Obviously this is not publically available anywhere but it is how actual criminal groups produce MDMA in the modern day where I live

    Catechol is used in many industries. It can be removed from wastewater by various methods but biological processes are the most superior and commonly used technology. The SCR is a modified form of SBR used to degrade catechol. The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of SCR for biodegradation and mineralization of catechol under various inlet concentrations (630–1500 mg/L) and hydraulic retention times (HRT) (18–9 h). This study used a bench scale SCR setup to test catechol degradation. The acclimation time of biomass for catechol at degradation at 630 mg/L was 41 d. The SCR operating cycle time was 6 h and the consecutive times taken for aerating, settling and decanting were 4, 1.5 and 0.5 h, respectively. This study investigated the effects of inlet catechol concentration (630–1560 mg/L) and HRT (18–9 h). The average catechol removal efficiencies in steady-state conditions of 630, 930, 12954 and 1559 mg/L of catechol were 98.5%, 98.5%, 98.2% and 96.9% in terms catechol and 97.8%, 97.7%, 96.4% and 94.3% for COD, respectively. SCR with acclimated biomasses could effectively remove the catechol and the corresponding COD from wastewater with concentrations of up to 1560, at the loading rate of 5.38 kg COD/m3.d and at a HRT of up to 13 h. The HRT was determined as an important variable affecting catechol removal from wastewater. Reducing the HRT to below 13 h led to reduced removal of catechol and COD.
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    reposting cuz this is funny

    1. If you slip into a comatose sleep laying there for days with a disgusting chemical sweat all over your body even though you keep the fan on full blast and only gets up to cram mass quantities of food down
    This is called crashing.
    A meth addict can't stay awake when he runs out of speed. My buddy was driving on the freeway with his two small children in the car. He nodded off and was heading into the center divider when his nine year old son yelled and woke him up…
    This is called almost crashing.

    2. If you are prone to dumpster diving and you notice your house is looking more like the city dump than home….you might be a flailer

    3. Check your phone history
    (a) It's not a good sign if you see the same number listed 42 times, dialed one minute apart in the middle of the night.
    (b) Sound the alarm if you have 50 charges for information calls, with an additional 45-cent charge for each call to be automatically completed by Verizon.
    © Look for collect calls from prison and motels.

    4. Drug addicted offspring move into your rental property & they want to fix the house up for you. When they get arrested for possession of drugs, you will have many projects to finish. They will spend their paycheck on drugs. You will pay the rent and be the not-so-proud owner of a "flailer pad." Flailers are harder to get rid of than cockroaches.

    5. Keep your eyes pealed for any strange goings-on from your flailer tenants. One day I went to the house and found a humongous dental chair sitting in the middle of the living room. The scumbag said, "If you want to believe it's a dental chair, that's fine with me." That's when I noticed the steel stirrups. I was up in arms and ordered him to remove the heavy metal sex apparatus immediately. About a month later, he was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. The dental chair, that could only be removed with rental equipment, became my problem.

    6. If you have a propane torch under the bed, an exhaust fan hooked up in the window, or heavy blankets nailed over the curtains, don't think that this is normal behavior - it's not

    7. If the phone rings day and night and people come and go at all hours, don't kid yourself into thinking it's because your popular…you're just a dope dealer.

    8. If you show up at your "tweaker pad" in the middle of the night armed with a drug test and your friends are milling around the house looking very perky, and they fly into a fit of rage and tells you where to shove your drug test… Count that as a"positive". Save your receipt and consider yourself lucky that you can get the money refunded. Drug tests are not cheap. If your flailer refuses to take the test, assume he is on drugs.

    9. Tekh addicts are expert liars, master debaters and manipulators. Always trust your instincts and use your common sense to discern between fact and fiction.
    EXAMPLE: If you found your friend eating rat shit, You would be mortified and say, "Dan Wagner!, don't eat that rat shit! Whatsa matter with you?"
    He'd say, "Dude. You're trippin'. This isn't rat shit, It's chocolate."
    And you believe him because nobody in their right mind would eat rat shit.
    Always do the sniff test on suspicious behavior.
    If it smells like shit, it is not chocolate.

    10. Pay attention to odd behavior: fast talking, fake eating (pushing food around on the plate) and fake sleeping (they will put a towel in the crack of the door so you can't see their light is on all night), pocket-change jingling, foot shaking, and fidgeting. Some of them pick their face for hours until it bleeds and the meth recrystalizes on their skin so they eat it to get high. Some of them stay locked in the bathroom for long periods of time playing with their bloody rectum. Peek under the door to see if a towel is shoved in the crack to keep the toxic fumes from seeping out. Most of them spray deodorizer to hide the smell of the chemical smoke.

    They will lie, cheat, and steal their mother's purse for the next fix, and go to great lengths to make you think they are clean and sober. Like Houdini, they will trick you with illusion and sleight of hand. It can take a long time for a "normie" to realize someone is on dope. Get out of the ostrich hole of denial.

    Fight for their life and do anything you can to uncover the truth: Read his mail, eavesdrop on phone conversations, go through their phone and computer or put a drinking glass on your ear against the wall to hear him in the next room. Hide his wallet and car keys! Search for dope in clothes pockets and socks. Spy equipment might help, Give them NOWHERE to run or hide and threaten to call police frequently. When you know the truth, you can do something about it. Do an intervention. Look for a county funded rehab. They have some great facilities. If your friend refuses to get help, kick him to the curb and pray that he will answer the wake-up call when he hits rock bottom.

    11. If you are cleaning the garage and find a box filled with strange objects like: a jug, Pyrex dishes, bottles, funnels, coffee enhancements, rubber tubing, paper towels, rubber gloves, etc. This is a meth lab. Call the DEA and Haz-mat, and evacuate your home immediately.

    12. The first thing people lose on methamphetamine is their common sense. My best friend sold his car to 3 different people and didn't give it to any of them. He bought drugs with the money and hid the car. One of the buyers was a convicted felon named Wolf. I was home alone. The phone rang all night and day. He filled up the answer machine with ISIS terrorist threats and loud devil worship music. My friend said that Wolf was just joking and he thought it was a shame that I didn't have a sense of humor anymore.
  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by mmG FUDNiggers

    that's not even a real world, you just made it up along with your stupid HURR DURR RATTEX spam, fuck off you shit troll.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man So I got written up today, thats 3 times in 3 weeks now. It seems like I just can't follow the rules, always blaming someone else. well no, fuck that, everyone but me is retarded.

    The first time I got written up was for "insulting" someone when they came up to me and started talking to me

    The second and third time was because I made a "mistake" because nobody tells me anything.

    And now I get in trouble for talking to one person too much, when last week I got pulled aside and asked why I seem so depressed and never talk to anyone?. I don't get it.. capitalism is fucked. Ted Bundy and the unibomber were right, I have enough cash I don't care if they fire me. I hate everyone I work with they are all a bunch of rattex
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    imagine not subscribbing to technoblade
  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen No
    Just let the unvaccinated who get Covid die 👍🏼

    that's too slow

    Originally posted by Sophie Just kill everyone with the virus. Problem solved.


  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I knew what color he was going to be before I even looked…

    As soon as I saw the city I KNEW
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    didn't spamming auto embed YT videos crash browsers
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    what a ramrod
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i remember this song, took me a few days. the first time I made out with a girl it was playing

  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump but really look at black communities if you want to see what an actual libertarian community looks like.

    If drugs were legal they would be able to compete in a legal market without resorting to violence. Mexicans importing cocaine and blacks selling it at retail amounts in stores and PAyINg TAXES sounds like capitalism to me

  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump As you do.

    Hey man that private business was just trying to defend their right to refuse service to an anti masker and defending their liberty through force. If you ask me no crime was committed and that man should walk free.

    Wear your mask people! or else!
  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Auguste said Holmes was convicted of sexually assaulting a six-year-old girl and sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl in 2003. He has also served two prison terms for failing to follow sex offender registration requirements, according to Auguste.

    “That’s not me,” Holmes said as Auguste detailed the specific acts he was accused of committing against the girls.
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Holmes, who defense attorney Jonathan Feldman said “has a big heart and is a kind-hearted man,” shot the man again, then paced around and shot him a third time before running away, according to Auguste. The victim, who was shot in the stomach, arm, and leg, was taken to a hospital where surgeons removed part of his intestines, Auguste said.

    Chicago cops heard the gunfire and responded quickly enough to see Holmes running away, according to Auguste. He ditched his gun and security vest along the way and later told arresting officers where they could find them, Auguste said. Holmes also allegedly admitted to shooting the victim.

    “This is obviously going to be a self-defense case,” Friedman said after hearing the allegations. He called the circumstances “basically, a customer who’s unruly, who wants to put other lives at risk,” by not wearing a COVID mask.
  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    every single drug has been studied extensively and their long term effects are well known so yeah I do feel better shooting up ivermectin laced cocaine rather than the latest big pharma shambala.
  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    to be fair, anti maskers are dumb and deserve to die, Blacks too. HURRR DURR TAKE URR DIAPERS OFFF!! PUT THEM ON!!!! DO THIS!!! DO THAT!!!! OR I SHOOT YOU OOGA BOOGA!

    Give me liberty or give me death! My mask my choice!
  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i put it all in GMO and lost hard

    Originally posted by Ghost

    Well folx it happened. It looks like the pandemic has killed General Moly, the greatest company ever, just a little too early. They could have made TRILLIONS mining moly, a metal needed for space components. 5 years ago I would have invested every penny into GMO because I never expected a pandemic would shit fuck the global markets and make peculiar ventures like molybdenum mining become unprofitable.

    It's real sad how local mom and pop business as well as large multi million dollar mining companies are going through rough times as well. They just wanted to mine space metals man.

  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I'll wait another year for the one and done vax, I think I can survive a year with no vax and 50% population immunity, or whatever.
  20. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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