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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. and it doesnt even work
  2. uhhh noo nobody called the cops, I have not spoken to a police officer in more than 5 years
  3. you mean this one

  4. imagine wanting to leave indiana to grow weed when you can make more money cleaning meth labs
  5. hurrr durrr he shaked and baked in the bathtub and spilled ammonia salt and lithium on the bathroom tile that will be $10,000 to clean plus a hazard waste disposal fee

    I'm moving to fucking Indiana $$$$$

  6. no but I know she would. if she was raped she would go right to the police station. People that are willing to call the police are just as bad as people who do call the police and in my opinion both deserve to die.
  7. You got yours removed by being a fucking retard
  8. She is exactly the kind to dial 911 after getting raped or having a rock thrown through their window. Hypocritical niggers ACAB FUCK DA POLICE but as soon as you put a knife to their small nigger childs throat they cry MUH GOVERNMENT MUH POLICE MUH LAWS

    Niggers are so fucking stupid, they LIKE going to prison because they are still slaves that like taking orders from jail guards to bend over and spread their cheeks. That's why black people are more willing to commit crime not because they hate police and society but because they want that white police officer daddy to come bend them over the squad car and take their nigger slave ass back to the plantation

  9. There's a cheese recall
    But I already ate it
    My inside hurt
  10. Originally posted by POLECAT no one wants to see old tittys unless they have been upgraded

    I do
  11. shes a cop caller
  12. holy shit you could burn this place down and probably get away with it and become a social media hero SOMEONE PLEASE BUY ME A PLANE TICKET TO SOCAL I WILL FUCKING DO IT

  13. you need lithium or sodium metal idk what phone battery contains
  14. nigbar
  15. Originally posted by frala Leave it to Polecat to ruin this thread.

    shut up whore and post tits
  16. did i just time tarvel
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