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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Originally posted by Wariat wait how does one delete their entire username and posts from this site?

    gotta pay lanny 20
  2. did yo uget that girl pregnant yet or do you need me to come over and show you kids how its done?
  3. i'd fuck Gay
  4. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy GREAT NEWS!

    It looks like Michelle found a really nice apartment.
    I'm not talking about the one she went to look at this morning. That one looks like crap.
    The one I am talking about she is already approved for and is going to go see it Monday or maybe even rent it sooner if need be.
    Her apartment looks about the same size as our current one with everything except the dishwasher.

    Also GREAT NEWS!

    I talked with my current landlady about resigning the lease with just my name on it and it looks like I am defiantly able to provide proof that I am capable of that.
    So I went ahead and sent her an e-mail with the paystubs that she requested.

    Now Im just hoping Michelle likes airplanes because that shit is right at the end of the damn run way to the airport.

    who the fuck is michelle
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Greasy spoon cafes don't do background checks, lie like everyone else does.

    Yeah that's the plan I am just gonna lie about having dishwashing experience which is a new low in my life. Remember to vote for me in the biggest loser thread folx
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Definitely a "File 13" candidate with that attitude.

    Enjoy the min wage dish washing.

    Honestly I would be perfectly happy doing that but they all want someone with experience
  7. All I want to do is retail and stack boxes im sick of stress and responsibility I don't need any more reasons to abuse drugs and drink than I have already
  8. do you really want someone there when you weren't expecting them though? I bet you have a nice waiting area with bad chairs in an awkward location where lots of people walk past so if you sit there waiting you look even stupider.

    Is that how you get your jollies? by wasting peoples time? Because I don't do that I don't play corporate social games. How about you give me a time and I will be there at that time, I can do that if you can not waste my time by making me sit around for 30 minutes like everyone else does.

    That's the kinda of employer I want to work for.
  9. Nobody in Canada calls them "indians" they are called natives here so that was clearly written by an American that has no idea what they are talking about.

    "The camps are ready and able to take any affected person by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have them fully equipped, sanitized, and ready to go if anybody ever needs to. Our services are available.”

    The camp has not been used by any COVID-19 patients, but Park knows they’ll be ready to host people if the time comes. He explains how a patient would be allowed to enter the facility."

    Once again the retards at Daily Stormer are retards. I DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING

    I was right it was written by a retarded American
  10. Originally posted by Kev

    daily stormer so yeah it's fake.

    That just looks like a trailer park in manitoba. It's not a camp, that province is just a shit hole run by natives

    "The camp is allegedly for the use of the Metis, an Indian tribe in Manitoba. This is likely why it was made public. Presumably, these camps are now all over the Western world, and we simply haven’t heard about it."

    exactly. Poor ass natives can't afford shit, it's a fucking reservation native bullshit in one poor native infested area of Canada. Has nothing to do with anything else in the country.


  12. Immigrants come here for the free healthcare and then move to america when they are healthy so they can make the real big bucks
  13. i went even lower because 8 is just 4 x 2 and even that seems high to me
  14. the only way I could make money from that is if you sold me 228 for 7 and I stepped on it hard and mixed some oregano in there. Got 5 legal weed stores on my block and they stand outside hustling
  15. i think i typed the wrong thing i ended up on which is a porn site btw and it forced me to download an exe and it started running on its own now my screen is goin all pixelated wtf did you do
  16. I decided I am too lazy to do crime

    whats a legal way to make $20 in an hour? ideas?
  17. this thread just became good
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Swap that glock for a bicycle with a shopping basket on the front…be a leader not a follower.

    boy i'd like to throw a fuck into her YOWZA
  19. There are no camps in fact the use of "camps" for anything medical related I seriously doubt you would ever find unless it was some red cross shit

    Unless you mean those NIGGERS that come from airports and yeah we cage them, who the fuck would international travel right now? HURR DURR I GOT MY VACCINE IM SUPERMAN EVEN THOUGH SUPERMAN NEVER WORE A MASK
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