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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. how do you make it I heard you mix acetone with 30% peroxide and stir it really fast while it's hot and i've never heard of anyone exploding themself by accident so it can't be that hard
  2. waiting for a podcast to come on at 12pm
  3. are you sure its from the brick or did they dissolve the bricks in a drum of solvent to get it across
  4. You never hear about the cool pedos because they are too busy not getting caught. World reknowned!!!!!

  5. Originally posted by Wariat And grooming even if u could prove it which in Poland is never been able to anyway nor would anyone care isn’t illegalanyway here at least Per se.

    i'm not trying to prove anything but that is 100% grooming without a doubt. I don't care if it's illegal or not you court minded jedi, call your lawyer.

    Originally posted by Wariat Also look up the definition of grooming. It isn’t just saying someone is curious. Grooming is a long process drawn out fucktard.

    yes and you are trying to start that process. It doesn't matter what legal games you try to play to make yourself innocent in the eyes of the law, that doesn't change the facts.

    You are too dumb to even understand that the humor of nonce busting comes from trolling them during the grooming process where they are like "don't tell your parents ;)" and the girl says "HURRRRRRRRRRR I WONT LMAO"

  6. still not getting the shot
  7. Originally posted by Wariat Curios means what exactly retard? I’m in Poland anyway and fucking USA can suck my dick and extradite me lol.

    I don't give a shit about the law or your kike technicalities you court minded fucktard.

    Originally posted by Wariat Curious could be curious to anything like life retard.

    tell it to the judge, I don't care. You are trying to "sound" innocent which just shows that you know what you are doing. It's called GROOMING

    Originally posted by Wariat How is saying u sound curious same as mentioning sec or cybering them moron?


  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They're just fish who want to be caught.

    thats what it seems like

    Originally posted by Wariat no i dont moron. i dont mention sex first of all or start cybering them. a regular chst or talking to someone is legal. secondly those guys were only got because they drove to those vops wnd didnt see the red signe along the way.


    'hurrr durrr you seem curious '

    this is why you get arrested in a public park like a fucking retard, you don't even get nudes before meeting the person.

  9. hurrrrrr
  10. Originally posted by Wariat talking to a little slut whore inside a chatroom in a bar.

    that is the most obvious police and you act just like the guys on chris hansen fucking lmao you can't make this shit up. Send lots of face pics too

  11. 100% a federal officer
  13. peepy is big risk potential big reward
  14. thats not peepey
  15. Originally posted by Wariat You guys are just a bunch of assholes alright? Ur all assholes. And I didn’t get lucky we just walked around a botanical garden talked I drank three beers at the pub she claimed she’s on a break from drinking for a week till her off time from work and vacation and went gone I’m still at the pub drinking. I knew something was wrong when we sat on a park bench near the botanic garden and she looked at me weird when I tried to put my arm around her she also revealed she has a husband later and mentioned him.


    Originally posted by Wariat Why would she even meet me or suggest it if she’s not interested in sex?

    why would you lmao
  16. the big bucks
  17. my main goal in life is to own a store that plays a shitty loop soundtrack and include this song in it so I get an entire local community so used to hearing it that they don't even think twice when it comes on, like another shitty radio pop song.

  18. bobs pizza is the new theme song of the TRT thats how it feels whenever you come in here like you are walking into a pizza bar that usually opens at 5pm but you know the owner, Bob and he lets you come in at 2pm and chill for a few hours while he gets ready to open the store

    and the shitty music plays on loop the entire time but you don't even hear it anymore because it has been playing on loop for the past 5 years

  19. This is the division tactics of political media. Gone are the days when the truth was the truth now that truth has to come from someone who already agrees with you or it's either RUSSIAN ALT RIGHT or HEBREW NATIONALIST MARXIST LEFTIST

    I have no skin in the game and am a complete outsider politically so I just find it funny. political media gives endless ammunition to fuel the left right discourse forever.
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