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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. kevin
  2. penis pump on a dog?
  3. pukiung made me hungry now i eat pizza that i forgot to put in the fridge woops
  4. no i vaped like a gram of nicotine
  5. Originally posted by stl1 Covid Vaccine: the miracle drug that was taken by Democrats but not by Republicans causing the extinction of their species.


    miracle but some people still die when they get it lel nice miracle.
  6. don't mind the sweat
  7. Originally posted by Kev if the clinics are private then you do have a choice, go to another clinic.

    Because of socialist policies the clinics all give the same level of care and you wait at all of them. if you "take your business elsewhere" you will just wait longer.

    and you can't just pay them money to take you first it doesn't work that way. So it doesn't matter how much money you have because they don't even want YOUR money you don't pay them, the government does.

    They only have to keep the government happy they don't care about the sick person with a wad of cash, fuck that guy he is annoying and won't shut up trying to get them in trouble.
  8. Originally posted by Kev canada has quancentration camps

    no we don't
  9. pee [pee watching
  10. KEVIN
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson .any applications that came on my desk that had a big gap of nothing got tossed,

    so why do people want me to get a job if nobody will hire me. This is just like the YOU NEED EXPERIENCE TO WORK HERE but I need to get a job to get experience
  12. I frew up ;(
  13. okay kevin nobody cares
  14. this is the kind of look i'm going for

    You could consume more than half a century of American popular culture, from World War II to Korea to Vietnam to September 11, without encountering many bearded manly heroes; facial hair was generally reserved for wild enemies foreign and domestic, swarthy terrorists and libertine hippies. Even American westerns posited a surprising number of neatly trimmed frontier protagonists, reserving scruff for their foes. Italian-produced spaghetti westerns, which introduced Clint Eastwood’s perpetually unshaven man with no name, seem the exception that proves the rule, deploying beards as to emphasize that their protagonists are deeply flawed antiheroes, operating outside mainstream norms.

    In the twenty-first century, however, America’s man of the hour is a follicle farm. Hipsters affect the lumberjack’s hirsute machismo. Genteel movie stars like George Clooney and Paul Rudd tantalize paparazzi with full, bushy beards. Police departments in Michigan and Texas have relaxed their officers’ notoriously strict grooming standards to permit beards and goatees. Faux-folksy politicians like Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former House speaker Paul Ryan attempt to transform their brands with a macho hairy mug—just as John Kerry and Al Gore did a few years earlier, with limited success. Our Hollywood war heroes, armed men who go bump in the night, grow facial hair so voluminous that perhaps their beards are what do the heavy bumping. Even that most American of fictional G.I.s, the idealistic Steve Rogers, returns from a depressive self-exile in Avengers: Infinity War with a sexy beard that says “Captain America has seen some shit.”
  15. look at this dapper gont come on ladies whats the problem here??? Female brain attracted to man manly hair manly. The bigger the facial hair the bigger the man am I right?

  16. If I didn't trim my whiskers I could easily pull this off and I have wild sideburns so there are a lot of options to combine them into some really crazy civil war era shit but I would look like a time traveler

  17. there is nothing manlier than getting your ass and beard waxed at the local beard barber while you sip scotch and smoke a cigar
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why do nerds insist on having those straggly beards that look like the hairs one grows around one's asshole.

    Are they missing the neurons that tell you "Hey twat, you can't grow a beard so just stop before you make yourself look even more of a fucking loser"

    I think I have this problem a bit where the hair only grows in like a tuft on my chin and under it but doesn't cover my entire neck. I just want to be a neckbeard but after 2 years of not shaving I barely have anything to show for it

    it ain't much but it's honest work and people still call me Ma'am with the mask on even when I have this beard poking out of it.

    Not everyone can look like afghani greg okay. The hair all goes to my lip but I don't live in a time where it's cool to do this :(

    or maybe it is cool fuck it I am going full old timey

  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm sneezing a lot today, maybe I have the Delta variant.

    take a benny
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson My ex wife #2 worked in a coffee shop for a little while, they bought ALL their food from Sysco…apparently most of these little coffee shop/cafes do.

    They just had ovens in the back to baked everything.. the muffins, bagels, cookies etc etc all came from Sysco. Basically a cream cheese bagel in Houston is the same no matter what coffee shop you go to.

    She had to go in at like 3am to warm the ovens up and put the bagels in. I would get up and take her to work. One morning while she was there on her own someone shot a gun through the window. She hid in the back and called me. When I got there the guy was gone, I assumed he didn't like the bagels or something.

    the bagels all come from one place here but everything else they make in the store

    "The cost of purchasing a frozen doughnut from Maidstone, which flash-freezes them using the “par-bake” method, is approximately double what it would cost franchisees to bake them from scratch on-site, according to court documents."

    Also every place makes their own muffins because the factory muffins SUCK!!
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