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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe
2023-09-23 at 3:42 PM UTC in Vapers (the vape thread)I made catnip vape juice and blow it on my cats, they go berserk
2023-09-23 at 1:41 AM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Source:
Now what were you saying about an ass being dumb?
Ok so you’ve just proved my point that you’ll believe certain science when it benefits your preconceived worldview or doesn’t have any effect on it, but if it challenges you in any way you just scream “WAKE UP SHEEPLE THEYRE LYING TO U”.
Like your argument doesn’t even make sense, your whole thing is that there’s this big conspiracy that forces tens of thousands of scientists to lie to the public for decades for I don’t know what, some kind of money or something. But the people who are saying the shit YOU believe are the ones actually benefitting monetarily from maintaining the status quo, to the tune of trillions of dollars. They’re the ones with all the power.
Like what makes more sense here? You need to wake the fuck up. Fuckin retard can’t even recognize extremely obvious sarcasm and you think you’re some kind of scientific authority? You’re a literal 95 IQ boomer goon with no education or critical thinking skills -
2023-09-23 at 1:30 AM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by jerryb That's interesting, plus a lot of northern land in Russia and Canada not really great soil. Food is one way humans could make an impact today. I think I read the US waste enough food to basically feed another country its own size. We're a pretty wasteful country really.
North America is very rural but I think we could do much better mass transit on the eastern and western coast where a large part of people live.
The world produces enough food to feed everyone, the only times people starve are basically in impoverished conflict zones where genocidal war lords are literally blocking supply lines to starve the opposition.
Us being less wasteful won’t feed others. So fuck it waste as much as you want -
2023-09-23 at 12:38 AM UTC in What was your most autistic moment?
2023-09-22 at 10:55 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by Obbe Maybe, but it could also be more complicated than that:
Will Canada benefit from climate change?
That's interesting, plus a lot of northern land in Russia and Canada not really great soil. Food is one way humans could make an impact today. I think I read the US waste enough food to basically feed another country its own size. We're a pretty wasteful country really.
North America is very rural but I think we could do much better mass transit on the eastern and western coast where a large part of people live. -
2023-09-22 at 10:42 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastAs a kid late summer was usually hot and dry and now all summer is really wet. Actually temps are a little cooler but very humid. We always had fairly short winters but they where colder and got more snow, now I can go most of winter with just a hoodie or jacket.
Spring and fall now doesn't last as long, seems to almost go from hot to cold. TN always was a wet state but more so now, we get more rain than Seattle but fewer rain days.
May be just my imagination but I see lots of insects I never noticed as a kid or maybe just more. -
2023-09-22 at 7:57 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by jerryb Talking to people my age and older we agree the climate in this area has changed since we where kids so I do believe in climate change. I also believe humans have an impact but to what degree I don't know. Even if humans had zero impact I'd be for doing all we can to have less impact on the world we live on because it still benefits us.
I’ve said it before that even I’m not entirely convinced that climate change is primarily driven by human action. We were already in a warming period before the industrial era, that much is obvious. And there are things we still don’t understand about the cycle of the sun and shit like that. I’m not claiming the science is settled and that I know all the answers.
But my whole thing is even if it was 0% due to human activity, there’s a couple things that are absolutely clear:
1. The earth IS warming rapidly.
2. Burning fossil fuels is an inefficient and messy way to produce energy and we’ve already invented better ways of doing it cheaper and more sustainably. We just don’t take action on it because of pushback from existing financial interests (mainly the fossil fuel lobby).
So whether humans are causing it or not, the sea levels will rise, crops will fail, and extreme weather patterns will become more common. And right now we are doing basically fuck-all to prepare for any of this. We’re not changing our building codes to withstand stronger hurricanes, hotter summers, and colder winters, we’re not hardening our infrastructure, we’re not preparing for periods of extended droughts and famines, we’re not building nuclear plants… and so on.
These are all things we should already be doing regardless of what’s causing climate change because they just make sense to do. But instead we’d rather all argue about whether it’s even real or not meanwhile just keep giving trillions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry and carry on business as usual.
We already subsidize the fossil fuel industry with our tax dollars, all I’m saying is we just slowly transition that money to building up alternatives over the next 20-30 years until eventually we don’t need fossil fuels anymore. And guess what, the fossil fuel lobby knows they can’t keep the money train rolling forever, that’s why they’re already taking steps to become major players in the coming alternative energy market. They’re already investing billions. They just want to milk every last cent they can out of oil and coal before they have to make the transition.
Anyway I think this is a pretty reasonable position that falls somewhere in the middle of all the hysterics that surround this issue, people like Spectral being on one extreme side, and Greta Thunberg on the other. But anyway.
2023-09-22 at 7:17 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastTalking to people my age and older we agree the climate in this area has changed since we where kids so I do believe in climate change. I also believe humans have an impact but to what degree I don't know. Even if humans had zero impact I'd be for doing all we can to have less impact on the world we live on because it still benefits us.
2023-09-22 at 6:58 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Earth's climate will always change naturally over time. The North Pole used to be a lush paradise at one time. As polar flips occur, the climate will change. Pole reversals are common in Earth's geologic history. Paleomagnetic records tell us Earth's magnetic poles have reversed 183 times in the last 83 million years, and at least several hundred times in the past 160 million years. There's some real science for you, not the bedtime stories the globalists and their mindless lackeys like to tell.
What the fuck, the poles never reversed dumbass. That’s just propaganda from the Big Magnet lobby trying to trick you into thinking magnets matter or something. Also the earth is only 6,000 years old retard. Don’t believe the fake news -
2023-09-22 at 6:57 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by Fox I don’t understand what you would consider “independent evidence”. Like if I personally go live in Antarctica for 30 years and measure the temperature and ice levels every day?
What would you consider independent and not part of the NWO or whatever
I've asked him many times. Answer is "something found independently." He leaves it quite vague, intentionally. its the 'dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh' go to. You post ANY source disagreeing, its clearly bought and paid for by the powers that be. -
2023-09-22 at 6:56 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastAlso your first argument was “it doesn’t matter if the ice melts because the sea level won’t change”, now when you’re instantly proven wrong it becomes “the ice isn’t melting anyway”. Could you be more transparent, it’s obvious you have an agenda here. You want to believe what you want to believe no matter what evidence is shown to you
2023-09-22 at 6:25 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alexa? Will melting ice in a glass raise the water level in the glass?
"No. The level of water in the glass will remain the same."
Alexa, how much ice on earth is located on top of land masses such as Antarctica and Greenland, NOT floating in water?
“I dunno but it’s a fuckload, definitely enough to raise see levels around the world significantly if it all melted.” -
2023-09-21 at 5:25 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
2023-09-21 at 4:25 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastA smart guy once said you don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests align. Governments will always seek more control and to erode the checks and balances put on their power. Corporations that essentially hold the power of governments do the same. It doesn’t mean some conglomeration of mustace-twirling villains are sitting in a bunker in Davos plotting to kill everyone. Thinking that is what’s happening, is fucktarded.
The vaccine thing was an unholy alliance of big government and big pharma taking advantage of a crisis, just like they always do. Because that’s what they’re incentivized to do, and that’s human nature. It doesn’t take a conspiracy. -
2023-09-21 at 1:35 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
2023-09-20 at 10:27 PM UTC in Oh no, Starfield is like... really good.
2023-09-18 at 7:02 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by jerryb Don't know who caused it but my summer sucked ass, rained so much the ground was soaked and then a storm come thru and trees down all over.
I can honestly tell the climate in my area has changed in the 60 so years I lived here. Now I don't know if it is a natural change or man made but seriously do you think man will do anything. The west may make changes but 3rd world countries ain't going to do shit and we send most our polluting jobs there.
I've said about twenty times in this thread probably that climate change is a thing, humans are absolutely contributing to it, but I don't know that there's necessarily much we can do to impact it significantly at least not that we will see in our immediate lifetime, like not really obvious changes, as it would take time to drastically affect it in a good way the same way it has taken time to affect in a 'bad' way.
But also like I've said, it's why we generally don't just throw our trash out onto the streets and we use garbage canisters and landfills in most 1st world countries, because despite the fact that we know it wouldn't be a big deal if we just threw a wrapper out of the window instead of the garbage every time, it would eventually add up and we don't want that.
I think the climate change proponents for the most part just want what's best for the globe. Not all of them and I'm sure there's plenty of financial motivations and things of that nature, but likewise, most people just want 'to leave the world a better place for their kids and grandkids' and all that shit. It's certainly not badly intentioned and it seems weird to say 'haha look at that LOSER caring about the environment. It's not a big deal and we can't change it anyway so just stop caring, like me."
Who gives a shit if that's what they care about? It's one of those things that's not hurting anyone to want to make a difference. The only reason to shit on it is to try and look holier-than-thou or come across like a know-it-all. Even if you think it's absolute lunacy, it would seem just as odd to endlessly try to refute the points that a flat-earther was making and pointing out. People don't even waste their time responding to them, but for some reason people waste a lot of time responding to climate change, even though they find it just as ridiculous. Maybe because there's actually some merit to it lol.
2023-09-18 at 6:16 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastDon't know who caused it but my summer sucked ass, rained so much the ground was soaked and then a storm come thru and trees down all over.
I can honestly tell the climate in my area has changed in the 60 so years I lived here. Now I don't know if it is a natural change or man made but seriously do you think man will do anything. The west may make changes but 3rd world countries ain't going to do shit and we send most our polluting jobs there. -
2023-09-13 at 11:16 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecastYou've got to be trolling. I posted the actual quote he said. The headline was just journalist editorial rewording bullshit. I literally explained to you how. THROUGH September, and possibly INTO winter.
If you legitimately think he meant that wildfires were gonna be blasting through negative degree temperatures during blizzards on top of multiple feet of snow on the ground, well, that's on you, lol. -
2023-09-13 at 5:33 PM UTC in World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Is that the same guy who said "coldest Jan on record"…on Jan 5th?
That person said "the hottest January in thousands of locations across Europe.."
If I recall correctly the article was written on the 5th, so it would be implied that the writer meant as of those dates. The 1st through the 5th were the hottest 1st through 5ths ever on record for many European locations.
I wonder how the rest of January did pan out for those locations. Do you think everything cooled off right after that, or did they potentially remain at record breaking high temperatures?