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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat


    We have something similar on our server

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  2. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Public: "There's an epidemic of an airbourne virus! What shall we do?!?!"

    Expert: "D-don't wear a mask. You might get some on your hands"
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  3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by CandyRein Say that magic happens… all the Corona has Not entered through the mask

    You gonna take the mask of with an ungloved hand because you don’t know chit lol

    And guess what .. it’s on your hands and everything you touch

    An a baby like you would stick your hand right in your mouth

    Remain ignorant at home with mom thinking you know everything

    So it's on my hands as opposed to being in my lungs.

    It's on my hands.

    As opposed to being in my lungs.

    It isn't absorbed through the digestive tract. It isn't absorbed through the hands. It isn't absorbed through the face even.

    It's a corona virus. It's a respiratory tract infection. It is absorbed through the respiratory tract.

    Go get stoned again and hand out some more pills it's all you can do.
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  4. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by CandyRein I think this is a helpful video ..

    Have a great day ..


    "keep a metre away"?

    Corona has been proven to travel several metres.

    The comments on that video are also helpful, and rip the video apart. The video has zero reference to science or studies or anything. So masks are bad because the virus accumulates on them as opposed to in your lungs? And then maybe get virus on your hands, as opposed to your lungs? That's literally what she says at 2:10.

    Candy, by sharing videos like this you are giving bad advice to people, and cannot possibly believe this.

    Of course you don't, because you'll wear a facemask as soon as you are confronted with an airbourne disease. Bad advice is only for us, not for you.

    OTOH this is a fair article:

    In 2008, Makison Booth set out to discover to what extent surgical masks could protect wearers. She hooked up one of her dummies to a resuscitation machine, “so it breathed”, she says. She then sealed it in a cabinet and sprayed tiny airborne droplets – a simulated sneeze – containing influenza at it while it wore a series of protective masks.

    Different designs of surgical mask were tested, including the standard strip of fabric, a duck-bill-shaped one and a 3D moulded one. “They conferred a low level of protection to the wearer,” she says, diplomatically. The virus was found inside all the masks, but they had provided something like a six-fold decrease in the amount of virus exposure.

    Wearing a substandard mask may at least deter wearers from self-contaminating by putting their hands to their noses or mouths, but we can self-contaminate by touching our eyes, too. “We know that in the markets in Wuhan,” says MacIntyre, “they found coronavirus all over the surfaces, so someone walking through could touch it and contaminate themselves.”

    Makison Booth also tested disposable enhancementing facepiece (FFP) respirators. They are designed to enhancement tiny particulates, and are recommended in the UK for professionals working under possible exposure to airborne diseases. These provided 100 times more protection than going barefaced.

    However, truly protecting yourself isn’t as simple as buying any old FFP. There is a dizzying array on offer, with confusingly similar names, and in the west they are more likely to be marketed for pollution than disease. “N95” types are heavily promoted online. Makison Booth says this is the US equivalent of the UK’s second-most-effective model, imaginatively called the FFP2. However, she says, “we recommend the use of an FFP3 [the highest protection available] because it will enhancement out more particles”. The US versions are tested only for dry particulates, she says, but the UK FFPs are tested against liquid in aerosols, too. Before you buy any mask, make sure it has a CE certification mark, which indicates conformity with EU health, safety and environmental protection standards.

    There is little point in wearing one without testing that it fits properly, and most manufacturers sell fit-testing kits. “Areas such as the bridge of your nose to your cheek and under the chin are often places where air will leak through, rather than going through the enhancement material,” says Makison Booth.
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  5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    In a 2013 study, researchers counted the number of virus particles in the air around patients with flu. They found that surgical masks decreased the exhalation of large viral droplets 25-fold. The masks were, however, less effective against the fine viral droplets that can remain suspended in the air longer and are therefore more infectious, cutting them by 2.8 times.

    Surgical masks also afford fairly good protection for the worried well. In an oft-cited study of 446 nurses, researchers found surgical masks were as good, or nearly as good, at protecting the wearer against flu as respirators, a somewhat more high-tech, masklike device used in hospitals.

    Live influenza virus was measurable from the air behind all surgical masks tested. The data indicate that a surgical mask will reduce exposure to aerosolised infectious influenza virus; reductions ranged from 1.1- to 55-fold (average 6-fold), depending on the design of the mask.

    Of course no protection is absolute, but even cheap surgical masks do cut down the amount of viruses both entering and exiting the body. Given that, it seems incredible that the highly paid experts are recommending against wearing masks.

    “It seems kind of intuitively obvious that if you put something—whether it’s a scarf or a mask—in front of your nose and mouth, that will enhancement out some of these viruses that are floating around out there,” says Dr. William Schaffner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. The only problem: that’s not effective against respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19. If it were, “the CDC would have recommended it years ago,” he says. “It doesn’t, because it makes science-based recommendations.”

    The science seems to disagree with the people who fucking love science. What on earth is going on? This seems like psychopathy to me?

    Is it just ego?

    “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” tweeted Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General, on Feb. 29. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”

    This doesn't make a lick of sense. I genuinely think doctors and nurses think they have some secret powers that make equipment and medicines only work for them, and no one else. Hence the prescription system, medical licensing, etc.
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  6. HTS highlight reel
    Made Squidward's house out of prismarine.

    There's a conduit inside too, which is neat I guess.
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  7. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Coming soon.
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Technologist Aldra doesn’t like America. He has stated this.

    I still like him regardless. Everyone doesn’t have to like America.

    But he's still quite interested in American politics, you don't have to like something to be interested in it
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I dont want a clock on my computer at all.
    Not even in the background.

    Dont use your computer

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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Obbe I'll be contributing to spawn later today, spread some bamboo and acacia around, maybe some vines too.

    feel free to take one of the 2 apartments in the residential tower.
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  11. Today I am very pleased to announce that Allied Glass Corp ( AGC ) has completed commissioning of our new state-of-the-art glass production facility, located in New-Monolith. This marks the completion of phase one of our planned factory build-out in the region. Phase One of AGC New-Monolith has equipped us to produce 3,600 glass blocks per hour, with intentions to operate around the clock. We have plans to grow our facility to increase capacity by a factor of ten, for a total regional production capability of 36,000 glass blocks per hour.

    I would like to thank our strategic partners at Willy Nelson Aggregate Plant ( WNAP ) and Luanne Platter Warehouse ( LPW ) for their vital assistance in sourcing and delivering the absolute finest in raw ingredients. With partners like this, it's no wonder we are now the server's premier manufacturer of world class glass products.

    ^ Our facility's new fuel generator, a 0-tick bamboo machine designed by ilmango. This generates enough bamboo for us to expand up to about 20,000 glass produced/hr. At that point we will probably build a duplicate of this machine.

    ^ Distance shot that illustrates current size of facility.

    ^ Main production floor, showing the furnace section. We are currently furnace-constrained, we are planning phase two of the facility right now which will bring us from 10 to around 40 or 50 furnaces.

    ^ Main production floor, showing receiving area and finished-product staging chests.

    There's been a lot of great builds and repairs on the server in the last week. Scrawn has made probably 10 or 20 cool new buildings, there is a new restaurant that was built in dedication to MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING, new players making spawn great again by bringing dirt and trees back, Fona has been apprehended by US Marshals and is jailed in a secret location awaiting his trial etc.
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  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Fonaplats I will let you out of jail if you agree to be banished to Mexico and not come to spawn. I will provide you with a bed and all you need to get started. If you cross the border ICE is gonna have to kill you on sight. Everything south of spawn could be your kingdom if you agree to these terms. It's prime real estate former monolith territory

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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I couldnt play because you lept killing me at spawn.

    All you were doing was griefing, breaking torches, farms and houses. You never once punched a tree for wood or tried to make a bed or house or play normally all you do is go around breaking shit and pissing off people who actually want to play the game.

    Originally posted by Fonaplats Thats after u burn my base and destroyed my bed.

    Every time you 'griefed obbes shit' you actually were burning my stuff. I made about 90% of that badlands village, i dont care about the trees or old houses but you broke all my chests full of items, you always go around breaking chests. I didn't even break your chest I just TNT'd your house a bit, your bed is still there. It could be fixed in two seconds

    Originally posted by Fonaplats I dont wanna play if u fucks wanna fly around all damn time and still complain like little bitches while im doing everything by hand.

    You're doing everything by hand because you're too retarded to make a base and stash items, you lose everything that gets given to you and just go around breaking shit instead of trying to get geared.

    The reason I can fly is because I spent 8 hours playing non stop raiding end cities by myself to get Elytra and shulkers. It's part of the game and takes a lot of effort to get, we have spent months stacking gear and building bases all over the map which is why I have so much shit.

    I would be willing to help you if you just played normally and didnt fuck with people and break my shit all the time. I can only put up with so much. I even set you free from the first obsidian box you were put in.

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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Fonaplats is 'banned' from the server for griefing our valued member and spawn builder bunnyelizabeth. I would rather keep someone that actually builds and doesn't go around breaking torches and wrecking things.

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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    I hope not. I think there is a finite amount of blocks that can be added to the game in Java though but I don't think it's even reached 50% capacity yet.

    I am at Obbeville and the damage is pretty minimal, Fonaplats is a shit tier griefer. I got all your animals back in the pens.
    It seems most of the damage has been done to my former villa, which is now the Mexican Embassy.

    There is a sizeable bounty on his head now for disrespecting la raza.
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  16. HTS highlight reel
    I made a new base tens of thousands of blocks away from spawn because I am an adventurous soul. Sadly, I shipwrecked on this unfamiliar coastline and had to set up here.

    It's not all bad though. At least the locals are friendly.

    Unfortunately the climate isn't suited to growing, so I've had to make do with underground farming.

    Hopefully druidic prayer in this sacred grove I built will see me blessed with a bountiful harvest.

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  17. Normal as in levels seen before the ice age. The last glacial period only lasted about ten thousand years. Not millions. The last time temperatures were sustained at higher levels than they are today was over a million years ago.

    Again, educate yourself

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  18. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Here is a question for all you idiots who say the sea levels will rise when if caps melts. Have you ever poured water over a glass of ice? Hint. Water expands when frozen and contracts when it melts.

    This is why climate change deniers would do well to educate themselves on even the most basic scientific reasoning behind the theory, even if they’re not smart enough to understand the complicated parts.

    Much of the ice on earth is on land. Antarctica is a land mass that sits above sea level and has an ice sheet on top of it like a mile thick. If it melts it’ll pour into the ocean. If all the ice in Antarctica melted it would raise the oceans by like 60 meters. This is what that would look like:

    You really think actual scientists didn’t think of something they teach in 1st grade? That you just figured something out that no one else could? Anyone else saying something this retarded I would think they were trolling.
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  19. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker No, you are using wooden fold up TV trays for a desk. You are so stupid you don't even know what you own.


    No im not you dumb bitch.
    You got me confused for that other guy.
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  20. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    My username is in a minecraft video :3

    38 seconds

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