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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. Originally posted by Donald Trump According to Mary Trump's ghostwriter?

    Think about it goy. All that says is that we have the same ghostwriter.

    Actually Mary Trump authored her own books đź“š

    As for Trump, he lacks the mental capacity , vocabulary beyond that of a child, or the ability to stay on task for more than a few minutes. The Author that penned Trump`s book “Art of the Deal” describes Trump as an immature childish imbecile. Trump`s ability to properly place thoughts on paper is limited to poor English on Twitter and crayon on walls or construction paper.
    Based on his ability to follow a teleprompter one could argue he can’t read beyond a third grade level either.
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  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat i had a backpack on with my ipad inside and apple wireless ear pods and we put them on the floor near where we sat.

    holy shit you're fucking stupid LMAO imagine!! you are like a walking pawn shop.. USED GOOD HERE JUST KNOCK OUT THIS POLLACK TO WIN $500!!!!

    in my neighborhood you would be waking up in the hospital with a hole in your abdomen and your shoes missing too.

    why the fuck would you take electronics with you to a bar, actual fucking retard I hope you lose all your shit
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood man gets stabbed and robbed on livestream by negroes

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  3. more than 20 years ago, when Donald Trump was trying to freshen his brand after a string of casino bankruptcies and business defeats, the future president would turn to Mary Trump hiring her to ghostwrite The Art of the Comeback.

    the guy who took his SAT’s must have been busy 🤷🏽‍♂️
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra cuntry girl

    I need more tidbits from you for Facebook arguing purposes. I love to say "my geopolitical guy" in reference to you and then just reword things you say in order for me to seem smart.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Candy is wholesome as fuck and trolling her became old hat late last year.

    Literally the only reason to dislike her at this point is because you don't like seeing other people happy. Sometimes she needs to clam down sometimes you do too , whoever you are.

    Except the astrology. I can't not make fun of it.
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  6. mmG African Astronaut
    Some people would say yes, because they can experience weekends, therefore weekends exist.

    Others would say no, a weekend is just a societally defined convenience.

    What is your opinion?
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  7. mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Would never happen…so a moot question/point.

    That's FTM transgender Buck Angel

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  8. mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump OP you're making the assumption that people spend their time in reality, but in fact reality sucks and most people spend their time in fantasy worlds, and this isn't something new - religion used to provide people this out in the past, the various weird social things like wokism, star wars, etc provide this sort of outlet now.

    From an evolutionary psychology/HDB sperg point of view evolution selects for what works, not what is most honest. So for instance if people believe a bunch of pretty lies and are productive and have lots of kids, then that will be selected for above someone who is honest about the nature of the world, doesn't care about competing in the world, and doesn't see the benefit of bringing new lives into this world.

    As a result we are evolved to be insane.

    You spend 18 hours a day online
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  9. mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra an underlying reason for social upheaval in the west (especially over the last decade) is an explosion in the inability for people to accept that some things are simply out of their control

    Specifically what do you mean by "social upheaval" here?

    more specifically, that they're unable to reconcile their internal view of themselves with how they are perceived externally - so they attempt to enforce their internal view on the world.

    I'm not sure I follow: you attempt to enforce your internal view on somebody else's subjective perception every time you try to convince them of something. There's no "reconciliation" being attempted in the first place.

    In fact you impose your internal view upon "the world" every time you do anything. For example you internally view yourself as eating some fried chicken so you impose it upon the universe by doing it and bringing it out of your head. It's not going to enforce itself after all, you have to see something in the world isn't the way you wish to see it, then try to change it.

    it's similar to cognitive dissonance in that they become frustrated because they cannot reconcile the internal and external interpretations

    but in this case it's not because one of the conflicting ideas can't be discarded, it's because they cannot or will not relinquish control over how they are perceived by others.

    That IS one of the conflicting ideas not able to be discarded. You're describing the same thing. You just think they should discard one of them, which they cannot, so it is kinda missing the point entirely.

    they now commonly refer to others' perception of them not matching their own as a form of 'violence' with claims such as 'misgendering' or 'deadnaming' as a common example.

    Do you really think they care about your perception or the fact that you are calling them something they just really hate being called?

    If you call a gay guy a faggot out in public, they'll consider that a kind of violence not because they want you to not consider them as being literal tinder (although that's true I'm sure) but because you're being an aggressively rude asshole.

    'transgenders' and people inventing or invoking foreign 'gender identities' are probably the simplest example - people demanding to be perceived in a way contrary to how they appear - but they're only among the more extreme examples, far from the only ones.

    Let's say they get really good trans surgery. Like imagine an FtM transgender goes through their transition and in the end looks like this guy:

    Would you be willing to say "he/him/his" for them? Or refer to them by their male name?
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Obbe There is more to you than you let on. I can feel it.

    You can see people. You see me. I want to know what you see.

    in terms of this thread? you post about these cataclysmic scenarios becuse you're bored and disaffected and want something to change, but you're careful to only really think about the ones where there's nobody directly at fault. things like mass deaths related to war, state policy or religious eschatology are more difficult because those cases challenge the foundational belief that people are inherently good
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  11. GTA4 online was my favorite, I loved being able to jump into a game and everyone's on a pretty even playing field where all the weapons/vehicles were available on the map.

    5 didn't have anything like that when I played it, they took the online play a different direction and made it an RPG so they could sell tokens. Still really fun but totally different than 4 and I never got into it like I did with 4.
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  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Yeah you stupid poor fucks.
    That's how you do it.
    No interest for me.
    I've paid them all off early in hopes my credit score goes up and I'll have a better chance at getting approved for an apartment.
    Was hoping to finish paying off my driver's license reinstatement fee this month in full but making 1 extra payment on it won't be the end of the world.
    What I really need to get paying on is that stupid ass cofa and loveseat Chell and I financed in my name.
    I told her to take it with her because I never really liked it.
    God and the creditor only knows how much I owe on it.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Now tell her you're 11 years old.
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  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  15. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    in da industry theyre called "stops" I guess cause it's supposed to stop the water. the problem is water is really hard on things and and theyre usually cheap/low quality. theres a significant chance that they will begin leaking if you operate them.

    usually you want to be prepared to replace them if youre gonna mess with them
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  16. Originally posted by Obbe Why is there a 2nd shitty wall behind the first one? Looks like they built the facade to hide the fact the building was falling apart.

    Erm those how proper brick walls are built...2 layers with an air gap in between.

    Anything less is referred to as "nigger built"

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  17. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    So xlite asked me to do a trip report on the 9 grams of cubes. It took a little while to put all my thoughts in chronological order.

    I’ve posted before about how I had done mushrooms. First I think 3 or 3.5 dry grams and then 5 grams. I didn’t feel anything other than anxious and self conscious. I get the same anxiety, and self consciousness plus paranoia smoking weed. I suspect my brain is wired a little different than most people’s though I’m not currently on any medication.

    Last night I decided to try one more time to see if I could get anything from them at all and it really blew my mind. I got mixed up on what strain it was but I haven’t done any of the exotic strains. I think it was B+.

    So around 8pm I ground up 7 grams of dried cubes with a mortar and pestle. I put it in a glass and cut a lemon in half and squeezed the juice in. I let it sit for like 10 minutes and drank it. I had some more citrus juice for the acidity.

    Probably 50 minutes later I felt a little different but was getting disappointed. I was ready to give up on them completely but maybe around 9:15 I had cut the lights off and was getting ready to try to go to sleep. The tv was off with a blue screen and I had a podcast playing. The first visuals I noticed staring at the ceiling. The light fixture started jerking. Almost like an old tv losing an image but not unsettling. I laughed at it. The next visual was my open closet. The door was open and the blue light from the tv gave the white door this crazy looking glow. And i stared at it and it turned into this tunnel. Then the closet turned into a colorful dragon in a jungle. All of the hallucinations were amusing and funny. Not confusing and unsettling like hallucinations from other drugs.

    I decided I wanted to get up and go somewhere. I got dressed went to the bathroom to pee and noticed my pupils were HUGE. My eyes were completely black. I walked outside with my keys and just stood there laughing and marveling at the feeling but decided not to go anywhere. I walked back in and I think this is when I took 2 more grams. I didn’t grind it up I just weighed it, and chewed them with some water. I remember the stem had this crazy look and it was growing in my hand. It seems like the hallucinations died down a little but I remember being overwhelmed by how good it felt. I think some music was playing on the podcast and I was just standing and swaying. I remember I started just saying “oh my god” over and over. Not like when you’re drunk and high and get that falling sensation and trying not to puke but like everything made sense and it was beautiful.

    While standing up I remember another hallucination where the curtains seemed to be moving. Like water.

    I laid down and continued the “oh my god” and finally turned the lights off again. I got open eye kaleidoscope visuals and whenever music would play I would be getting these really spiritual visuals of different things. While laying there I started being really introspective. Thinking about my life not really in the negative way I did before but just thinking. I had a few strange thoughts that didn’t go along with the peaceful feeling of the rest of the experience. Most of the time it made me see I shouldn’t be worried about anything.

    It was hard to go to sleep not just because you have energy but for me it was kind of hurting to pee. I normally just drink water so I’m not sure if it was all the juice. But I finally slept sometime between 1 and 2am. And when I woke up I felt born again. It’s like it fixed something that was wrong in my brain. Maybe not everything but I wasn’t really worried about anything and had a strong desire to try to fix things between me and anybody else where it was possible. I also don’t have the urge to do drugs. I’ve reached out to people and been exercising in my free time. I definitely want mushrooms again and with a better setting but it seems like it’s too early. I won’t try less than 7 grams from now on. I’m not sure if that’s right for other people. The first two times something was weird about the mushrooms but I think I needed more too.

    Anyway I’m reconsidering a lot. It feels strange to say but when I was high I felt connected to God and I haven’t believed in anything like that in a long time. Nothing else compared to it.

    Tl;dr I took 9 grams of cubes and I think it’s a miracle drug. Bummymofo quit doing bundy you bitch ass nigga
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  18. lol she thought she was talking with a doughy 19 year old but turns out its just an emotionally stunted 36 year old
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  19. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    fuk -- i miss rolling my weed in strawberry flavored swisher sweets.

    dont smoke no more though... after my dad died getting stoned now always makes me dwell on that pain i felt when he died... fucking sucks too man -- i fucking loved bud.
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  20. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The only thing that matters is to fuck. This angers the parts of society unable, unwilling or incapable of fucking

    Originally posted by Xlite lol triggered.

    Grow the fuck up, incel.

    Originally posted by Solstice I don't think HTS' browneye will approve of this idealogy.

    all I see is weakness. I have fucked more times today than you do in a year. Your life is meaningless and pointless and I don't understand how you find the will to continue living for one minute longer.

    I am fucking as I write this. Life is good.
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