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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. Not as funny now that he's dead, but still a classic:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. 100% african. Born in Nigeria. Moved to the states when I was 7.
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  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL Truth be told, that is not correct information. Proof of this fact is found by examining the account registration dates of the oldest accounts in the web version of Totse's memberlist. Totse was NOT available on the web in 1997 at all. The final decision to discontinue the TelNet version of Totse was made in or around 1998, but the move itself only happened in 2001.

    By this logic, Niggas In Space started in 2016 because of the sign-up dates on profiles.

    You really are a conniving, psychotic weasel. Truth be told.


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  4. TOTSE was started by Jeff Hunter, real name unknown (a founding member of NIRVANAnet)[1] in 1989 as a dial-up BBS originally named "& the Temple of the Screaming Electron". The original &TOTSE specialized in small text files. (Hunter had an old 8088 PC XT clone with limited hard drive space; small text files were the only data he could store in reasonable quantity.)[1]

    TOTSE became available on the Internet in 1997, and the dial-up BBS system was discontinued in the spring of 1998.

    The exchange:

    Originally posted by Enter You've got NO fucking alibi for being on Totse before 2006, soldier. You ain't going anywhere.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Enter, even before 1989 I was using HyperTerminal on TelNet to log into various BBS sites of the day. Do you really think I wouldn't have been on the web version of Totse as soon as it opened in 1989? I mean, I was already on the ASCII version of Totse and other sites before that.

    Originally posted by Enter ASCII version of Totse? Totse before 1989? THE FUCK ARE U TALKING ABOUT?

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Ok, I meant to say 2001. You've got nothing.

    Originally posted by Enter You fucked up, old man. Even then. It came to the web in 1997, not 2001.
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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach

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  6. It's all about looking at it objectively, without ego.

    It's so easy to say, "Wow! A girl wants to fuck me! ...I don't hate her. :)"

    but look at it from this objective point of view:

    "Wow! A girl wants to fuck a guy! ...FUCKING WHORE SLUT."

    I've always gotta be objective.
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  7. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by greenplastic lol who is that anyways

    Some 55 year old harley davidson bike fag with like half of his nose missing that looks like that orc from Lord of the Rings
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  8. Originally posted by Open Your Mind

    >posting real, disgusting women that fart and poop.

    You're DISGUSTING, Obbe.

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  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker … SpectraL has made 27,558 posts for an average of 58.38559322 posts per day. That is 2.4327330508 posts per hour or 1 post every 24.66361855 minutes.

    These numbers represent a scenario where he hasn't slept in 472 days. So let's assume he sleeps an average of just 6 hours per day. This would mean his average posts per hour would be 3.2436440678 or 1 post every 18.497713912 minutes for 472 days.

    While this is sinking in I have serious question. How do you think he does it? I mean is he rich like captain failfag with no irl friends or something else?


    you need to get out more
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  10. hahaha

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  11. Looks fuckable to me.

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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    *police officers enter thread*
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  13. Makes even me a little uncomfortable.
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  14. Originally posted by Zanick By the way, who are you? I've been seeing a lot of you around the forum and I'm always suspicious of new accounts. I have a list of maybe four or five people who you might be, but I'm certain beyond all doubt that you are not 'Jeremus'. I'm going to go with CF, because you have good grammar and I want to do nasty things to you.

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  15. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Originally posted by Totse 2001 Synagogue of Satan (Faux jedis-Hollywood-hip2bjedis)

    and the jedis who protest against the so-called popular Zionist movement. which Bill Graham and Tricky Dicky were mostly friends with. yet confused as to why?

    The jedis who protest against this love their Christian and Muslims friends (who are not radicalized) in the streets, not often seen beaten by "Israeli" soldiers?

    Satans jedis

    Sometimes that seems realistic. I'm pretty sure not even Bane from the Batman Movies could inspire the sort of silence that the jedis do.

    Though it's getting better. Even dirtbag Iranian PUA RooshV will take a minute from fucking random white sluts and stand up to them.

    The NRA Leader/whatever gave a speech in which he condemned "European Style Socialists", and listed 13 people who were examples. All 13 were jedis. While the goy media played dumb, both jedis and antisemites realised that it was no accident. The NRA is less than one step away from naming the jedi.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  17. Mulatto Malice. He looks like one of Robert DeNiro's fat Nigerian children.

    Muslim Malice. The mouth that will tell the truth about the Great Satan.

    Murder Malice. I'm pretty sure this is the angriest look I have ever seen.

    Moorish Malice. Looks like a Tunisian at a football game.

    Marvel Malice. Looks like Wolverine.
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  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Just wrapped everything up at school, which starts Monday. Finally went for my student ID, which I'll be stuck with for 2 years because they don't allow retakes. Took a picture of the image on the computer screen. Did I fuck up?

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  19. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by MAL Ha good point. Idk this isn’t even fun anymore. I’m just going to stop replying for a few months and if I’m bored come back and pretend to be a guy so I can laugh at you blokes some more. And maybe get info on fringe shit.

    Yeah, that's what most of us do here. You might belong after all.
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  20. Originally posted by Open Your Mind add to reduce, reduce to reduce.


    1 + 7 = 8


    The 8 is the great Karmic equalizer, a force that just as easily creates as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured that you will reap what you've sown.

    The 8 balances the material and immaterial worlds. At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. The spiritual side of the 8 is practical, realistic and intelligent. It knows the difference between make-believe and genuine spiritual realizations. On the material plane, it is focused on results, often in the form of money, yet does not care much about money for the sake of money. It is not greedy, it sees money as a tool, not an end-result. It is generous and willing to take risks.

    Wow, you are a fucking retard
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