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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. Originally posted by Fox Paws How about “list of movies that are widely accepted as good but are really kind of shit”.

    District 9

    The Prestige
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Maybe you were always retarded and the weed was making you smart.
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  3. Scholarly journals are all well and good, but without access to the Secret Archives at the Vatican you will never ascend to the next level.
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Look on the bright side: at least it ended before you ended up inflicting another dead-end bastard child on the world.
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  5. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    I just saw a similar gore video on the same website. It's the same two cartels killing each other.
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  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Doubt it. He's had sex like once in his entire life

    the fact that you think it's a number game is just more evidence you're a degenerate rapist.
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  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Bill Krozby is human scum, pure and simple.

    Rapist, would-be child murder, he just needs to add torture to his resume to round it out. The again, maybe that's what him posting here is: an attempt to torture any and all unfortunate enough to read his posts.
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  8. Originally posted by Enter how much do i take

    enough until music sounds good or enough until im in another galaxy

    as a general rule

    half bottle music will sound good (1st plateau)
    1 bottle you'll feel drunk and stoned (2nd plateau)
    2 bottle you'll see cool 3d imagery with your eyes closed (3rd plateau)
    3 bottle you'll be catatonia and maybe leave your body (4th plateau)
    1 bottle every 4 hours for a total of 4 bottles you'll have a psychotic break and telepathically talk to illuminati reptiles and shit (plateau sigma)
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  9. ^Troll

    I never read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. I always wanted to, but my attention span is pretty short.

    Someone made a video series summarising the book, including checking citations, which are mostly books by jedis. The result is pretty shocking and pretty hard to watch because it's so disorienting - I honestly had no idea things were anywhere near this bad.
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  10. Originally posted by Erorr Im glad that wasnt the case…

    lol wtf do you seriously not remember this

    i used to always joke on zoklet how i hated how you were a better troll than me, because you actually killed another user
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  11. I don't think I've ever been this disgusted in the entire history of totse spinoffs. Most of the time I just laugh at people's patheticness, but this takes the cake. I can't even laugh at this.

    Originally posted by Enter you have a kid already

    do you actually care about her

    if you had the choice between a [million] dollars and your daughter dying, or to be poor for the rest of your life and your daughter staying alive, what would you choose

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I would choose the million dollars and have a better kid with a woman i actually love and get a Bill Krozby dog stand and give a lot of money to charity while being a success and smoking a lot of meth, are you a functional retard?

    this is actually appalling. Bill Krozby, you are officially the most pathetic user on this website.

    you are a fucking piece of shit.
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  12. Originally posted by Daily What the fuck is up with this faggot's weird laugh

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  13. I just found this video on reddit

    Link to the reddit post

    (Sorry about all the words but, this is the most I could sum up while effectively explaining) Okay this is my first time posting to Reddit but I think this is a good reason to post. On Friday 16th, 2018 at my High School, we had an "Oscar's award ceremony" (students voted other students into nomination categories from best facial hair to biggest gamer. There was a category called "Most changed senior male from freshman to senior" everyone nominated in the category claimed they would call me up since they believe I was the most changed freshman to senior. A little background I used to be a very racist uncaring person I considered myself a neo-nazi and a radical Christian. In an extremely summed up brief explanation I smoked weed, got addicted to hydrocodone (I abused it after my wisdom teeth extraction 50 pills), later during my withdrawal period I took 2 tabs of acid and then took 2 tabs of acid again the following week and both were terrifying bad trips although the 2nd not so much. A month or so later after still being seriously depressed (depression for over 2 years but much worse in the withdrawal period and after acid), I took 3.5g of shrooms and had a complete intense ego death. The following week I took the 3.5g again but ended up throwing up while they were digesting and had a lighter trip but still intense visuals. Anyways these life events greatly changed me and if it weren't for shrooms giving me an ego death and extraordinary insights, I would have killed myself after I spent all my money. I decided to attempt to share this life story with my high school after being called up. I got just about halfway through and then the principal came up saying to cut the mic and I had to go to their office with the student who called me up. They don’t know how to punish us and they had to give us the weekend because they don’t know how to punish something like this. In the office they ended up taking my award I received.

    Somebody needs to invite this guy here.
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  14. Originally posted by Issue313 Hey bro, you wouldn't shoot me, we're friends tho r-right?

    "Don't come to NIS tomorrow"
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  15. SSRIs make me feel disconnected from the world and outside of my own life. SSRIs make you not feel like your problems are such a big deal, and make you feel like you can accomplish things.

    I don't personally believe SSRIs cause "homicide ideation" or "suicide ideation" to any great extent. I think just like booze they make you do what you already wanted to do.

    I definitely can see why they help people who want to to shoot up their school/workplace/whatever to put their reservations aside and get on with the job and not really think that it's a big deal. Every shooting when we see the shooter being taken into custody they look sorta pleasantly numb and content and not worried.

    James Holmes was on Zoloft.
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  16. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Yeah Enter is right guys, jenkem came from Totse and South Park's boobage episode is clearly derived from the same concept. I mean it is a few degrees removed which makes it much less significant in my mind but the move from huffing human waste to inhaling cat urine is plainly obvious.
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  17. Begin by watching the following video

    Yes, this is actually Bill Krozby. He uploaded this himself a while back then took it down.

    Yes, he tried to steal someone's phone off the table and got stopped by the fat bitch.

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  18. Originally posted by greenplastic she has zero talent. if you watch the video it's fucking awful

    i prefer lil pump when i want my music to make me think
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  19. im too pusie to find out
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by stupid noob Raise your hand if you have a firm grasp on the pharmacological effects of these drugs. No? Then shut the fuck up retards.

    Why don't you share what you think the pharmacological effects of SSRIs are?
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