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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    shut the hell up dumbass
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. a life ruining PI leak of everyone you know is always like 30 seconds away...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

    I also have a higher IQ than probably everyone here

    I'm basically 10000 god genes and 1 worst gene ever that makes me staboy

    You have to admit if it wasn't for the staboy I'd be a chick magnet

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  4. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    He's gone? I miss Issue313, he was a pro-Palestinian person, he knew that the zionist jedis are assholes who deserve nothing but death.
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  5. Originally posted by Xlite Put the juden back into the chamber

    of commerce??
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  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Mass murderer, spree killer, anti-government domestic terrorist, serial killer.

    Yes, I seriously considered all of these.
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  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist she was messaging me every 5 minutes and i was telling her not to take it so serious, lol. i told her she should switch it on you all and admit to being §m£ÂgØL and fucks poos in the fred, i even told her i'd back her up on it. she wouldn't do it, just said 'i don't like people not believing i'm not who i say' or summing. lol.

    lol. I should probably fess up.

    When Bill Krozby posted that #metoo story with an accompanying phone number a couple months ago, I texted the chick and pretended to be another victim of Bill Krozby's to get more info. Then I directed her to the forum and got her to whine to Lanny about her PI being up. After that, I messaged her on NiS, knowing which account she had thanks to our text thread, saying a fat little bird told me she was worried about her phone number, and that I would edit it out of my post (since I had quoted it).

    We chatted for a while on here and built rapport, but I couldn't get her to do anything IRL to Bill Krozby. My intention was to have someone in Austin who would be willing to do something stupid to fuck up his life, or at least embarass him on the forum, but it wasn't as entertaining/fruitful as I'd imagined.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The UK government, along with France, Germany and the US have accused Russia of poisoning an ex-USSR scientist who defected with 'Novichok' ('Novice' in Russian, literally 'new chemical weapon'). No evidence has yet been provided, and requests to share data through the OPCW investigation mechanism have been denied, though the UK has stated they intend to provide their own investigation data to the group at a later date. The instant reaction to blame the Russian state is highly questionable for several reasons:

    On Sergei Skripal
    - Sergei originally smuggled state secrets out of the USSR, including data on the Novichok program and others, and was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment by the Russian Military Court.
    - Sergei was released to the US in a prisoner swap.
    - Sergei wrote a book about the USSR and it's state secrets, and detailed in full the method to manufacture 'Novichok'. The method has not been verified by Russia or any other state.

    On 'Novichok'
    - As mentioned above, information on the manufacture of the nerve agent has been in the public domain for almost a decade - it is no longer a Russian/USSR state secret.
    - The primary facility where the agent was designed and tested was in Uzbekistan, and after the implosion of the USSR, the facility was 'cleaned up' by the US state and corporate contractors.

    On Assassination Methods
    - Typically, state-sponsored assassinations mean to remove a person that poses a danger to them without drawing attention to it - using a calling card or the act being easily traced back to a state actor typically causes more political strife than the target ever could.
    - As a result, the majority of assassinations are disguised as street crime or an accident.
    - Russia has recently used a nerve agent to kill a Chechen terrorist, but it was a 'last option' - he'd isolated himself in a high-security fortress and the only way they were able to get to him was via a mail handler that was constantly checked for weapons. [link]

    I won't go into detail on the claims of previous 'Russian Assassinations' except to say that to this day, there is no evidence that Russia had anything to do with the death of Alexander Litivenko (poisoned with Polonium), as well as many others hysterically listed in articles like this.

    The salient point is that Russia sentenced Sergei to 13 years imprisonment, not life or execution - and allowed him to be released to the US knowing he had a history of divulging state secrets. It makes no sense that after 8 years they would decide to murder him, especially using a flashing neon sign pointing to their (previous) chemical weapons program.
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  9. oh, the making african moms dependent on baby formula or the babies die

    but if you think about it, isn't letting the babies in africa die one of the most humanitarian things you can for them?
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  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    No, but I probably came close. 3 young niggers were following me from the train station, but fortunately I noticed them in time. You could tell by their moments. Only time they ever move fast is when they're up to something. I have a very high level of awareness and unusually good peripheral vision. Asperger's has actually been found to produce significant differences in the visual cortex and visual acuity as well as ability to detect moment is far higher than normal. I made a sudden turn to confirm whether they were following me, then went into the middle of the street (cars weren't that common there due to the way it was set up) and pretended to be confused, then turned to walk back. Once I was right by the station, which has a police substation, and confronted them right by a police car due to the strong psychological impact of it. Then it went like this:

    "Hey, are you guys following me?"

    "Why, you want some?"

    pulls out pepper spray

    "What the fuck is that?"

    "Pepper spray."

    "Pepper spray, nigga, I got a glock."

    Anyway, I tried to defuse the situation and they walked away, but I saw them just standing there watching me from a block away. I then ratted them out to the cops and 2 ended up getting arrested, although one ran.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Lol the people who defend hydro

    >battered leatherfaced man in the closet who remained with his boyfriend despite this boyfriend chasing him down the street and beating him to a bloody pulp under a bridge in broad daylight.

    >40 year old addict child who dates prostitutes half his age.

    I am curious as to what else you will defend. But maybe just maybe, you should consider the idea that people should simply act in a way which doesn't need defending or excuses? "Some people do worse" doesn't really negate the fact that she's doing irreparable harm to her unborn child, you 'open minded' gutter rats.
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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by infinityshock …when have you ever seen a jedi doing anything requiring manual labor?

    I've seen them using money counters. They actually put the bills in and take them out and everything. They really build up a sweat doing it, too!
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  13. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel They use ergotamine to induce child birth so that's proof right there that ergot based drugs are generally safe for babies.

    Its about as dangerous as potting soil to a pregnant woman.

    Except she isn't taking LSD. She is taking some obscure RC and calling it LSD.
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  14. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Daily Kill thyself

    No. I don't deserve that. I didn't do anything wrong here. I posted a documentary I thought was interesting and that I thought other people here might also like to watch. Almost immediately the insults started. So, I started citing research that had demonstrated that plants do have intelligence, do process information, sense their environment, communicate, etc. At no point did I even state my own opinion, all I did was post the information. And the shitposters just kept shitposting. No counter arguments. Just shit posting. Captain Falcon even started shit posting that he doesn't have any intelligence. And Fox tried pulling the semantics card and then turned around and said I was the one playing with semantics.

    I'm not going to kill myself. I'm going to keep living life, keep sharing the things I like and if you guys want to shit all over it, well, I suppose that just makes you shitty people.
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  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum >doing acid while pregnant

    It's very well established that LSD causes genetic damage. I hope you die very soon.
    You must have misunderstood- 1337 is the one dropping acid, not me. I cannot for obvious reasons stated below. You tried to convince me to drop acid when I was pregnant before and i had to educate you as to why I could not do that. You even claimed you looked into it and couldn't find any reason it'd hurt the fetus.

    I'd like sources regarding this genetic damage though. That does sound interesting to read about.

    I hope you die very soon too.

    Originally posted by Zanick It can also fast-track the user to a free abortion without any of the guilt.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Originally posted by Daily hydro, will you tell your…jesus christ…child…that you let a dog fuck you while it was growing inside of you?

    Most of what she's saying is a troll. At least I hope it is. She probably isn't marrying 1337. She probably didn't fuck a dog. But I do know she is a prostitute, and I do know she's willing to do drugs while pregnant.
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  17. >doing acid while pregnant

    It's very well established that LSD causes genetic damage. I hope you die very soon.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Originally posted by Daily Why is this down? Mirror, anybody?

    Youtube are stamping down incredibly hard on these videos. I've never seen anything like it.

    This is another interesting one:
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  19. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I'm so glad it's done. I've waited nearly a decade for this.
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  20. Ugh.
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