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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. Originally posted by Lanny the tarp didn't end up doing him much good

    He had other things going through his head at the time.
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  2. Haha, umm... let me think.

    Oh! It happened a while ago, but I guess it counts? There was this girl who I kinda liked, chatted to her online and stuff for a while. But when I met her in real life, she din't really seem interested. She actually ended up blocking me hahahahah. It was a real kick to the ego.

    But oh well, can't win 'em all. :P

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  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Then there was the fact that the Twin Towers were evacuated and security removed and alarm systems turned off for the first time in its history (decades) for "upgrades" just weeks before 9/11. Also, the fact that transponder codes on the airliners' flight plans had been fucked with. And let's not forget the airliner which crashed in the field and disappeared without a trace. Notable as well are the facts that the fakestream media was parading around the undestroyed passports of the "terrorists" on national television within hours of the attacks, pulled from the rubble, they insisted, even though everything else was pulverized into dust or evaporated into pools of melted steel. Or when the BBC reported on live television that WTC7 had just fallen... 37 minutes before it actually fell. Or the fact that Larry Silverstein purchased the Trade Center towers just weeks before the attacks, and insured them for double-indemnity, and how he was quoted on video as saying "they" had to "pull" WTC7.

    Shall we go on?
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  4. horrible thread
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  5. You're fucking with me, you're against me as well, that's why you've been sending my private messages to people and laughing at me.
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  6. So does this mean we no longer have to deal with threads turning into 10+ pages of speedy parker calling people alts, or arguing with spectral? Thank fucking god.
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  7. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by Vizier Nuke Mexico City and the surrounding areas.

    Ah, you're back! You've missed a lot of excitement, so I'll catch you up. The girl that Bill Krozby raped became a top contributor and then left, at the peak of her notoriety. Enter and Jeremus (Captain Falcon) reached a sort of internet checkmate - or so they would have us believe. Dfg banned us from r/Totse and we came very near intersite warfare before he and Lanny achieved an historical concordance.
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  8. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
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  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL ^ A serial killer, almost fully baked.

    -SpectraL, it's Blunderful, Enter Blunderful. You're been on Totse the longest so I think you should know: I've doxed a lot of people. Some girls from LLR, some junkies maybe 5 or 10 um an moderator girl from Art & Design. I blackmailed her for nudes when I found out she worked at some donut shop. I doxed Bumble, Slag's old girlfriend, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog, Sepht. I doxed another girl, I had to, she called me a virgin and uh someone else there I can't remember maybe a model, but she's doxed too. And Raptor Ribs. I doxed RAPTOR RIBS like an axe in the face, he sells bathtubs by his local Hell's Kitchen. I don't want to leave anything out here. I guess I've doxed maybe 20 users, maybe 40. I have tapes of a lot of them, uh some of the girls have seen that I have the tapes. I even, um... I doxed some of their families, and I tried to fuck with them a little. Tonight I, uh, I just had to dox a LOT of people. And I'm not sure I'm gonna get away with it this time. I guess I'll uh, I mean, ah, I guess I'm a pretty uh, I mean I guess I'm a pretty autistic guy. So, if you get back tomorrow, I may show up at the retarded thread, so you know, keep your eyes open.
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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    why is this fred so popular? i never bothered with it coz i saw it was an obbe fred. but it keeps popping up in hot topics and has gone 6 pages. so if sum1 can convince me then i might just read it. sum it up in a few sentences for me.

    is there any cool off topic drama going on in here that i should know about?

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  11. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Hilarious to hear Dfg insisting up and down he's not a pedophile. He's a pedo, alright. One time I told him I had contacted the Pakistani intelligence service and provided proof he's a pedo and they were coming to get him in a few hours, and then he scrubbed all his hard drives within 30 minutes. What person who's NOT a pedo does that? hahah Fucking loser. By the way, he can't do shit. He walks around with a target on his back, and runs at the least sign of trouble. The guy is a poser and a fake, also a rat and an anti-free-speech goon who never learns.
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Daily state owned communist tv > free market jedi media monopolies

    yes, yes, come to the dark side.
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  13. I know you're all sick of this shit, but I hate them. I truly, truly hate them.

    I decided to take greenplastic's advice and NOT have the mindset that every girl is against me this semester. And in doing so, I actually met and befriended a few girls already. I'd say the amount of friends I've made -- it's about 60/40 girls to boys.

    But there was one who stood out, someone who seemed to be really into me. She acted so kind; flirtatious even.

    But as soon as the assignment was finished, she stopped talking to me. I tried to make conversation again after that but she just replied with two word answers. "Yeah haha". etc.

    She was using me for help with the assignment. This has happened before.

    They're cunts. THEY'RE ALL FUCKING CUNTS.

    But it's okay. I knew that already. Unfortunately I was born into a reality where women... okay, they don't HATE me... but they definitely don't like me.

    This is no joke, but I really need to work out again, and take it very seriously this time. My USA trip is soon (July), and I need to look good for the photos I'll be taking there, since I'll be using them for Tinder when I get back. So I need to look buff. So let's say I have three months, starting now, to do the Layne Norton PHAT workout:

    If I stick to it and do this for three months, I'll look fucking sweet by then. It's the one I used to do, so I know it definitely works and people complimented me all the time!


    Then I will be more admirable to women. Then I can fucking hurt them emotionally. Then I can reject THEM.. You fucking bitches.
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  14. Originally posted by infinityshock when you go on a public rampage of whatever flavor you ascribe to, be sure to post live streaming video of it.

    I do some sexy bellydancing in this vid
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  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Dfg Well, I don't honestly care about my domain, it's there since I use it for work purposes. So, the chances of it going down are zero. And the forum on there may get removed or changed later on when I am going to experiment something. For all intend and purposes /r/totse is the forum now and I suggest we keep it populated. It has a wider reach and then you can easily guide people to this place.

    I can show you the ropes, provided you stop attacking me and causing drama. Reddit is an awful place, SJW and other trigger happy fuckers would not hesitate to whine and get domains and totse booted off.

    Hence it pays to be civil if you want to exist.

    Hope you understand.

    Where the fuck did Zanick- fucking Zanick of all fucking people- get off attacking you? Zanick is like the most diplomatic pussy-faggot on this site. He's fucking opposed to eating fucking meat for fucks sake! He wouldn't know how to "attack" if it bit him in the ass. He's so fucking civil, it fucking hurts. You really have to be a stuck up faggot if you wanna say Zanick attacked you.
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  16. Obbe
    Captain Falcon
    Bill Krozby
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  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I already "took care" of Dfg years ago. His site is shit, he has no users, and it's already game over there. No need to keep kicking a dead horse.
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  18. dfg I am your paki brother and even I'm disappointed in you, son.
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  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
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  20. Lmao, I didn't spam you fucking retard. I literally made two threads within 16 hours of each other.

    The only reason you banned me is because I made fun of you and called your "Totseans" website trash. According to you and the sidebar of your stupid fucking subreddit, Totse is all about free speech, you fucking hypocritical, pedophile piece of shit.

    "Hey guys, come and join my Totse subreddit! We're all about free speeech! ...Unless you make fun of me or advertise a better community, in which case you're banned."

    Now you're trying to spin it by claiming I was "spamming", you lying paki fuck.

    And you are a pedophile, Dfg. You wrote guides on how you'd spend your mornings masturbating in front of girls of all ages on websites like chat roulette, not to mention the guide about HOW TO FIND AND FUCK CHILD PROSTITUTES IN PAKISTAN. YOU WROTE THESE. YOU CAN DENY THEY'RE "TROLLS" NOW THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE A BETTER NAME FOR YOURSELF, BUT NOBODY WILL BELIEVE IT, YOU SICK FUCK.

    You're a piece of shit, Dfg. And not just for the pedophilia, but for your shitty little Totseans website. Fuck you.
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