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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by A College Professor
    how a nigga live

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by Daily I still can't believe the guy went off his computer to go on niggas in space on his mobile to take a screenshot of it as if it's some sort of evidence of his past mobile phone posting

    I'm literally crying rn

    also rememeber he doesn't post on here 24/7

    like sure he's posted on here every two minutes for the past few hours, and then took a break when he went to gather evidence, but that was just a coincidence
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  4. Originally posted by Daily how is this guy typing so quickly on his handheld device? he's literally posting long posts every 30 seconds

    he posted this image really quickly too

    Originally posted by Jeremus Funny how you don't direct this vitriol at Daily

    who actually posts images from a phone. you have to google the image, copy and paste the link, type the bbcode. it's such a fuck around. he did that all and more within 2 minutes from his last post.
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  5. HTS highlight reel
    Captain Falcon has literally confessed that he has a habit of making up bullshit stories on the fly to tell people because he finds it fun.

    It's pretty obvious that his persona here is just that.

    But also people want to believe he's rich because people like knowing rich people, because they like to think the wealth will rub off on them or they'll see dividends if they befriend the rich fuck.

    Anyway, yeah, nobody believes him, but they want to believe him because money is magical.
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  6. Originally posted by Jeremus Yeah good job Entard, it's almost like I don't spend all my time constantly looking at NIS.

    > "You spend all day at home posting on NIS!"
    > "I post from my phone at odd times and it doesn't take up all the much of my day"
    > "You liar, you never post from your phone!"
    > "I'm posting from my phone right now"

    look at how angry he's getting

    look at how he tries to deflect the initial accusation of not being rich to not posting on a phone, since he can only fake evidence for the latter
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Originally posted by Jeremus Have you people not heard of smartphones?

    i asked lanny this the last time you brought up why you're always on here

    can you please stop lying

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  8. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Do you ever tuck your dick between your legs like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs and pretend you don't really have one?

    No, specifically because of the Buffalo Bill thing.
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  9. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by Issue313 Once I notice a laugh track it's over for me.

    Curb your Enthusiasm at least doesn't have a laugh track.

    When are the goyim going to make a decent sitcom?

    Malcolm in the Middle was another show with no laugh track and it was pretty good and funny.
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  10. Originally posted by HTS Shhh. The guns and blackmail are metaphorical. There is no overt threat to their careers in the same way "nice house, shame if it burned down" isn't an overt threat.

    Just because some of the women who turned him down were fine, that doesn't mean that every woman who did was. Angelina Jolie is Hollywood, she knew people. Imagine all the potential famous actresses who didn't make it because they declined to suck some Weinstein dong and weren't well established Hollywood people. :o :o

    The threat in a situation like this is basically "the implication", except instead of the implication being you're stranded on a boat with a guy who wants sex, your career is stranded in a hotel room with a guy who wants sex.

    What the fuck happened to freedom? Yes, freedom to guns and legalizepot240 but also the freedom to manipulate bitches into fucking you for career advancement. Do you really fucking think sexual coercion should be a crime? Can you imagine how much that would be abused? This SJW shit is ridiculous. Not everything that is unethical needs to be illegal. It's GOOD that Weinstein has not yet met charges, and it's GOOD that his misconduct has been spread eagle'd for everyone to see.

    It should be your responsibility to be mentally strong enough to deny advances. I don't know why the fuck all you SJWs think that consensual sex needs to be a crime. I've turned down sex that I felt pressured to participate in. I've also had sex that I felt pressured to participate in and really didn't want to. Lots of times, actually. You don't see me getting all victimy over it.

    I've also been groped by men and women against my will. I said no, and all of them stopped but one. In a Walmart too. Another time at a bus station. I didn't realize how abusive it was at the time, but because I was in public, I didn't want to draw attention and make my 'no' any louder. But do you see the difference? I didn't have a choice in the latter example, I was being groped whether I liked it or not.

    If Harvey Weinstein had continued when people said no, it would've been rape. But he didn't. People said no and they walked out. He did not sexually ASSAULT them. Which is the definition for rape.

    I don't know why you want to lower the standard for what constitutes as rape. It would make like 60% of the population rapists, men and women alike. Coercion is not rape. Action is rape.
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  11. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    This one time I fucked a mom who had like a 7 month old kid and since I like to suckle on titties a lot she actually lactated and her milk tasted really sweet but I was kind of grossed out, but apparently she got so horny as she grinded my dick into a pulp and then got off to swallow my load.

    I also like sweaty bitches for some reason. Swamp ass pussy makes my dick harder than fake Russian girls.
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  12. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by MAL Aww, wahhh, you hit me in the feels I feel so terrible…. said no one ever in response to your insults. Why are you even here? You’re one of the more boring posters on this site.

    If I told the story in detail you would see that it was rape. But I’ve chosen not to because he’s still too stupid to know who I am or figure it out, so I’m not going to provide more details. Then I can’t have any fun fucking with him IRL.

    that moment when your life is so boring and devoid of meaning.. that you re-imagine your sluttiest moment as a rape to feel better, even if it means assuming the form of a rape victim , and trying to cast a negative light on someone you met on a sex app who gave you sex.

    fucking lowlife, everyone here hates you
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  13. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by infinityshock stfu handsome and well tanned individual and go pick some cotton or weed-wack something.

    Imma weed-wack the pubes off your mom with my dick

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wouldn't it be better to get old Vicente Fox back in? At least he looks the part!

    Lol Vicente Fox is a fucking meme but he had nice bants.

    "Mexicans do jobs not even negros want to do in USA"
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  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The next step is they start eating each other, and the price of ketchup skyrockets.
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  15. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Oh oh and Obrador said he wants a "peaceful armistice" with all the cartels and corrupt people. Yeah I guess he hasn't seen those beheading videos. He's pretty much a commie.

    Anaya is a center-right wing candidate who's lived in USA with his family for decades and now wants to become president.

    Meade is the PRI candidate, which is the party that has ruled Mexico for like 80 years, and is the most corrupt party of the lot.

    There are also a few meme independent candidates, like the wife of ex-president Felipe Calderon. Yeah they tried having a woman president candidate in 2012, lol. Good luck making a country like this vote for a woman as president.
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I mean who would turn down a 9/10?
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  17. RestStop Space Nigga
    Damn. Sorry to hear all this. Apparently weed has more long term withdrawal than meth. Who would've thought.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    This is a great service and we're very lucky to have you on our forum. I'm sure many other users will be interested in your products.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Weed. Not even once.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I knew I been had sauce.. why? Cause I was fuckin on my tutor.

    no one thinks you're cool

    the wigger tryhard that comes from you stinks like shit
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