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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by HTS …Also, speckles, I'm really not bothered by the stuff people here say. My online persona practically revolves around begging for it. I am baitposting personified.

    Well, of course you're going to say that.

    *slaps table*
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Enter i can't believe that fucking whore kinkou would pose for a bikini photo like that

    oh wait yes i can

    fucking disgusting NIGGER FUCKER

    Remember when Daily made that troll thread about how you were actually hot and Kinkou instantly did a 180 on how she treated you and kept trying to talk to you etc
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Far off on the horizon
    You can barely see their torches
    But rest assured, they're out there and they're coming

    If you listen, the sound is growing nearer
    Of infantry
    Marching out a hypnotizing rhythm

    Destroying every town
    Light it up and burn it down
    You may not like it now, but this is how the story ends

    Above the ring of clashing steel
    They raise their flags of war
    A sign to all the warriors who cannot hear

    Amidst smoke of cannonballs
    They bang their drums of death
    Pound a cadence out for those who cannot see

    Destroying every town
    Light it up and burn it down
    You may not like it now, but this is how the story ends

    Poison the wells and scorch the earth
    Everything slashed and burnt
    You may not like it now, but this is how the story ends
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. I've said it before a million times, but if -SpectraL's a troll account, he's a fucking comedic genius & I'm blessed to have known him.
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  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL For this I was chosen - because I fear nothing
    With confidence I tread through the dead of the night
    Off to another war-torn, far away, battlefield
    Wherein lies a demonic enemy horde

    On this day I decide to anoint my fists
    Engaging them in the mode of power and war
    Stopping at nothing short of fulfilling my destiny
    Willing to die, and I will, after you, for what I believe

    A desperate avenger striking fear in their hearts
    Invading their dreams before the day even starts
    Wet with your blood, I sharpen my sword
    No turning the other cheek like a coward

    Come tomorrow, I may lay down and die
    But not this day
    This day we fight

    Sent on an unholy quest, to reduce all those who resist
    To the size of their shriveled up souls, and scatter them like grist
    I vanquished the strangleholds that the netherworld sets for me
    The last request of my life is to die killing my enemies

    Bathed in blood up to my horse's bridle
    It's death to retreat - there's no chance for survival
    Wet with your blood, I sharpen my sword
    No turning the other cheek like a coward

    Come tomorrow, I may lay down and die
    But not this day
    This day we fight

    Strip the fallen heroes
    Finish off the wounded
    Collect the spoils of war and send them their dead
    This day we fight

    This day we fight

    you're senile

    you don't have an argument and so you just start randomly singing lmao
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  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL I am ancient. My life has been very long. I've been from hell to heaven.

    From Zoklet to NIS?
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  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist what the fuck do you prey for?


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  8. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I can't see chromosomes, she only has hair in the right places and medical science can fix the rest.

    I just see a beautiful wife material laying in my bed right now, she is nice and warm under the blankets as im sitting here watching the sun come up.

    Shes a good girl and has always treated me right, like how I want to be treated. To me thats a lady.

    Lucy is the sweetest most kind hearted girl I ever met, not just to me but to everyone she interacts with, shes always giving homeless people cigarettes and saying stuff like "that guy looked like he really needed it" when I try to ignore those people even exist.

    She deserves to be happy and have a guy that will actually try to be with her. I feel lucky it was me.

    lol faggot
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  9. Originally posted by NARCassist yeah but dude?


    I can't see chromosomes, she only has hair in the right places and medical science can fix the rest.

    I just see a beautiful wife material laying in my bed right now, she is nice and warm under the blankets as im sitting here watching the sun come up.

    Shes a good girl and has always treated me right, like how I want to be treated. To me thats a lady.

    Lucy is the sweetest most kind hearted girl I ever met, not just to me but to everyone she interacts with, shes always giving homeless people cigarettes and saying stuff like "that guy looked like he really needed it" when I try to ignore those people even exist.

    She deserves to be happy and have a guy that will actually try to be with her. I feel lucky it was me.
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  10. Originally posted by Something Squirrel It's not even about the sex, it's more than that.

    Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and chill, watch stupid stuff with my girl, smoke weed, play video games together, listen to a podcast, cook meals for each other.

    She's just lucky she found a good old fashioned country boy out there that doesn't mind the whole tranny thing. I've dated girls my entire life, I have a kid. I'm pretty fucking normal. I just happened to be very attracted to Lucy, her charm and personality drew me in.

    I would have never even noticed she existed if it wasn't for her transitioning so I'm glad she made that choice. I think she's very brave with everything she's been through and im proud of my girlfriend and don't care what anyone says about us, She's unique and special to me.

    We hold hands in public and I treat her like a proper lady cuz she is one. Maybe it says something about the quality of females these days that the only one I found that doesn't disgust me is this 'horrible person' you all call names and like to torment.

    I just think she's more of a woman than anyone else I met since I started dating. All girls these days try to act like the guy, masculine trying to control your life and tell you what to do, it's bullshit.

    Maybe that's why I went so long without a girlfriend because I don't buy into the whole feminism check your privilege bullshit.

    I just want a woman who cooks, cleans, fucks, goes out on dates and is smart enough to understand at least half the shit I do and have some kind of life of her own and exist for more than getting pregnant and sitting at home all day with a kid.

    lol faggot
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel It's not even about the sex, it's more than that.

    Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and chill, watch stupid stuff with my girl, smoke weed, play video games together, listen to a podcast, cook meals for each other.

    She's just lucky she found a good old fashioned country boy out there that doesn't mind the whole tranny thing. I've dated girls my entire life, I have a kid. I'm pretty fucking normal. I just happened to be very attracted to Lucy, her charm and personality drew me in.

    I would have never even noticed she existed if it wasn't for her transitioning so I'm glad she made that choice. I think she's very brave with everything she's been through and im proud of my girlfriend and don't care what anyone says about us, She's unique and special to me.

    We hold hands in public and I treat her like a proper lady cuz she is one. Maybe it says something about the quality of females these days that the only one I found that doesn't disgust me is this 'horrible person' you all call names and like to torment.

    I just think she's more of a woman than anyone else I met since I started dating. All girls these days try to act like the guy, masculine trying to control your life and tell you what to do, it's bullshit.

    Maybe that's why I went so long without a girlfriend because I don't buy into the whole feminism check your privilege bullshit.

    I just want a woman who cooks, cleans, fucks, goes out on dates and is smart enough to understand at least half the shit I do and have some kind of life of her own and exist for more than getting pregnant and sitting at home all day with a kid.

    yeah but dude?

    Male definition, a person bearing an X and Y chromosome pair in the cell nuclei and normally having a penis, scrotum, and testicles, and developing hair on the face …

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  12. I bet I'm the only one awake right now.
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  13. It's not even about the sex, it's more than that.

    Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and chill, watch stupid stuff with my girl, smoke weed, play video games together, listen to a podcast, cook meals for each other.

    She's just lucky she found a good old fashioned country boy out there that doesn't mind the whole tranny thing. I've dated girls my entire life, I have a kid. I'm pretty fucking normal. I just happened to be very attracted to Lucy, her charm and personality drew me in.

    I would have never even noticed she existed if it wasn't for her transitioning so I'm glad she made that choice. I think she's very brave with everything she's been through and im proud of my girlfriend and don't care what anyone says about us, She's unique and special to me.

    We hold hands in public and I treat her like a proper lady cuz she is one. Maybe it says something about the quality of females these days that the only one I found that doesn't disgust me is this 'horrible person' you all call names and like to torment.

    I just think she's more of a woman than anyone else I met since I started dating. All girls these days try to act like the guy, masculine trying to control your life and tell you what to do, it's bullshit.

    Maybe that's why I went so long without a girlfriend because I don't buy into the whole feminism check your privilege bullshit.

    I just want a woman who cooks, cleans, fucks, goes out on dates and is smart enough to understand at least half the shit I do and have some kind of life of her own and exist for more than getting pregnant and sitting at home all day with a kid.
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  14. one time i picked up my mom and threw her across the room for being a bitch
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  15. Originally posted by Daily AKMAH

    remember when you were arabia and would hear the sand pope sing this through the mosque subwoofer 5 times a day
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  16. She also looks quite a bit like this girl

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  17. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Sophie She did post those, and she was pretty cute when she was but a wee lass. Also, i had KreepyK pictures of when she was 16 at some point during redfern. Pretty cute too.

    im not even sure if that was her real pict.
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  18. Is 45 years old with the brain of a 15 year old.
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  19. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by Daily Bitter about some kind of government fuckover, has little to strive for due to fucked up CV, acquires resources through the government that caused this fuckover in order to purchase adulterated heroin off the streets. Is conflict-averse online but more willing to bash somebody's skull in irl due to years of prison time. Happy that teenage girls stay the same age as he gets older. Dependent on pleasure, not sex or heroin. Has a decent relationship with his children but feels slightly ashamed when comparing his father-child bond to others

    Easily the most thorough and illuminating submission from this entire medical group, sorry NARC but it's true.
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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    was it the apostrophe in the word 'i'm' in my post on reddit?

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