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Posts by Purewhitepanda

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist stop fronting you fool. that shit might work with your divvy mates, i been doing this shit a long time. i've learnt a lot along the way.

    for instance did you know that before heroin leaves afganistan it is cut 30%? have a guess what they cut it with.

    if you seriously believe all the other hands it passes through only add another 40% between them then you are one gullible cunt.


    Did you know that on the East coast of or even in the whole fucking country of the U.S.A. I live in that Afgan crap heroin is rarely imported into the market because in the North East it's mainly colombian Heroin sold as to the west where it's mexican and to the south where there's a mixed of all drugs there because when being trafficked it has to come from the border of the south of U.S.A. to enter the drug Hubs used there for Logistics to go to the distributors to be handed out for whatever territory that cartel/gang has control of drug sales for whatever state/city one may live here at?
  2. Originally posted by greenplastic How does a purity test work?

    Gas chromatography machine
  3. Heroin % since hitting the street in my state in the year 2000 has risen and never went down in street level dosage % found in Heroin bags on a trafficking level of the drug sold for low level street dealers.

    I live, deal, and see it on a daily basis because i smacked certain in the epidemic for the drug being used, sold, and trafficked into for distribution through out the north east U.S.A. .
  4. Originally posted by NARCassist yeah you'd be lucky. 30% pure heroin would have even the most seasoned addicts dropping like flies. average street gear rarely comes above 5%.


    Purity levels right now for street level sold Heroin is at a average of 20-30% as of now and many new users with some Vets are dropping like flies out there sad to say and fuck from personal experience from people using drugs. You can tell them up and down don't do more then 2 bags because you will for certainty OD or worse DIE and to please just do one to see how you feel first and dose from there because i'm serious this isn't your average Heroin which still here in my city is never found lower to be then 15%pure in street form unless somebody tampered with the bag or straight ripped you off.

    As of Cocaine fuck that's at a average of 20% pure here and since it's been that shitty I haven't spent a dime on doing the shit drug. Not saying I haven't used it. Just didn't pay for it because everyone knows you never turn down free Cocaine.
  5. Originally posted by greenplastic Yea fuck quinine, I took an analogue of that for a few weeks as an anti-malaria drug. I started having really weird dreams and feeling weird during the day, sort of slightly dissociated and anxious, but different than normal. I looked up side effects online and found a shitload of worrying side effects, like permanent hair loss and brain damage or some shit. Stopped taking that trash immediately. Never got malaria either.

    Also sorry to jump the gun because i just noticed you said analogue and a few weeks ago compared to when I had to go on a tablet form for almost a month, but for me it wasn't bad and fuck if I wasn't educated about pharmacology I guess reading about Quinine would probably start to trouble me to or even give me placebo effects itself if I were to be on the drug after all the negative side effects and unwanted conditions that certain forms/analogs of the drug in certain dosages caused on consumer from drug.
  6. Originally posted by greenplastic Yea fuck quinine, I took an analogue of that for a few weeks as an anti-malaria drug. I started having really weird dreams and feeling weird during the day, sort of slightly dissociated and anxious, but different than normal. I looked up side effects online and found a shitload of worrying side effects, like permanent hair loss and brain damage or some shit. Stopped taking that trash immediately. Never got malaria either.

    Well yeah same here, but that's a totally fucking different amount level then needed that should be used to cut drugs with at a gram level and your using solid powdered form compared to the liquid, which I don't understand why you would be ingesting because the tablets aren't that bad as long as you don't let sit in your mouth and melt down.
  7. Originally posted by NARCassist because people who know wtf they're doing cut with caffeine, amateurs cut with all sorts of other fucked up shit, like tums, lol.


    Totally agreed depending for what drug and amount adding to product, but sadly i wish the statement you made was TRUE because people who know what the fuck there doing out there still put all types of crazy shit for cuts and don't think about the consequences of what there adding has a effect of on human consumers and this happening at the level of manufacturing right down to the street level seller. Also anyone who knows why I prefer quinine as a cutting agent knows what drug I'm manly informing too and is in the number Top 1-3 cuts used.

    Caffeine is actually not as of great cutting agent or common to most cuts found in all street drugs lab tested. To what a person may think? Because of it's Active and Sensitivity base starting range on the average base level content needed consumed to feel it's adverse effects it can have on someone.

    The amounts typically needed as a use of standard cutting agent in most street drugs needs to be at a almost an non active amount so people don't suffer any side effects that the active dosage levels may bring on, but as said there will always be those people out there that whatever substance used in the drug can be fatal or bring on negative unwanted effects.

    There's no reason anyone besides production and high level dealers or anyone having a pure form of whatever drug should be cutting the shit because it's people like you drugs like heroin and cocaine are on average about 30% pure but can vary wildly, whereas some ecstasy tablets may contain no actual MDMA.
  8. Originally posted by Purewhitepanda Best cut out there for any drug is quinine which is still simple to get but not as easy as it was 10 years ago when they took it off the market as a prescription drug that was used to treat muscle spasms but shit it's used in drinking water that comes out the house faucet so it's still easily available sourcing it.

    Hexamine is still pretty low risk for any unwanted effect that it could cause physical/bodily harm to anyone but still has a risk as much as any product due to everyone reacts different,[\b] but then again it might help out to someone suffering from or on the come up with having a UTI.

    Anything that you want to use for cut in any drug you want to be water soluble, low costing, doesn't react with or degrade active compound your mixing it with, or cause harm/high risk to consumer.

    Originally posted by Purewhitepanda Best cut out there for any drug is quinine which is still simple to get but not as easy as it was 10 years ago when they took it off the market as a prescription drug that was used to treat muscle spasms but shit it's used in drinking water that comes out the house faucet so it's still easily available sourcing it.

    Hexamine is still pretty low risk for any unwanted effect that it could cause physical/bodily harm to anyone but still has a risk as much as any product due to everyone reacts different,[\b] but then again it might help out to someone suffering from or on the come up with having a UTI.

    Anything that you want to use for cut in any drug you want to be water soluble, low costing, doesn't react with or degrade active compound your mixing it with, or cause harm/high risk to consumer.

    However, for the unlucky few, even the small amount of quinine in tonic water can cause thrombocytopenia (doctors call this rare occurrence a "gin and tonic purpura"). ... For the rest of us, from a health perspective, alcohol is a much more worrisome mixed-drink ingredient than tonic.
  9. Originally posted by NARCassist what you mean like..


    Some bad reactions to quinine have even been fatal. Scary, we know. But don't let that deter you from ordering a gin and tonic next time you're at the bar, because tonic water contains very low levels of quinine. ... That's right folks, not only does quinine treat malaria, but it knows how to party, too.
  10. Originally posted by RisiR † im on a pcp now so fuck that arm&hammer shit.

    hood life!

    Fix'd and don't worry I'll be your personally retarded spell checker for ya bruh
  11. Best cut out there for any drug is quinine which is still simple to get but not as easy as it was 10 years ago when they took it off the market as a prescription drug that was used to treat muscle spasms but shit it's used in drinking water that comes out the house faucet so it's still easily available sourcing it.

    Hexamine is still pretty low risk for any unwanted effect that it could cause physical/bodily harm to anyone but still has a risk as much as any product due to everyone reacts different, but then again it might help out to someone suffering from or on the come up with having a UTI.

    Anything that you want to use for cut in any drug you want to be water soluble, low costing, doesn't react with or degrade active compound your mixing it with, or cause harm/high risk to consumer.
  12. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I've heard of this before

    Yeah because it works so i've been told
  13. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I'm working on a new method that uses a pesticide sprayer for pressure.

    Didn't read through all the post but have you ever tried using a Home Made Soda Making Machine (purchased at walmart) for the Pressure?
  14. Originally posted by Juicebox I just now realized that we don't have a "users online" section anymore

    Ya I noticed that shit myself earlier this week. In a way I like it because of privacy but dislike it because it's nice to see who's around online incase your trying to drop a line to them and have no other access of communication.
  15. Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I want to interview you about it

    Me: So do you still talk to 4J?

    Terry: That's just a relationship that's ran it's course.

  16. Originally posted by Jeremus False. Do-Rite in Chicago is the greatest donut place in America.

    Also I went to a palace in Denver called Voodoo Doughnuts, it was off the chain.

    How much weed did you smoke when you ate this off the chain Doughnut?
  17. I'll explain later what happened with 4J unless someone else who knows wants to tell, but yeah in a way it's funny besides that it had to happen with me in my home and not once but twice.
  18. Originally posted by NARCassist that weren't the half of it

    there was £650 in my wallet and they put it down as £430, lol. shows the kinda cops you dealing with.


    Lol yeah i've had 2 experiences with getting robbed by cops, but both times after they took my shit they didn't charge me so in a way i wasn't too upset besides for the 2nd time having my ps3 in my car and they took that shit as well or times I was in a holding cell to get released the next day and shit i came in with was missing. That pissed me off more because that happened in the police station and have cameras and still punked me. That showed me there total fucking scum bags and corruption at it's fullest.
  19. I'm still amazed they really went through the trouble to take the time for the resin on forensic lab sheet and also gave it a Net Worth lol.
  20. Originally posted by NARCassist everything on that list was in different packages it shows the weight next to it. except some pills and the methadone which was in two bottles.

    have you noticed they fucked up the value amounts on the skunk? the one that weighed 1.34 grams they priced at £13.40, exactly at the rate of £10 per gram. yet the two that were under a gram, one just over half gram, they rounded up to £10, lol.


    Ya i have no clue sometimes where the fuck they come up with the amounts of drugs. The U.S. on the NEWS when making bust always say some crazy amount of the price of drugs seized. For example there was a bust of 10 pounds of pot the other day saying the total worth of drugs seized was $50,000.00. Even on TV shows here about drugs they do the same shit. Who the fuck comes up with these prices. Even if you got the prices from all the hands and transfers of money for the drugs it had to pass through to the street buyer. You still can't come anywhere close to that amount.
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